Taking a day off?

I've heard from different people and in different places that it actually jump starts your metabolism to take one day off from dieting every week to just eat whatever you want. While I'm not sure that i have the self-control to do this weekly and still get back on the wagon, I am wondering if it is beneficial or harmful to have blow off days. Does anyone know anything about this? Is this just a myth created by people who just want to justify what they're doing? What do you guys think?


  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I'd like to know too!!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I don't know if there is anything scientific about it,but having a "free day" or "cheat day" has been very useful to me. I don't just go crazy but thats the day I decide that it's ok to eat out or have that candy bar, or that 20oz of coke. It helps me to realize that I am not denying it to myself as well as it makes it into a little reward for all my hard work. I've been at this for like 45 days now and allow myself one day a week as a "free day" and have yet to go over on my calories.
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    I have free days too, and it helps me feel more motivated for the rest of the week. I also haven't ever been over my calorie on those days.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I do a cheat meal every Friday night. It works for me because when I am really craving something, instead of denying myself I am just putting it off until Friday. If I am craving pizza, instead of giving in, I will promise myself pizza on Friday. If on Friday I am still craving pizza I have some (within reason). Most times, when Friday rolls around, I am not craving it any more and do something healthier.

    That said...it took me a long time to get the hang of getting back on the next day. I had many times where I threw the whole weekend away once I went crazy on a cheat meal. Now it is just part of the system to me. Friday evening I do what I want, and then am right back to it on Saturday, NO EXECPTIONS.
  • lacotter
    I am not sure if it helps your metabolism or not, but I will say it does help me mentally. I usually choose Saturday, since that is the day I am usually going out to a party or dinner. I didn't add this "day off" until I had been eating "clean" and counting calories for over two weeks. I needed to feel like I was really committed first.

    It's funny though, I don't actually take the day off, I find that I still want to eat healthy, but I will usually have a glass or two of wine and a dessert. That is how I splurge.

    I was mad last week b/c I had a cupcake and it wasn't that good...it felt like such a waste, lol!

    Good luck whatever you choose to do, it is nice to have a one day break.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    I was on WW and in 9 months I lost almost 30 pounds. Every Sunday was my day off. I didn't gorge myself, but I cooked an ate things I enjoy but didn't touch all week. Example, I am Italian, and on Sundays, I made my gravy w meatballs and pasta. I ate it and loved it! I also enjoyed dessert. It seemed to work.

    I couldn't afford WW and it annoyed me how theyu change the points on things, so I stopped. Thought I had it under control. Then what???? I got lazy and gained back 15 of the 30. UGH.

    So, I am here and ready to get back on track, doing it the right way! Will I have a day off????? Yes, but not until I get used to MFP and the calorie counting.

    Good Luck!
  • Shan605
    Im not sure if there is any truth to this but i cant see it being true. The way to lose weight is to have more calories going out then coming in, period. I know when i used to do different "diets" i would always have a cheat day, which lead to a cheat lunch on this day then a cheat dinner on that day. Its just a bad idea. The great thing about MFP is that you dont need to be on a "diet" just eat what you love in moderation. I have also found that the more i eat well the more i crave healthy foods. I always heard people claim this but never believed them until i personally had those feelings. I went from thinking about mac and cheese all day to thinking about a nice yummy salad with home made dressing.

    If I were you id stay away from those cheat days, they never lead to anything good.

    Good Luck!
  • Jananilove
    taking a whole day off can end up ruining what you accomplished all week. i've recently seen it recommended to have one "cheat meal" a week, and that's supposed to help the metabolism and give you something to look forward to. i've tried the whole day thing and it just set me back several weeks in a row, so now i'm going to have only one meal one day a week where i eat what i want and see what that does...
  • amble1066
    amble1066 Posts: 4 Member
    hi all, i lost 8 stone so far,, and for the last 2 yrs i have had saturdays off,,if theres anything which i,v craved during the week then if i still want it on saturday then i will, guilt free,, tomorrow is cheese on toast for breakfast, chocolate cake at some point and then out to a party so its nibbles n wine for me,, sunday is back to what i call normal now,, so i say go for it,, if u stop losing then make it just one meal you have special,,, good luck to all xx
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Take a day off exercising. Take a meal, just a meal, off dieting. And even then be reasonable in your portions. You can erase weight loss much faster than you can achieve it. I wish the reverse was true.
  • Jananilove
    that's funny, i can so relate to the cupcake thing. i get mad when i waste my "cheat" on something that ends up being completely unsatisfying...
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I think every so often is okay and also think it depends on how much and what. Like don't sit down and eat an entire bag of chips or cookies. But you can still have a few.

    I am finding things that aren't great for you but aren't too bad. Like if I want potato chips. Fritos Corn Chips contain whole grain corn, oil and salt. That's it. Same with their whole grain Tostitos. I still look for things that have few ingredients but I don't deprive myself. And I stick with one portion.

    I do have to be careful with sugar because all it takes is one Swiss Cake Roll and I want another, and another, and so on.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Hubby and I are both eating healthier (I'm on MFP and he's on some other weight database thing) so we decide each week what we are going to have for our cheat. Not a cheat meal, just one cheat. I weigh in on Sat. morning. I used to weigh in on Fri. mornings and then totally blow Fridays. Now, because of hubby's work schedule, its easier for me to weigh in on Sat. He gets up early to teach a class on Sat. and we end up eating 3 meals. Most other days, he works 3 to 11 pm and we eat our main meal at noonish and then we both have lunch later in the day.

    We haven't decided what our cheat for this week will be. I'm not really craving anything this week. Sun, but I can't EAT that!!! lol
  • mariasheehan
    I take a day off every second week, (well I did when dieting, I'm maintaining now). But I'd still log what I ate and didn't go crazy, would only go over by 500 max. Still lost those weeks.

    Hope this helps. M
  • tammysjunkk
    Hi there!

    I read on Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program that doing a zig zag on calories does help the metabolism cus it prevents your body going into starvation mode, not sure if that really helps with your question. I do take a day off during the week I just make sure I don't go over my calories, since I really overdid it once and paid the price :(
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I have a free meal on Friday, however I usually exercise longer and make sure that I still stay within my calorie range, sodium is another thing however.
  • akakris04
    I really like the idea of having a cheat meal once a week. I can see how it might be easy to undo all that I have done throughout the week by having an entire cheat day. Thanks for everyone's responses! It really helps to know that a lot of other people have been doing this and that it works for them.