Loosing taste for meats...

Hi. Since I have been really eating healthy, I sorta went all in and removed processed foods, as many preservatives as possible, nooo sugar (and artificial sweeteners will kill you), but any way, I love getting my protein from beans, and yogurt, I still like fish, but I am really not liking the taste of red meat, pork or chicken. What is up with that, any clue??


  • flossicle
    I've gone the opposite way, i don't eat red meat during the week and by the weekend i crave it.. i used to be a vegetarian and am appaled @ how much i crave chicken now :huh:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Meats generally require more sodium and preservatives. Maybe you are more sensative to the tastes of these now.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    I am experiencing the same problem so sick of chicken chicken chicken lol
  • monstertwelve
    thats awesome!!!
    cant tell you why your not wanting it...but i can tell you that you will be saving tons of animals by not eating them!!!:bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Perhaps now that you are eating unprocessed foods, your tastebuds are clean again and meat is just not as appetizing as before. I had 2 surgeries this past summer and when I was done, my sense of taste was all wonky. Its come back somewhat now but there are still things I used to eat that I just cannot now- raw onion, cucumbers, sodas of any kind---in the back of my throat they taste like car exhaust smells! As long as you get enough protein from other sources, I wouldn't worry about it. Just changing tastes.
  • cflexen
    I agree w/ Meg...I think that it depends what kind of meats you buy..and how many preseratives, hormones, sodium, and many any fillers...soo much of the meats out there are soo unhealthy and have waaaay to many additives...it can be ur bodies natural way of Saying "No, that stuff is no good for me!" I have tried to buy organic and stuff that has no additives..also my Mom works for a food company and she has been hooking us up with the meats she gets which are organic, the animals are corn fed, have none of the bad junk but it could also just be ur taste buds changing..I read that ur taste buds change every 7 yrs...(just a thought)...As for processed foods Its been over 2 + weeks that I have not had any fast food!!!! Yay Me!! I used to eat fastfood at least 2x a week before and I really dont miss it now...even more than that I am amazed at how much money we save eating at home and that is a BIG plus!!!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    My freezer's full of beef and pork I raised myself this summer, having been "spoiled" eating those I do find it hard to go back to the store-bought industrial meat where a ground beef pack can have meat from numerous animals, used to really enjoy a fried bologna sandwich but now that holds no interest either.
    I was leaning towards raising my own meat with all the recalls we had of meat products from seemingly "hundreds" of companies that was all sourced at one processing plant just with different companies labels stuck on the pack. Least I know what mine were given. And my cows weren't corn-fed, they were grass-fed, as they were intended to be :)