master procrastinator!

i have always been a procrastinator and i am having a hard time breaking that habit. so i need some ideas on how to stop! my job is an on call basis and my hours are all over so its hard to get into a routine. i also have 2 kids and a husband that works shift work. any ideas?:sad:


  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Here is what I find....When I procrastinate I tend to do it with nearly everything I do...I end up playing catch up all over the place...Best I can come up with is to try to slowly change the habit at first to doing things ON TIME ...then eventually IN ADVANCE...

    What specifically is the thing you are procrastinating on that is bugging you?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm a major procrastinator too. The best way to stop procrastinating is to literally, stop procrastinating. As your job requires you to be on call, do some on-call workouts. Even if they're short bursts of activity, cardio is cumulative, so doing 15 minutes here and there, still add up in a day. Like whenever you have free time, do some calisthenics since those can be done just about anytime of the day, anywhere [depending on your security in a social aspect]. Lunges, squats, jumping jacks, plyometric routines jack up the HR pretty quick and burn a significantly higher amount of calories than doing a long routine.

    Personally, I'm just as demanding with my life as life is demanding with me. Any way, shape, or form, I'll do it.

    Now go out there and just get it done to the best of your ability.
  • Crazyjro
    Crazyjro Posts: 20 Member
    well i don't like getting up so i leave it to the very last minute and working out are my big ones.
  • Crazyjro
    Crazyjro Posts: 20 Member
    thats a good idea i always think i need at least an hour and then i put it off until i run out of time!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Set an alarm on your phone and then try to stick to it, no snoozing....LOL

    Changing takes time, one step at a time and you will get there. I know I suffer from this sometimes too!