How public are you regarding your dieting?

I'm just wondering who here is public about their dieting/weight-loss efforts to the general public. I feel really uncomfortable talking about my weight/dieting with people (friends, family, etc.), but at the same time feel like having people around me know would put a little pressure on me to actually follow through (lol - is that masochistic?).. So yeah, how open are you guys with people you see day-to-day about your weight loss? Do you find that it feels better to lean one way or the other?


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Very public! Just throw it all out there! :laugh:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I tell everybody so that they can remind me when I'm about to mess up!

    The only time I could really do some damage to my diet is if I'm completely alone, which is almost never!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I am public to a degree - I openly tell people I'm going walking every morning and that I'm trying not to eat too much.
    I don't tell anyone (including myself) that I'm on a diet, that is just counterproductive to me.
    I tell my husband that I'm being careful how much I'm eating and drinking.
    People don't need/want details, I think that's enough.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Very public! I think really only strangers don't know hehe. And even that's not completely true because I a blog of my own that anyone could visit.

    Being open about it has been really positive so far. I've had multiple people tell me I've inspired them!
  • itskristina
    itskristina Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not public at all about it. Once in awhile I might make a comment about this website to somebody or ask another family member about food choices, but as far as working out and dieting I keep to myself. I just try to choose better and watch what I eat. If somebody asks me about it I tell them that. I don't want to start talking about it with people just because when people talk about it with me I get bored listening or don't really have anything to add to the conversation (I know, that sounds rude).
  • ReadyMom
    I told myself I wouldn't say anything until people started noticing I was losing weight which happened for the first time at -22 lbs. People started asking what I was doing so I have led a handful of people here and now they are losing weight too.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Everyone at work knows what I'm doing. Also, MFP updates my Facebook page so my family all over the country knows too! It's very helpful in keeping me in line.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Everyone I know is on the bandwagon...I am in a pre-op weight loss course before surgery and one of the first things they discuss is who you have for support and who will sabotage it...

    In my opinion if I tell everyone then I have a lot of people supporting my loss and helping me get on track if I fall off.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I answer questions if I am asked. I even take my protein shakes with me to lunch on days when my family is eating out, which is only about once a week. Otherwise I make lunch everyday for all of us.

    When I do go out to eat I usually look up the menu ahead of time to decide what to eat so I can make an informed choice before I get there and I usually ask for a box a soon as the food is served and box up half and put it away so I don't overeat. Unless we are taking about something like an Applebees 550 Calorie meal those are fairly small.

    I just say I am eating better to live longer and counting my calories w/MFP and many of my friends have joined too.

    Good Luck!
  • ParadiseLuxe
    I share my weight and the complete struggle with my mother, but I'm only partially public with the rest of it. I've made it known I intend to lose weight and what I'm giving up and what my general goals are and I feel that it's helping me stay on track. How embarrassing would be to talk about how proud I was of myself and then totally fail?! Haha. I've gotten a lot of support from family and friends too which is amazingly helpful. This is the one time I feel I can actually do it!
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    I have a circle of friends I rely on to keep myein order. I text them if I slip up, when I weigh in, when I am craving something...sometimes telling someone you want to eat crap makes you realize that it is just an impulse that will go away!
  • boku70
    boku70 Posts: 80
    I've grappled with the same thing, and am walking kind of a middle road...

    It's obvious to everyone I work with that I've gotten really active: I've gone from being a lazy you-know-what to keeping my bike in my office and riding an hour every day. I've also been Facebooking the rides.

    Apart from that, I'm on a medically-supervised program (HMR). I don't go out of my way to hide it, but I don't go around advertising that I'm on it, either. If it's relevant, it's relevant (for example, if someone asks if I'm on a diet/what kind of diet, I'll answer forthrightly).

    Fundamentally, this is a personal thing that I'm working on, so it deserves discretion; but it's not a shameful thing that I feel I need cover up.
  • KokomoJoe
    I am not on a diet, I severely cut back on my drinking and started eating clean, healthy and raw where possible. It was a lifestyle change not a diet. If someone asks about me losing weight I will tell them but I certainly don't have MFP updating facebook.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I let it be known to everyone everywhere without having to say much. They usually see what I'm eating now vs. what they used to see me eat and what I looked like before, then they don't really question it except if I'm on drugs or not. Lol.

    To strangers, they don't question it either, because...well, they're strangers. WTF are they so concerned about with what's on my plate? So what if I'm eating a salad with dressing on the side and a baked cod? They can keep right on enjoying that delicious plate of lasagna, fettucine alfredo, and chili cheese fries with ranch dripping off the side. I know what it tastes like. I'm good.
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    I'm not public at all except on MFP.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Since joining MFP last October I've become pretty public about it. Once I saw that I really was going to the gym, was watching my calories, was making better food choices and was having some success I started talking about it more. I update my friends on facebook periodically and they're all very supportive. I'm sure a lot of them didn't really notice how overweight I was/am because I hide it well and know how to dress. And a lot of the pictures of myself were taken while I was pregnant, so it's easy to forgive the weight in those pictures.

    I don't expect anyone else to give me motivation or to keep me accountable. It actually makes me angry when my husband asks if I'm going to the gym, etc. This is my issue to deal with and I'm doing it. I like the support I get here and the congratulations I get from my family and friends. But that's all I need from them.
  • jenrios23
    Everyone that I work with knows what I'm doing because I manage a fast food restaurant and have to bring my own food to work everyday. Most of my family knows and asks about my progress and if I'm still doing it. It is great to have everyones support and people to turn to. I also have a few friends that go to the gym with me so that we are not working out alone. It gives you the motivation to have another person working with you!
  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    Being small and dieting for medical reasons I don't let people know most of the time because I have had a life time of hatred thrown at me for being small and not needing to lose weight. Evidently it is simple to gain weight however I am yet to find someone who can tell me how I can gain without eating very unhealthy and fattening foods or highly processed supplements (both of which I'm not allowed)

    Being small you start to be an outsider as a teenager as you can't possibly know what it is like to have 'a fat day' or not fit into your jeans or 'does my bum look big in this is?'

    It is much easier to keep quiet and not get the nasty and snide comments.

    BTW small people put on weight and grow out of their jeans too, going from an 8 to a 12 is the same as going from a 14 to an 18 it is just that people think you should be in a 12 to start with.
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    I have the same concern. There are a few close friends and family that I share with. They are supportive and keep me motivated. But it is not public knowledge. i.e the entire office does not know. I have a hard time sharing. I do not want an unsolicitated remark about what worked for them or any comments when we are at lunch or have treats in a morning meeting. Often people are well meaning but their messages can seem like a backhanded compliment. I do welcome all compliments all the time as they might notice my new improved figure.
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    I only talk about it if people ask me... My wife and close friends support me... But I'm doing it for me this time so I'm not worried what they think