Sudden loss

I was holding or seeing small loses then all of a sudden I dropped three pounds in a couple days. I was not under my calories, in fact I had fast food for lunch and dinner after a bigger than usual breakfast. I am bracing for a rebound gain, but really motivated to not cause it to happen.

But I'd like to figure out why it happened.


  • angelabf
    Sometimes when you've been eating within or below your calories and you go over your calories for a few days (not excessively) it will actually spur your weight loss. A lot of people do this when they are at a plateau and cant seem to lose any more.... Congrats!
  • Mjanegranger
    Mjanegranger Posts: 29 Member
    I showed a friend of mine my food log and she told me that I was not eating enough calories and causing my body to think it was in the starvation mode. Since then I have increased my calories and increased my exercise and now am loosing weight once again. So maybe that is what happened for you. Sometimes we have to trick our bodies by increasing our calories just for a day or meal once in awhile. Good luck to you on loosing weight.
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    Could be specific foods you are eating, or lower sodium causing you to NOT retain water as much...
    Check out my post about certain foods!
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    I always have a big loss after my cheat day, don't really know why but I will take it :tongue:
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    I did move my calorie goal from 1800 to 1500, but was barely staying within that, or even going over. I'm trying to pay extra attention to not going over to hopefully make this loss "stick".
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    It might just be the way your body loses weight. I never ever lose a steady 1lb a week... It'll be more like I hover at a certain weight for weeks, then lose like 3-4lb in a day or two. Then hover around my new weight for a few weeks again and the process just repeats itself! That's why I generally tend to only weigh myself every couple of weeks, because I know I won't see losses for some time!
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you. Knowing I'm "normal", well better said knowing that others lose weight the same way I seem to be is comforting.