I hate being the fat kid in gym class

tpelaez Posts: 15 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I took my first kickboxing class today. All last semester I took dance, and was the fat kid there, and it didn't really help me lose weight (it did make me more bendy and gain some muscle strength, though). So I bought a Groupon for a local kickboxing place and it was a good workout, but I just felt really judged by the instructors and the other people in the class for being so fat and out of shape. I don't know, I just couldn't handle how fast the workout was, I've been going at my own pace and working out on my own since summer. I had gained 40 lbs between last October (2009) and now, because of various meds I was on and not too much activity (before I relied on my metabolism to deal with my weight, but that kind of went out the window with the meds). I just feel like I want to start over again and become a person. But until then I just want to hide and not let anyone see me ever, because I'm too gross to exist.


  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in college and I workout at my school's rec center. 99.6% of the people who work out there are super athletic. I always get looks even blatant stares from people when I'm working out-whether I'm running on the treadmill (which I do, often) or in a body combat or spinning class. Initially they look at me like "what is she doing here?" and then in a few minutes when they see me in action they're like "how did SHE do that?" It's always funny to me.

    In all seriousness, you're doing what you need to do for yourself. If ANYONE should be in that workout class, it's you. People should applaud you for getting yourself on track, not stare. Unfortunately, they don't really understand that. Haters gotta hate. But if people give you weird looks, I say give them weird looks right back and then continue handling your business. Usually, unless noted, most workout classes are for all levels and customizable to your fitness level, you should always try to talk to the instructor before hand to figure out ways to modify the more challenging parts of the workout.

    Don't hide! Workout proudly and know that you are taking care of yourself and doing what's right for you!!!! Focus on how you can get the best workout for yourself rather than how you may look to others. After a while, they'll be eating your dust in the workout class.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    ohh hunny :( You're beautiful. You're not gross.
    This site really helps :) i've only been doing this for 5 days, but by watching my calorie intake and exercising, i feel great. I know that i'm not going to lose the 45 pounds i want to lose in a couple weeks, i know its going to take me many months.
    I too was the fat kid in gym class, but i just proved them wrong, and worked hard.
    I've only really gained weight from over eating, and when i started the birth control pill i know i gained a good 10-15 pounds.. but i know other people in my life who are taking medications like anti-depressants who gained a lot of weight and i know it can be hard.

    All i can say is try and stick to calorie counting, try hard in classes who cares what others think! You need to stay motivated and determined to get in shape and thats all that matters!

    If your feeling a little down because you can't keep up, i'd suggest maybe working out in the gym setting but just not in a class for now, or even getting a personal trainer to help you.

    Add me as a friend hun, i'd love to be a friend to you on your journey :)
  • You should be so proud of yourself for going and completing the first class. Just keep it up. Hold your head high and be proud of yourself for talking this huge step. Next class make sure you are there to welcome any neebies and offer them your support. Remember they were in your shoes for their first class too.
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    I'm saddened to know that you think you shouldn't exist. If the world were to stop and have a "reality check" we'd all be aware of the fact that there are more people in this world who wouldn't be eligible for a sz 00 modeling gig than we think. Unfortunetly our minds are so powerful, we can make ourselves believe anything. I can guarantee you people are not staring at you thinking what you think.... in all honestly, WE are worried more about what people think about us. It is such an evil trick our brain has learned. Don't ever think you shouldn't be here, because you are here for a reason. It may take many years to know what that reason is, but trust me, there is one. Stay positive, and make sure you log in to MFP if you ever need support, or a shoulder to cry on. We are all in the same boat (wether it be 5 lbs or 250 lbs) we all understand.
  • Aw babe, don't say that. I know how you feel. I just recently started working out at my schools gym and I feel like I'm surrounded by built ppl and I'm the fat girl. But what you have to think is that if you continue you will lose weight and you won't be that fat girl anymore. You may actually be the skinny girl at the gym :)
  • literaryshots
    literaryshots Posts: 66 Member
    Hang in there. Sadly we know how people like to judge. You need an partner in crime so that you don't feel alone. That made a difference for me.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Please don't hide. Part of being successful is changing what is going on in your head wanting to hide is "fat girl" thinking. If you want to make a long lasting change, you do what is best for you. So if you enjoy the kickboxing, go back go at your own pace. Screw anybody who is judging you. You are not there to become best friends eith annyone,, focus on yourself and no one else.

    When I started losong, walking into thegym a 444 lbs was so hard. I could only do 5 minutes on the treadmill or 2 minutes on the elliptical. I got a lot of looks as I huffed and puffed and sweat like a pig. But I wanted to change my life. So I went back - again and again and again. On Monday I did 65 minutes on the elliptical, followed by 45 minutes on the treadmill, then 30 minutes of strength training. Now when I see a big girl timidly entering the gym and eyeing the equipment, I ake a point of welcoming her.

    Keep at it. This will get more comfortable (not necessarily easier, but who wants an easy workout). Good luck!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    God bless you honey. Everyone starts somewhere. If you're not comfortable in classes, there are dvds you can do at home. There's also the Couch to 5 K program you can do on your own. I was in horrible shape when I started last year. Everything made me breathless. I just got some Richard Simmons dvds and worked out at home until I built up my stamina. Now I can do all sorts of exercises without getting breathless. Don't let what you're feeling stop you from accomplishing your goal.
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