How often do you weigh yourself?



  • shelbyj72
    shelbyj72 Posts: 184 Member
    I weigh-in every Thursday. I use to get on the scale everyday I have gotten better with it and now I am down to once or twice a week. If you stick to a weigh in day that will help you.
  • eteezie
    eteezie Posts: 20 Member
    My original plan was to weigh myself every 3 days...because I'm nosy. LOL But I just started this week, and I missed the 3rd day, so um...yeah. I'm more concerned right now in how my clothes fit.
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    I weigh myself every morning after I pee. (sometimes you pee more than other times right?? the "lighter" the better)
    I have a digital scale that shows to the .pound what I lose.

    I remember seeing that I lost .2 pounds....yes you read right. point-two pounds. haha.. It inspired me to do the right thing. Over the next couple of days it had dropped another pound! So far I've lost 1.2 pounds in 5 days! It's so encouraging to see to the decimal what you lose daily (if you do) that you want to eat right and exercise for the day to see it drop even more the next day! Buy a good scale and weigh in the same place in your house. (No leaning!! that's cheating! :bigsmile: )
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    every morning. Helps keep me on track.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    every morning, but i only log on Mondays
  • Everyday all day long!!! I can't help it I am addicted and I don't care. It is working for me and that is all that matters!! :)
  • i weigh myself every monday
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    everyday usually
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    I had to break my habit of weighing in every morning because it was becoming too frustrating! Now I wait until Friday morning. This week I was perfect...exercising every day and resisting all temptation (even today's Dessert Buffet at my school!) I dropped .8 lbs this week......I'm determined to be steadfast!!
  • I weigh every morning. I just want to stay on top of where I'm at. :tongue:
  • Once per week on Wednesday mornings.

    I don't own a scale, so I use the one at the gym. I think if I owned a scale, I'd obsess and be on it every single day. Having to weigh myself in public at the gym keeps my obsessing to a minimum.

    I also do it at the same time under the same circumstances:

    An hour after I've had my protein shake for breakfast.
    In same workout clothes and same shoes.
    After I've peed.

    That way, I minimize a few variables. Sorry if that's TMI.
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    Saturday morning .. first thing when I get up.
  • I weigh every night and every morning. I do it at night so I will know how much I will weigh in the morning. It's a little obsessive, but stopping isn't really an option for me.
  • Every morning. And usually every night too. I like to know how much I'm fluctuating throughout the day... sometimes it's 2-3lbs.
  • Every day I go to work... which is anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week.

    I also log my weight any time I see a definite difference.
  • Every morning for myself and every Friday for the Biggest Loser competion at work.
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    I've successfully broken the habit of weighing in every morning! For the past 3 weeks I've held out until Friday mornings and I'm much happier! No more frustrations over daily slight losses or gains of a few ounces! Last week I was a bit frustrated over my weekly progress but my diligence paid off and yesterday I weighed in at 2 lbs less! WHOOO HOOOO!!!
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Every 3 or 4 days. A week is a little too long for me to wait; a little more frequently helps me make sure nothing crazy is going on!
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    While I take my "official" weight on Friday mornings, I usually do hop on the scale a few times a week. Right now it doesn't mess with my head but if it starts to, I'll dial that back.
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I have a bad habit of weighing in every day, I only log it once a week on Friday. I'm doing a weigh challange now but once it is over I plan to get rid of the scale for a few months.
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