
I was three lbs away from my ultimate goal weight. Then, Superbowl Sunday came around and I blew it at a party. From there, I went into a feeding freenzie and when I weighed in on Thursday, I was up 23 lbs from the week before. OMG I totally screwed up. I started back on track this past Thursday by going to the gym and eating better. WTF is wrong with me? I feel like such a failure. I no sooner bought and took the tag off new clothes then BAM! It has been harder than I thought going back to the gym. Mostly because the weight gain has to be noticeable, and there were people there pre-freeding freenzie who were complimenting me. I think about all the hard work I did, and how I undid a whole hell of a lot of it in just 4 days! I didn't think that was even humanly possible. I've let everybody down, especially myself. I'm feeling very depressed right now, and I was thisclose to just throwing in the towel altogether, but I stayed strong. I'm trying to analyze this. There's got to be some psychological reason why I sabotaged myself.

Well, what's done is done. I am back on track now, and I will NEVER do this again. All that food was sooo not worth it! Now, I am reflecting and trying to learn a lesson from all of this.

1) I have NOT conquered my food addiction.

2) What can I do to prevent this in the future?

I pretty much went around eating all the crap I have been depriving myself of for over a year. I haven't decided on the frequency, but I'm thinking I should pick a day where one meal (not goring myself sick the entire day) is what ever I want, but I'll still budget it calorie wise. What do you guys think? I'm thinking maybe once a month, or every other month, or every three months.

I must say I am totally embarrassed by this. All I want to do is hide. I'm tired. I think all that crap is still lurking in my body. I need to find something that can suck in my gut so I can wear my new suits to work. Wish me luck. Thanks for reading.


  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I dont think you gained 23 pounds in 4 days, it must be water or a bad scale reading because that would mean you would have had to eat an average of 20,125 calories ABOVE your maintenance to gain that much poundage of fat...dont flip out so much, just keep trying. Everyone falls off the bandwagon every so often, dont take what the scale says to heart. Just keep living a healthy lifestyle and never give up, even if you have a break from it every now and then.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    To gain 23 pounds in a 4 you would have had to have eaten 25000 calories a day, or about 20 pounds of Mc Donalds cheeseburger a day. Unless you did that, you didn't gain 23 pounds in 4 days.

    My guess? Broken scale. if it isn't that, maybe your body has some issue with storing food and isn't able to process it properly. If that's the case, you might want to get checked by a doctor.

    There is absolutely no way otherwise you gained 23 pounds in 4 days.
  • ReikiLady
    Hi Mrsmojo:
    Try not to be too hard on yourself! While 23 lbs in 4 days is astronomical, it's not unheard of! I can gain that much just LOOKING at decadent foods ... well, not REALLY, but pretty close. Try not to beat yourself up and just climb right back into the driver's seat! Only YOU are responsible for what you put into your mouth ... and YOU are in control :) That's makes me feel less powerless when I say it to myself frequently.

    Good luck!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Have you joined either of the Binge Eating threads that have been floating around here?

    This one for instance:

    And I also make daily goals for myself, so if you want join that thread (it's in my signature).

    That's what helps me.
  • jadedjade24
    I am SO sorry to hear this! but, this is what I think. When your body is really REALLY craving something, have it. If you are craving bread, have some. Pasta, go for it. But watch the calories. When your body wants something, it will tell you. And when you need it, for lack of having as much as it needs, it will really let you know. Today, I had a huge carb craving while I was having dinner, So, I had 2 small sticks of pizza bread. Sure, its high in carbs and calories, but I didnt go over with it.

    I think you should do once a month, have a meal that you have been craving, but watching the intake. and if you go a little over, workout a little harder in the gym the next day. we all slip up, tonight I had more liquor than I should have. I know I did, but its my birthday on monday and was celebrating early with my fiance and 2 friends. So, when I go to the gym I will work a little more than anyother day to help burn the extraz I had today. thts the only way I can feel good about it.

    Not saying that this is good advice, but its the only advice I got. Remember your goal, and remember to listen to your body. It always tells you when it needs something.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    That seems like a lot in such a short amount of time. Have you checked with other scales to make sure it really is right? I suspect some of it is inflated as water weight due to the sodium in your frenzy. Do your clothes fit like before? I hope I'm not making you feel worse by asking these questions, but I guess I want you to be sure that it's real weight before you beat yourself down.

    When I went to a friend's weekend wedding in LA, I ate a lot and when I weighed myself I had gained 5 pounds. But since that weight came so quickly, it was mostly gone after an equal number of days of good eating and exercising.

    In a way this is a good reminder that this is a lifestyle change and it takes effort to maintain. That effort is easier when you get to have some of the things you love. I have a treat rule that goes like this-- one treat per day, no more than one of that kind of treat per week, no rollover treats. You do have to decide what counts as a treat. So for me this week I had cherry pie on Wednesday and a spoonful of marshmallow cream today. I only use it when I need it, but it makes me less guilty about it. Anyway, you've done it once, you can totally do it again. It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, it only matters that you pick yourself back up and you keep going.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I agree.
    No way you've put that on without some serious eating way above and beyond possibility!
    Get a new scale :O)
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I would say that you are retaining a massive amount of water, probably from eating a lot of sodium in junk food. Its highly unlikely..infact metabolically impossible to convert enough calories to fat in 4 days to put on 23lbs..the body does not work that way!!! You can have around 7lbs of sugar stored in your body and up to 7lbs of water...if you add to that another 3-4lbs of food in the system..as it were LOL.........that probably leaves you with only about 2 - 4 lbs of actual fat being laid away....so stop panicking..learn the lesson..get back on your healthy diet & exercise regime..and DON'T weigh yourself until after at least a week of healthy intake...then you will know the TRUE result of your binge!!
  • lulu64uk
    If ever you feel the urge again, make a mental note to come back and read this thread.......think most of us have been there, I know I have been (several times)

  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Are you sure???? :huh:

    23lb in fat = 80.500 calories

    That means you would have had to eat in excess of 20.000 calories a day!!! :noway:
  • mrsmojo82
    mrsmojo82 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you for the support everyone. Yes, unfortunately, I am sure it's 23 lbs. 23.2 to be exact. And, no my clothes do not fit the same anymore. I had an issue with lose skin on my stomach, thighs, and back. Well, it's all filled out now. lol

    It's gotten a little better.

    Lemme see if I can remember all that I ate.
    Superbowl Sunday: 2 slices of pizza, one dipped in ranch, countless buffalo wings, more than one helping of brownies and two other kinds of cake, lots of fruits and veggies (yay), egg rolls, cinnamon roll (small piece), two hand fulls of mini candies, pan-set (I'm sure I didn't spell it right. It's a Filipino dish) Filipino menudo, and countess chips. They were the several hot kind. Hot fritos, hot cheetos, hot doritios

    Then, on Monday, I did OK until around 11 p.m. I had some almonds and yogurt. Then, I don't know what happened, I just went crazy! I had three yougurts, at least 4 granola bars and 4 fiber one bars, 2 servings of pretzels, honey, agave syurp, peanut butter and jelly with animal crackers, and pork rinds.

    Tuesday, I did OK until it came time for dinner. I had a kiddie ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins, orange chicken, chow mein, and two egg rolls, a 3 piece chicken tender from Carls Jr, a like size ice cream from Cold Stone, a small hot chocolate from Starbucks, a cookie from Jama Juice (it was nasty), and a big bowl of frozen yogurt with candy toppings.

    Wednesday at work I had a philly cheese steak sandwich with steak fries, bbq ranch dressing and an ice cream cone, granola bar, bag of famous amous cookies. For dinner, I had a large plate of nachos with carnitas and nacho cheese sauce, sour cream, guacamole. Then, I had a small mint oreo cookie shake and mini funnel cake from Jack N the Box. Then, I went to a friends house and raided her pantry with what sweets she had. Plus a small bowl of Special K cereal.

    Thursday, I went back on track.

    So....still think it's impossible?? lol
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I still think its impossible, that's not all fat, even if a couple pounds of it are. Just eat healthy for a week and see how it goes. Water, sugar and *ahem* waste can weigh alot! Its not always fat you see on the scale, which is why i have a body percentage calculator. If you have trouble binging, try to make sure you're getting banced and healthy meals, as sometimes binging is your body reacting to too much restriction, or if it needs a certain vitamin or mineral you havent been getting. But alot of it is self control. Those bad-for-you foods arent going ANYWHERE, trust me. Its ookay to have one treat when you think you deserve it, for real. Make sure there's a reason, and make sure that there's always moderation..have sherbert instead of icecream, etc. Good luck!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    try changing the batteries in your scale
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I'm not convinced either.
    It can't be fat weight.
    Has to be water or waste as mentioned.
    I'd be willing to bet it's almost gone in a week if you eat properly, exercise and keep drinking water.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    There is no way all that add up to the calories needed to put on 23 pounds of fat. However, they are all salty and you can easily hold 10 or more pounds of water because of sodium. I know because when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure they put me on a diuretic and in a few days with no diet change I lost 10 pounds. All that was water retained because of sodium. I am guessing you probably gained 5-6 pounds and the rest is water retained from sodium and other stuff. Get back on the healthy eating pattern, really watch your sodium intake and try to keep it under 1500mg a day, at least for now, and drink lots of water. You will find the weight will come off fairly quickly I am thinking.
  • LonnaRox
    LonnaRox Posts: 38 Member
    Wow. That's painful. Thank you for sharing. I'm happy to hear you are back on track. You WILL figure it out!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I dont believe it either. 10 pounds maybe, no way 22. I am sure alot of that is water retention too since you ate alot of high salt foods. now is the time to get back on track!!!:wink: it sounds like you need to stop eating out!!! If you have trouble binging, you should not have the food available in the house!!!! Good luck!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    might you think of talking to a doctor? I have gained 9lbs in a week before due to over indulging, but 23lb in 4 days is quite worrying i think : (
  • jlorton82
    Omgosh I totally know how you feel! Lucky for you though, because it was a gorging type of situation most of that weight is probably from the high sodium in the foods you were eating and if you stay on track and drink tons of water a lot of it will go away on its own. I have a food addiction too and it is always a struggle. I dont know how to get past it and I LOVE food of all kinds. Its the hardest when everyone around me is eating stuff that I want, for example my hubby brings home cookies for my kids tonight, I could have devoured every single one and i would have hated myself for it but if it wasnt for the embarrassment of seeing them watch me do it, i wouldnt have been able to turn it away. When Im alone with bad foods its nearly impossible for me to stay away and I have moments where I have gorged too. I gained 6lbs in one week eating tons of fatty foods and felt horrible for weeks after and never could seem to get back on track. I am right where you are, no idea how to conqour this mess that ive made! I am glad to see im not the only one and hopefully we can both be back on track and fix this! hang in there girl!
  • jlorton82
    I read what you ate and I am 100% sure that you have gained some weight back due to that but also....all of that stuff you mentioned is loaded with sodium, im talking an abnormal deadly amount of sodium. You gotta watch your salt intake for sure!