Got Twins?!

iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
Hey friends. I just realized how many of us probably have a set of twins.

We may as well unite and make friends to help us stay healthy in addition to having the common anomaly of twins!
So if you know what it is like to have twins, feel free to post and chat. I will start.

I am Emily, I am 28 and I have one year old 'honeymoon' twins. A boy and a girl, named Ryah and Luca. They are a handful, but very sweet. One of my biggest 'twin peeves' is when people ask if they are identical, even knowing they are a boy and a girl. I guess it's an innocent mistake, but still makes me laugh every time.


  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    I am Becca. I am 29 with three year old boy/girl twins. They were very unexpected as I was on the pill at the time. We also have a 6 year old boy that is in kinder this year. My husband is a coach and I am a teacher in a small town in Texas. We are extremely busy but we love life. I completely understand the identical question. I never get that question anymore though because Kimbree is two inches taller than Kasch now and weighs five lbs more. They are so fun to watch now. Completely different personalities. I love the quote- "Interested in wildlife? Have twins!" That's hilarious.
    Thanks for sharing.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    We had that pill problem too, which is how we ended up with honeymoon babies in the end. Woops.
    I imagined that as they get older people will think they are different ages, especially because we can tell he is going to be very big and tall and and she is so petit and small.
  • My name is Sherri and my boy/girl set just turned 11. Their names are Daniel and Jordan. I hated that ridiculous question too! My middle daughter (age 4 when the twins were born) would answer people by saying "No, one has a penis"!! That usually got them! I have 5 children total - one stepson who is 25, two daughters, 18 and 15, and the twins. I always say that if the twins would have come first, they would have been the only ones! But, I love having twins. Every stage is different but fun!
  • Hi! I'm Lili, and umm...40. We have five kids, and our twins are in the middle at age 5. Alex and Amelia (b/g)..We've never really gotten the question about them being identical because he was always so much bigger than her-and now it's really obvious. They are a trip compared to the other three. Our kids are 10, 7, 5, 5, and 2. The baby was an attempt at a little sister. Nope. Four boys and one girl. I tell you, these two can tear up a room faster than our older boys ever could. Crazy. They are fun to watch interact and consider each other their best friends. Very sweet.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm Angela, I'm 25 and I have boy/boy twins. There is a lot of speculation about whether or not they are identical. My first OB said he was 98% sure they were identical. My second OB says they are fraternal. For fraternal twins, they look almost exactly alike :P. People outside of family always ask me "wow, how do you tell them apart?" hahaha! I always say "...and apparently they are NOT identical?"

    My twins are the exact same height, at EVERY SINGLE weigh in, they have been 1oz apart (even since birth), they have the same heart murmur, they also suffer from the same disease (Cystic Fibrosis). They both have brown hair, brown eyes. Oddly enough, they poop at exactly the same times, eat at the same time, sleep at the same time, and (this is weird) their bowel movements look & smell the exact same... every single time. WEIRD!!! lol :)

    I'm going with my first OB and saying that they are identical, lol
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I have actually used the 'yeah, they are identical, except one has a penis' before! HAHAH!!! Having a 4yo say it had to be so hilarious!!!
  • alaird16
    alaird16 Posts: 1 Member
    How funny! I have twin boys that are 4. They are fraternal and are great!! But, I'm on the fitness pal to get my mommy body back into shape!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh man, We don't wanna forget about our Triplet moms out there too! I should have said 'got multiples' because I know there are several folks on here with trips or more!!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    My name is Randee I am 36 years old from Wyoming. I have 4 boys....Kolten is 13.....Kauy 11....and twins Kamden and Kaden 6 year old Fraternal twins. The twins were very unexpected for us as I had a tubal pregnancy between my two older boys and I was also on the birth control patch when I got pregnant with them. Can't imagine my life without them for sure. Having a set of twins is the hardest, funniest, two-fold experience you could have. My twins are the best of friends but can fight so viciously with each other. They spoke their own language when they were younger and just have that inner twin compassion for one another that just can't be explained unless you are a twin I suppose. Love all my boys and they keep my house in controlled chaos mode at all times. I have to say when they were babies it would be so hard to sneak into a store with them so I always had hubby go with me to push them in the stroller so he would get mauled by all the ladies and their twin questions. 1 time I was with my mom and some lady said oh are they identical I said no they have different fathers:laugh: the look on her face was priceless:noway: and I had a really good laugh:laugh: .
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I'm Angela, I'm 25 and I have boy/boy twins. There is a lot of speculation about whether or not they are identical. My first OB said he was 98% sure they were identical. My second OB says they are fraternal. For fraternal twins, they look almost exactly alike :P. People outside of family always ask me "wow, how do you tell them apart?" hahaha! I always say "...and apparently they are NOT identical?"

    My twins are the exact same height, at EVERY SINGLE weigh in, they have been 1oz apart (even since birth), they have the same heart murmur, they also suffer from the same disease (Cystic Fibrosis). They both have brown hair, brown eyes. Oddly enough, they poop at exactly the same times, eat at the same time, sleep at the same time, and (this is weird) their bowel movements look & smell the exact same... every single time. WEIRD!!! lol :)

    I'm going with my first OB and saying that they are identical, lol

    If they shared a gestational sac, they're identical. If you're not sure, or can't remember, you can have them DNA tested, which is real simple to do - just a cotton swab in the cheek in the mouth is all you need.

    Our twins are identical, but my OB kept saying they weren't, b/c the egg sac had COMPLETELY separated into 2, which is uncommon in id. twins. But my dh and I had earlier sonos done (at a different clinic), that clearly showed 2 heartbeats in one sac, before it split, so we had them DNA tested once they were born, and we were right, they're identical.

    Well, they're identical only in appearance, b/c in temperament, they are VERY different! But they're a lot of fun, and keep their older brother on his toes.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I should add the ob thought mine were identical at birth so they did the blood test. Me and hubby could tell ours apart from day 1. They both weighed almost exactly the same 4lbs 2 oz and 4 lbs. 2.5 oz. basically 1 had peed before he was born. Now they don't look at all alike. Kaden is at least 3 inches taller than his twin and was about 18 lbs. more. I say was because since they started kindergarten this year he has slimmed down about 20 lbs. Now people ask how far apart they are and when we say a minute they are shocked they are
  • I'm Angela, I'm 25 and I have boy/boy twins. There is a lot of speculation about whether or not they are identical. My first OB said he was 98% sure they were identical. My second OB says they are fraternal. For fraternal twins, they look almost exactly alike :P. People outside of family always ask me "wow, how do you tell them apart?" hahaha! I always say "...and apparently they are NOT identical?"

    My twins are the exact same height, at EVERY SINGLE weigh in, they have been 1oz apart (even since birth), they have the same heart murmur, they also suffer from the same disease (Cystic Fibrosis). They both have brown hair, brown eyes. Oddly enough, they poop at exactly the same times, eat at the same time, sleep at the same time, and (this is weird) their bowel movements look & smell the exact same... every single time. WEIRD!!! lol :)

    I'm going with my first OB and saying that they are identical, lol

    If they shared a gestational sac, they're identical. If you're not sure, or can't remember, you can have them DNA tested, which is real simple to do - just a cotton swab in the cheek in the mouth is all you need.

    Our twins are identical, but my OB kept saying they weren't, b/c the egg sac had COMPLETELY separated into 2, which is uncommon in id. twins. But my dh and I had earlier sonos done (at a different clinic), that clearly showed 2 heartbeats in one sac, before it split, so we had them DNA tested once they were born, and we were right, they're identical.

    Well, they're identical only in appearance, b/c in temperament, they are VERY different! But they're a lot of fun, and keep their older brother on his toes.

    That is untrue..... theres only 3% chance of twins sharing a same sac.. and those twins usually end up con-joined ... babies have different sacs weather they are fraternal or identical (the sac is what protect the baby) You cant be 100% sure till they have a DNA test but your biggest clue that they are identical is if they share a placenta. but then again, there are very rare times that the placentas from fraternal twins fuse... but MORE than likely if they share a placenta they will be identical.

    I have identical twin girls!

  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My guys are 8.... and amazing!

    I have had to keep reminding myself that everyone who asks me "are they twins" is asking me that for the first time.... even if I've heard it 20 times that day.

    My weirdest comment (the guys were about 6 months old, and about a pound different in weight) was a woman who said, "They can't be twins. That one has to be at least six months older than the other."

    Her husband just rolled his eyes behind her back....
  • Hi, my name is Nicole, and I have identical girls that are 13. They are not so identical looking now since they do everything in their power to look different. Sara, has long brown hair that she had cut into layers and straightens everyday, where Sammy, has dyed her hair black and red, (yes, I said red...its only hair, it'll come out) and lets her hair do the natural wave that they got from me. I come from a family of twins, so I have witnessed a lot of the stages of identity crisis, which is why I'm so lenient on letting them do their own thing. The only thing I do insist on is that they go to the restroom together, at restraunts, ect. Or if one forgot something in the car, the other has to go with her, battle buddies is what we call it.
    The dumbest twin question I ever got was "which one is smarter?" they must have been around one at the time. With out missing a beat I said, "Neither, they're both stupid" and kept walking! :laugh: Of course neither one was stupid, but you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer!!!
    Have a great day ladies!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    The dumbest twin question I ever got was "which one is smarter?" they must have been around one at the time. With out missing a beat I said, "Neither, they're both stupid" and kept walking! :laugh: Of course neither one was stupid, but you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer!!!

    That is so funny:laugh: .......I also come from a long family history of twins. My Dad's Dad has a twin Sister. My Great Uncles on my Mom's side just celebrated their 93rd birthday last Sunday. My Aunt has B/G 12 yr old twins and there are more down many generations.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'd dont personally have any kids, but that doesnt mean I havent taken care of my fair share of twins... Last year my parents did foster, we had one set of 7 year old girl identical twins for 4 months, and then right after we got a set of 5 year old girl identical twins and we had them for over a year.. now we babysit 3 year old fraternal girl twins..

    once we had a black baby girl and a asian/white baby boy that were around the same age and people asked us all the time if they were twins!!! (I know it's possible for fraternal twins to have diff dads, but there was no way they could have the same mother, which is why this question was funny)
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    all these comments are great! Isn't it CRAZY just how many times you can get stopped in ONE store? I was forewarned, but I had no idea what it would REALLY be like. Seriously, wal-mart = at least 5 or 6 inquisitions!
  • After the first time I brought them to the mall some lady poked her head into the stroller and said "awwwwwwwwwwwww twins?" and she REEEEKED of ciggarettes..

    So now I'm an *kitten*... I just knod my head to any questions, smile, and walk away =)
  • cldb
    cldb Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there

    I have 11 yr old twin boys. I was told they were identical when they were born but they're not you can see the difference immediatly. My boys are completely the opposite in looks and personality. One is darker than the other very outgoing and enjoys sport. The other is fairer, quite quiet and has always got his head in a book. My boys do get on from time to time but the majority of the time they argue. They are quite close in some aspects but far from the best of friends I was expecting. I am I the only mother with twins who argue so much because when I speak to other mothers it seems that they're twins are inseparable.
  • mynickelback
    mynickelback Posts: 4 Member
    I also have twins they are faternal girls. They are awsome they keep me on my toes and i never know what to expect On my side of the family i was the first to have a set of twins. My husband has twin sisters. But we know that the girls are faternal because the dr said they were concieved a week apart. I still find it amazing that that happened.

    They have always had totally different personalities. They were different from birth, the older one was head first, but my baby was breach (stubborn from the get go). They look nothing alike, one looks just like me when i was her age fair skin, skinny and full of drama the other one looks like her dad with her tanned skin year round (drives me crazy, because i wish i had that), is so skinny and has less drama. The wear different size shoes and clothes. Like different things, one likes justin beiber the other one doesnt.

    We were at payless one day shopping for shoes and some lady saw them and asked how old they were i told her their age and she said ohhhh their twins i would have guessed. Thats how different they are. I have to tell people they are twins.

    My girls fight like cats and dogs, but i remind them all the time that their best friend should be each other.
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