only lost 1lb in 5 weeks! sos

emilyhbrown Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Ive been doing myfitnesspal for 5 weeks now an been eating 1200 calories and working out 3 times a week.
i started at 162.
I weighed myself after my workout today at the gym and weigh 162
what am i doing wrong?


  • Queentipsie
    Queentipsie Posts: 15 Member
    Your body is in starvation mode and weight wont change cause your body needs more calories with 3 workouts. Increase calories a little and see what happens.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    weight loss is more about your nutrition plan you have, so i would check that and 1200 is way to low especially if your active.
  • zakku1
    zakku1 Posts: 32
    It's hard to say without seeing your stats. Based on your height and goal you might be eating to few calories. Or your sodium intake might be too high. Or it could be TOM.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    how many calories are you eating a day? Are you eating back your exercise calories? What kind of exercise are you doing three times a week? Can you open up your diary for us to look at?
  • I had the same EXACT problem and agree with Queentipsie. Once I started eating more (instade of 1272 cals/day about 1500-1600/day) I quickly moved down and have lost a few lbs a week for the next few wks. I know it sounds backwards but give it a try!

    Also- I started drinking a whey protein drink in the morning instead of fruit, yogurt, "healthy" cereal, etc. It does not taste the greatest but fills me up and jump starts my body.

    Hope this helps- good luck! :happy:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Zig Zag your calories up to 1500-1600 for several days, then back down to 1300 then up to 1400, then back down to 1200 and keep rotating. You will find it will break your plateau. Be sure you are eating back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories because if you are not eating over 1200 calories a day you are putting your body at risk. Be sure you are drinking enough water and are watching your sodium intake as one of your filter options on tracking. Sodium will impede your progress. Hope this helps.
  • yea i will open my diary! thanks!
    whats TOM?
  • The scale isnt always the best indicator for weight loss and can be quite discouraging. I would suggest you measure yourself weekly or every two weeks, I know the scale can be addicting so just put it away....out of sight out of mind. I would also suggest bumping up your workouts. good luck!!
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    yea i will open my diary! thanks!
    whats TOM?

    TOM is time of the month ( woman time) :grumble:
  • tarjake
    tarjake Posts: 56 Member
    It's hard to say without seeing your stats. Based on your height and goal you might be eating to few calories. Or your sodium intake might be too high. Or it could be TOM.
    hang on, if im eating too much salt that will slow down weight loss? how?
  • i am TOM... does that make me weight more as well?
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    yea i will open my diary! thanks!
    whats TOM?

    I've been almost in the exact same boat--including starting weight--then this week i went down a couple of pounds. Maybe sometimes it just takes your system some time to figure out what's going on. Keep at it :).
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    I love the whey protein shakes, add fresh fozen fruit and skim milk, yum! Also, Kashi makes some really good cereals, they even have a sunshine somethingeranother that tastes like Captain Crunch. Ego makes nutrigrain blueberry waffels that are fairly decent in the fiber department and don't require butter or syrup, they're yummy.
  • jsavy
    jsavy Posts: 28 Member
    I was told the time to weigh is the first thing in the morning for as the day wears on you put on weight plus working out may change the weight, that I am not sure of.

    I really don`t go on a strict diet I try to cut back and eat more chicken and fish and look for low calorie foods. Remember 1 pound cosist of 3500 calories so you have to cut calories. You need to lean toward fresh vegetables, fruit etc to help you. You can do it don`t give up, it is just finding the things that work for you.....good luck!
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    Do you take vitamins? I read an article where Dr. Oz recommends 1,000 IU of D3, 600 mg of DHA (not DHEA) and or fish oil, 600 mg Calcium (2x a day), and a women's multi (1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night). He said that for some women these vitamins can help drop 6-7 lbs for those who are dificient. It may be worth a try to add these to your diet. I initially lost 6 lbs adding these, now I'm at a stand still, again. Good luck!
  • I agree w/ everything posted, also don't ever weigh urself after a work out... ur muscles swell & will add weight ... Don't get obsessed & weigh in everyday... once or twice a week is plenty, especially on a day u feel skinny!! LOL And always in the morning after the br!!! ;) Good Luck!!
  • zakku1
    zakku1 Posts: 32
    Both sodium and TOM can cause you to retain water and weigh a little more. Some people are sensitive to too much sodium as well.
  • I agree you should increase your caloric intake. i've been loosing steadly since I started to do this. But one thing my trainer advised me on was sugar intake. I checked out your diary and it seems to be high. You can also track fiber to help make sure your diet is balanced. Under settings you can opt to show this on your diary. Good luck!!
  • Do you take vitamins? I read an article where Dr. Oz recommends 1,000 IU of D3, 600 mg of DHA (not DHEA) and or fish oil, 600 mg Calcium (2x a day), and a women's multi (1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night). He said that for some women these vitamins can help drop 6-7 lbs for those who are dificient. It may be worth a try to add these to your diet. I initially lost 6 lbs adding these, now I'm at a stand still, again. Good luck!

    I take vitamin E and cold liver oil tablets!
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