Triathalon - Iron Girl

centralvalgal Posts: 12 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Have you ever just wanted to compete in a Triathalon just to say you did it. Can you visualize crossing the finish line? But then fear rears its ugly head and you eat the slice of cake instead. I am so tired of knowing that I am capable of conditioning myself to be fit enough to complete a triathalon but so fearful of it that I let fear choke me every time.


  • KathrenD
    KathrenD Posts: 3 Member
    I love to do tri's. I am not an ironman kind of triathlete, have you looked into the sprint tri's? They are fun. Go to and on the left you can select your state to find some tri's. Find one that has distances that don't scare you and then build from there! Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • My co-worker did it last August. She also had a lot of anxiety about it. But it had been on her mind for years. So she finally faced the conditioning and swam/rode/ran the race. Her description of that last mile was pretty amazing. And now she does enjoy being able to say she did it. She's got a tattoo now even. =)
  • I would like to do a tri one day. I hate swimming, though, and I can't even swim without holding my nose. It would be quite the accomplishment though. I may try for it one day. :) I know when I did the half marathon, I cried my eyes out crossing the finish line. It was such an unbelievable sensation. I had been told just two weeks before that I was injured, would never be able to run and shouldn't do any races.

    If it's your dream, GO FOR IT. :)
  • I ran a 55km ultra just to say I did it. You can. The best thing to keep you going is to visualize yourself at the finish line. The rest will follow. Good luck. Can't wait to see your finish times!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    There is a huge difference between Sprint tris or Oly distances and Ironman.

    Sprints can be completed by any vaguely fit person without a great deal of extra training. If you can swim twenty 25m laps, cycle for about 45 minutes and run 5k... then you can do a Sprint tri. Nothing much to it really. It's great fun and beginners do them all the time.

    An Ironman is a whole different beast altogether. 2.4 mile open water swim, 112 miles on the bike and a full marathon to run... think very carefully before you commit to that. At peak you're looking at over 15 hours a week of training time. It's an enormous committment, physically, emotionally and financially.
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