No weight loss in 2 weeks, but not going over my calories -

Hey everyone! I have been doing MFP since January 3, and have "cheated" once, and didn't count calories twice in the 40 or so days that i have been on the site.

In total I have lost 17 pounds.

I have recently started exercising (walking to class and in between classes, usually 30-60 minutes a day) in the past two to three weeks.

In the last two weeks I have not lost any weight. I feel as though I have plateaued, but isn't it a little early for that? I have my diary open to the public if anyone wants to take a look.

I'm not sure what else I can do. I never feel hungry during the day or after dinner. It's quite frustrating!

Thanks for your help!


  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Try getting closer to your daily calorie allowance. I found if I was 1-2 hundred over I'd stay at the same weight, but eating my full amount (I don't eat my exercise calories unless I'm REALLY hungry) I loose 0.5lb every couple of days.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    you might need to eat more...
  • mynewyorkad
    Thanks everyone! Ok, I guess my next question (i had a guess that I wasn't eating enough) would be, how do I eat more calories? I am honestly stuffed at night. I am so full I don't feel like I can get more in.

    Then there is the other thing - is MFP fat grams really the amount we are supposed to eat? I have been trying to stay around 25-35 fat grams a day, and my MFP says I can do up to 49. That seems excessive to me.

    How do I up my calories without going crazy on the fat grams?
  • mynewyorkad
    Thanks everyone! Ok, I guess my next question (i had a guess that I wasn't eating enough) would be, how do I eat more calories? I am honestly stuffed at night. I am so full I don't feel like I can get more in.

    Then there is the other thing - is MFP fat grams really the amount we are supposed to eat? I have been trying to stay around 25-35 fat grams a day, and my MFP says I can do up to 49. That seems excessive to me.

    How do I up my calories without going crazy on the fat grams?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    My concern with simply stating you are not eating enough is that walking doesn't actually burn that many calories unless you are walking at a very brisk pace. The estimates could be and probably are high and if you eat all your exercise calories back you could be eating too much.

    Other possibilities are your muscles which are now being used are holding on to water. When the shock of doing this extra walking wears off, the weight will start coming off. Do other measurements with a measuring tape and see if those are changing as the scale is not always the best thing to use especially when you first add exercise.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Thanks everyone! Ok, I guess my next question (i had a guess that I wasn't eating enough) would be, how do I eat more calories? I am honestly stuffed at night. I am so full I don't feel like I can get more in.

    Then there is the other thing - is MFP fat grams really the amount we are supposed to eat? I have been trying to stay around 25-35 fat grams a day, and my MFP says I can do up to 49. That seems excessive to me.

    How do I up my calories without going crazy on the fat grams?

    There are good fats that your body needs to function. To get both calories and fat up try a snack of some almonds. They are fairly calorie dense and the fats in them are good for you. Other options are flax seeds (grind them first or your body cannot digest them) or maybe adding a home made dressing made with some Extra Virgin Olive or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, both of which are very good for you.
  • psychosmom
    psychosmom Posts: 3 Member
    You are likely building muscle as well, If you are stuffed I would not be eating more. In my case unless I go to bed hungary, no matter whether I ate my goal or not, I don't show a loss.
  • gogetter765
    gogetter765 Posts: 10 Member
    I would also try some different exercise's too! You should be changing up your exercises every 3 weeks. try a dvd, like tae-bo. I'm a really big fan of Jillian Michaels all of her dvd's are great! I'm currently doing the 30 day shred. That ought to give your weight loss a boost. Sometimes when we hit a plateau, and we;re eating right, we just might need to change up our exercise's. Good luck!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    17 pounds since Jan 3 is great! I have been on MFP since the middle of January 2010 and have lost 35 lbs since then. I would say that I stay within my calorie range on most days, and exercise at least 4-5 days a week. Yes, there have been times when I did eat more than my calories and when I went on a cruise I did not exercise, but I have found something that I can live with. I seem to lose a few pounds and then for3-4 weeks I stay the same, then I will lose a few more. Sometimes I get discouraged but when I try on some of my clothes and see how big they are, I know I have made progress. Hang in there. You will start to lose again.
  • katzplay62
    Try changing your carb/protein/fat ratios. Reduce all carbs, especially refined "white" carbs like flour, sugar, and alcohol. Go sugar-free if you have the choice in products.

    I'm a big advocate of low-carb eating, especially after reading "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes.

    Good luck.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I looked at your diary, and it's quite clear you aren't eating enough, even if your cal intake/exercise burns are off by quite a bit. You need to add more lean protein and good fats. If you increase cals just 25 more per meal/snack, you add at least 100 cals more per day. Some good ways to get more nutrient dense cals:

    Good fats - nuts, oils (olive and canola), avocado, fish
    Whole grains (good carbs)
    Lowfat dairy
  • mynewyorkad
    So it looks like the consensus is to eat more. I will try to add more in my lunches, and add in some nuts. I will try to cook some chicken and fish (although I'm not the greatest cook yet).

    I am also hoping to take some Zumba classes starting next week, so maybe that will help some as well.

    Thank you all for all the tips!