Chronic Fatigue and Dieting

I was wondering if there were any others on here that suffer from chronic fatigue and find it getting worse now that you are dieting? I am a carb junkie (pasta lover), and now that I have cut way back on my carb intake and gave up soda completely I feel worse than my normal fatigue! I have never been a coffee drinker but is there anything other than coffee that someone can suggest to help with fatigue?


  • skinnyb450
    Have you tried taking a complete multi vitamin supplement?:smile:
  • barneygoogle
    I experienced the same thing for the first 4 - 5 weeks. After losing about 10 lbs I have now have more energy than before I started dieting. I expect that to continue as I plan on losing another 15 lbs
  • Norma_24
    Norma_24 Posts: 23 Member
    I went throu the same feeling my body finally adjusted the first two weeks were the hardest and now I feel great and full of energy...
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    yeah Im not a chronic fatigue sufferer/expert but like someone else said a multivit is really important, then you know you are at least getting the minimum of the right stuff...(i was low on iron a lot of the time before i started taking them )also, if you have significantly cut back the carbs, it will make you more tired, theres lots of energy in them there carbs! Are you still getting enough carbs?
  • brocflores
    I know exactly what your talking about except mine is alittle different. Everytime I change my diet and excercise I get SICK :( my body shuts down completly. Right now I have the flu/bronchitis. I recommend also a multi vitamin w lots of water. Soon you will feel your fatigue go away and get a burst of energy. Give your body time to adjust! Your doing an awesome job don't stop you'll see it will all be worth it in the end!
  • drewrf64
    drewrf64 Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same problem, on my first attempt at losing .. I am a But for round 2 have not had that problem at all..
    I know we are not supposed to mention brands and such but I am using the CINCH diet plan (shaklee) and that has an all natural multi-vitamin and energizing tea, as well as meal bars and shakes.. 17 punds in 6 weeks :o)

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  • Tarah1357
    Tarah1357 Posts: 139 Member
    I would definitely take the multivitamin. I love my coffee, but I also get a boost of energy from drinking diet green ice tea and also regular hot tea...The diet green tea is delicious. I buy the lipton!
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, I take vitamins, not a multivitamins but separate, B12, B6, and Iron everyday and still nothing. I am in my 3rd week of dieting and lost 11 lbs but I feel worse than before I started and I know it's the lack of carbs...I was just hoping there was something else I could do besides turn to caffeine pills or something :)
  • Smokechic
    Smokechic Posts: 40 Member
    Multivitamins can definitely help. If you would rather not try to remember to take the vitamins everyday, load up on vegetables and water. They are packed with vitamins and will help with fatigue.
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    I also have cfs/me, but can't say i've noticed a link between the foods and feeling worse, i'm pretty much the same. I take a multivitamin every evening, i'm not sure if that's helped or not either.

    Not a very helpful reply sorry!
  • tatiana_13
    Have you tried making slower changes? As other people have said, I get sick every time I make a major change, which evens out over time. But sometimes I just can't tolerate "getting sick" in the context of my life and make less drastic changes. I have found that especially with exercise. I go reealllyyy slowly with that. And don't exercise nearly as much as many others do. My primary form of exercise is my rebounder.

    That's all I got! Hope you find it helpful
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I'm not a nutritionist (though I am a chef :) ) but why are you cutting out all your carbs - can you simply cut back a little at a time? And choose some smart pasta choices - if not wheat; what about the "white" pasta with 2x the fiber, etc. I think it is called Smart Pasta.

    One of my favorite things to do if I'm dying for pasta is use half the amount (1 serving of this smart spaghetti - 170 cal - 2 oz dried - 4 1/4 oz cooked) and I julienned (thin tiny strips) of zucchini - saute in a nonstick pan with salt & pepper for 1 minute while the pasta is cooking and toss it together. Zuchinni doesn't have a strong flavor so I feel like I'm eating a big bowl of pasta while in reality I'm eating a small portion of pasta with lots of zucchini and homemade tomato sauce.

    Good luck ... it sucks when you feel miserable and can't stop craving. And honestly, for me - its better to have moderate quantities and satisfy the craving than to be thinking about it all day and making myself miserable.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    I have noticed that I am more tired now also and I experience headaches every day too, I assumed it was from giving up coke cola I have a Dr Appointment on Tuesday and hope to find out what is going on :-)
  • jojo_hill44
    How much are you doing in terms of exercise?

    I ask because all through January, I was so tired. I just didn't have the energy to do anything. Then I really started getting back into my exericse. I started the C25K program, a little Zumba, and this week have been hitting the Shred HARD.

    I am now so full of energy. I'm back to being fine with only 6 or 7 hours of sleep , not tired when I get home from work, and feel energetic all day.

    I was a HUGE coffee drinker. Had to drink it all day long just to function. I now have a cup or two in the morning and drink water for the rest of the day - and I feel much better...physically.

    A fitness instructor friend of mine told me that the reason I was so tired at first was because I was going through a sort of detox. I was detoxing from the excessive "bad" carbs, the sugar, and the caffeine. The exercise helped with all of it!!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I have systemic lupus, and fatigue is a huge component of that. I did struggle with more fatigue when I first started losing, but it evened out over time. I am significantly less fatigued now than I was at my starting weight. I take a multivitamin, B12, B-complex, and calcium supplements (the b's were added because I tested low). I'm a little anemic now, and we are seeing if that was a one-time thing or if I need to change something for that.

    Since you have an underlying condition, it might be good to have some labs to rule out other contributors to the increased fatigue. If you can be sure it is your diet alone causing the increase, then just give it a few weeks and see if it doesn't get better.

    Oh, I'm much more tired if I don't exercise.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    @ngr1973-I haven't cut carbs out completely I could never do that lol, I have just cut back to stay on track with my dieting and counting nutrition information. I still get a fair amount of carbs I have just been utilizing portion control. Unfortunately my body seemed to be used to getting so many carbs and it is seriously affecting my energy levels. I have not tried the multi-grain pasta however or smart pasta.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    @jojo-I have barely been exercising, being this fatigued makes it nearly impossible to function let alone get the motivation to exercise. Plus a lot of times after exercise I feel totally drained and I need the little energy I have to do my studying :( Once in a while I am lucky enough to feel better after exercise but not lately.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    @elainegsd-oh yes I've had many many labs done lol...I am borderline anemic, B12 deficient, I have CFS and Fibromyalgia, and I am insulin resistant-most of those have a side effect of fatigue which is why I feel so drained, maybe if it were just one thing it wouldn't be so bad!
  • lov3alwaysk
    lov3alwaysk Posts: 20 Member
    Make sure your getting enough sleep too you should have 7 to 8 hours a sleep a day. and if your working out you should give your body a rest day. Also maybe try taing a multi- vitamen with energy I take Alive Woman's with energy and it helps me a lot in the mornings. and make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I love pasta and evreything too try eating heathy carbs like the ones found in fruit! Also if you feel like you need the bread carbs try to make sure your eating whole wheat or multi grain
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    @elainegsd-oh yes I've had many many labs done lol...I am borderline anemic, B12 deficient, I have CFS and Fibromyalgia, and I am insulin resistant-most of those have a side effect of fatigue which is why I feel so drained, maybe if it were just one thing it wouldn't be so bad!

    Both anemia and b12 deficiency can lead to more fatigue. You might need b12 injections if you lack the intrinsic factor to absorb b12 from your food through your gut.