Looking for a really good workout DVD to do in the morning??



  • TanicaShante
    TanicaShante Posts: 27 Member
    Tony Horton has a line of videos called 10 minute trainer. The videos have cardio, core cardio, lower body, abs, yoga and other workouts, each workout lasts for 10 minutes I have been using them and they are very good, they really give you a good workout in 10 minutes. Good luck finding the right video. :)
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Another vote for 30 Day Shred. Also love Jackie Warner Extreme Timesaver - 30 minutes cardio and strength ($10 at walmart). You can go on Amazon and get some Turbo Jam DVD's for around $20-$30. I have one with 5 workouts- a beginner get-the-moves lesson, a 20 min cardio, 45 min cardio, abs, and toning. I got super lucky and found it a second-hand store for $2.50. On Demand is great too, lots of stuff around half an hour.
  • I would suggest Excercise On Demand through your cable provider. It has J.Michaels, J.Warner, & B.Blanks workouts you could try out before purchasing.
  • Totally vote for 30 day shred!:smile:
  • Kimmerz1
    Kimmerz1 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am needing a really good cardio work out DVD to do in the morning before work... I want something that will get my heart rate up but doesn't take up alot of time and that won't cost so much..... Any suggestions?????


    Biggest Loser Boot Camp is a greats dvd with cardio and you can design your workout
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