Help getting started...

I struggle lately with eating fast food. I will do good for part of the day and then one meal will wipe out all of the hard work that I have done. If this is something that you have struggled with please give me some tips. I could also use help for low fat recipes. Thank you so much!


  • nanaxsfive
    I love fast food....but I try hard to stay away from it. If I'm out for the day, I try to pack some healthy snacks for the car.
  • katiepool129
    Which meals do you tend to get the fast foods with? Is it dinners? You can get good weight watchers meals for a fraction of the calories, still quick to make with much fewer calories. Also try to start the day with a good healthy breakfast. I guess the patterns are whats hard to change but once you identify which meals are causing the problems you can start to work out better meal plans for yourself.
  • leighdlady
    I too love to go get some fast food. Let's face it. It's quick, easy, and tastes great. But burgers, fries, and nuggets are just horrible for your waistline and health. Since it was hard on me to just go cold turkey on fast food. I order a grilled chicken salad with low fat or vinaigrette dressing. Or if I am wanting a sandwich, I get a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato and no mayo. If I am really really craving a buger, I will order a plain hamburger (the one that comes in the kid's meal.) I never get fries any more. If I feel like the burger or sandwich is not going to feel me up, I will order a side salad with light dressing or vinaigrette dressing. I have noticed that this really helps keep me in my calorie goals. I feel like I will stick to the diet I am on since I am allowing myself to go to the fast food restaurant. In the past, I would deprive myself so much, that I would give up the diet and gain even more weight. I have realized that weight loss is a journey!
  • leighdlady
    Sorry I can spell. That was supposed to be fill me up not feel me up LOL!
  • pkizzle7
    It's all about mind over matter.....Try entering the fast food meal into your log and then look at its outcome, then hopefully it will drive you to make a healthier choice. Try Subway for an alternative to the Mcd's or Taco Bell. Just remember It's your life, only you can choose its path!!! Just Say NO!!!!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    It's all about mind over matter.....Try entering the fast food meal into your log and then look at its outcome, then hopefully it will drive you to make a healthier choice. Try Subway for an alternative to the Mcd's or Taco Bell. Just remember It's your life, only you can choose its path!!! Just Say NO!!!!

    Ditto...agree with the above statement!