Hollering at your spouse

michellehorvath Posts: 57 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So last night my husband wanted some "us" time after the kiddos went to bed and I snapped at him. I just feel gross, and I am in one of those moods abot hating my body and it grosses me out that he even wants to look at me. Does anyone else ever feel like that? If you do how do you pul yourself out of that "funk" and how do you make it up to them?!? I feel really ashamed for snapping at him but I'm just not feeling in "that" mood. Suggestions?


  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Tell him exactly what you just told us. Let him know that is it nothing that he did and that you love him and still want him. Just be honest and open. I think you will be fine. Hope that helps.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    Sometimes we are just not in the mood. He'll get over it! If you feel this way for more than a week you may want to up the exercise - it helps the feel good endorphins kick in.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    I can totally sympathize with your feelings, since I gained so much weight I feel like that as well. Wish I could give you some advice but I haven't found anyway to get over it-which is why I am trying my best to lose the weight now =) It does help to know that no matter how bad you think you look your husband still loves you and wants to be with you, that should make you feel a little better I know it helps me!
  • yeah i soooo have done that many times.........but since working out and eating right, he is the one who is "hurting and sore and not interested" i just make him interested:bigsmile:
  • Apologize by making it up to him by doing what he wanted to do last night. Even though you are not in "the mood" you clearly feel bad for how you reacted to the situation. Also, he sees you every single day and night, with (and probably without) clothes on... you are still the same person that he loves all day, and it's not going to stop just because he sees your body when you are doing "the deed". Put yourself in his shoes... would you love him any differently?

    (Now, I am going to go back and read the advice I gave you... in hopes that I am willing to do the same, because I have the exact same issues). hahaa :happy:
  • brett_barnhart
    brett_barnhart Posts: 1 Member
    Being on the other side of the fence, it took a LONG time to learn not to take rejection personally. I always felt like how could she know I was interested in playing around and not reciprocate? Was there something wrong with me? Did she no longer find me attractive. Basic difference between the way men and women think about sex... for Men, it is such a connecting piece, after a rough day or whatever, what better way to make up for it?

    For many women, it is the opposite... it's been a rough day, the last thing they want to do is play around...

    Just keep talking, snuggle, and maybe those feelings will come back. I would encourage you to not shut off those feelings entirely though... if you're kinda in the mood, go for it!!
  • Firstly I agree with everyone that you should apologize...
    This might be slightly controversial but have any of you women considered that you might want to just say 'yes' when your husband wants it even if you're not in the mood?
    The reason I say this- is because if you are for example having a lower libido for whatever the reason- oftentimes sex begats sex. And also as Mr. Barnhart mentions men see sex as a connection a lot of times.
    Sometimes its nice to just give them something without feeling need for return? Occasionally?

    I understand how you aren't comfortable with your body etc- but I kind of think that just at least faking confidence in that regard might help out a lot. You might be surprised.
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