Motivation of the Day

NlKKA Posts: 185 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Results come from decisions; decisions come from options; & options come from positioning. I've positioned myself to lose weight so my option is to DO SOMETHING or DON'T. My decision is to eat better, exercise, & mentally feed myself with positive encouragement, & trust God with this process. My result - I've lost a total of 18 lbs in 3 months. What are you positioning yourself for & did you make the decision to achieve it.


  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    Congratulations on your mental fortitude and the resulting weight loss :) Positive change is always inspiring, to ourselves and to others!
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you for the motivation. Good work! Keep it up!:happy:
  • Well put. My motiviation is/was my sig.
  • I love it. I'm motivated by the fact that I truly don't want to go shopping for new clothes one size bigger. I want to lose weight so that my clothes that are 10 years old will look the way they did 10 years ago. Especially my business suits that I haven't really worn since leaving Corporate America in 2005.
  • naturalnyne
    naturalnyne Posts: 3 Member
    Great Post. :smile: I'm positioning myself to change my lifestyle so that it is healthier. I have a baby daughter and I don't want her to be obese, so my husband and I are trying to start healthy living for her and us.
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