

  • mrsmojo82
    mrsmojo82 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, I took all of those foods out of my house for sure! I have been drinking a lot of water. I have been peeing and *other* lol like crazy.

    I normally do not eat fast food, and I normally do not binge like that. Well, on holidays (Superbowl is a holiday, right?? lol), lately I've eaten until I was beyond stuffed. BUT before, it was just that one day. So, honestly, I don't really know what happened.

    I've also read that artificial sweetners are bad, and pretty much everything I have is full of them! Like my crystal light, sugar free jell-o, etc. So, all that's being taken out of the house too.

    No, my only problem is, what the heck CAN I drink? lol plain water will get way too boring and I'll go back to diet soda and crystal light for sure if I don't have an alternative. Any ideas??

    I will keep you guys posted re the binge weight gain.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    If you consumed a lot more food than you other wise would have lately, a lot of that is probably still in your gut, giving you a false reading. I went on a 10 day cruise over christmas ( a lot of buffets) and when I came back I had gained quite a bit of weight, but with in a week I was already back down to where I was before i left. There is probably some water weight in there as well.

    In conclusion, don't fret, learn from your mistakes, and move on.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Re the bingeing, rather than the figure on the scales, I'd recommend eating a little of what you fancy more often. It can help you not to feel deprived. For me it has also had an extra side effect: When I worked out how little ice cream I could get into 1200 kcal, after a few days of serving myself minuscule portions, I stopped buying ice-cream and looked for something more satisfying for my calories.

    Plus, I'd record every item as you went along, even if you knew you were going to go way over, so that you had an incentive to be better the next day. My diary definitely has days that just go way off the scale, but I try to document them so that I'm still accountable to myself. If there is a special event, I will go over, or if I'm particularly hungry I figure I should give myself a little break. So far, since recording everything, no binges!
  • It's possible that you have been depriving yourself, which is not a good strategy (especially long term) and can lead to crazy binges and increased fat storage. I recommend the books 'When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair: 50 Ways to Feel Thin, Gorgeous, and Happy (When You Feel Anything But)' and 'Four Day Win' for sensible approaches to weightloss and maintenance.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Have you tried SoBe Water? They taste better than Skinny Water and many of them are sugar free. Mildly flavored and no carbonation. Has vitamins and antioxidants in it. Check the labels because some are sweetened with sugar but many aren't. Each bottle is 2 8oz. servings. I drink no more than one bottle per day, then decaf tea, Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla, and water make up my fluid intake. My favorite SoBe is Fuji Apple Pear, Blackberry, and Pomegranate.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I too am a compulsive overeater! I have struggled with it ALL my life and still struggle everyday, But because I have made up my mind to lose weight and do it right this time, God has given me the strength I need to get though everyday and to not lead my into temptation, being "Ben & Jerry's Heath Coffee Crunch Ice Cream"'! I haven't had one in almost 3 months since starting. This time is different, I am learnng to incorporate the foods I love into my healthy eating plan in moderation. I do go out once a week and have the meal of my choice be it Mexican, Chinese, Pizza etc., it keeps me on track and I don't feel so deprived.

    I do believe that you may be able to gain 23 pounds in 4 days, it's not impossible! Whats done is done. Get back on track and don't beat yourself up over it. I do think, that like myself, you may need some type of emotional support such as "Overeaters Annoyomus!" This will give you the tools you need and extra support to try and figure out why you tend to binge and overeat. If you look online you should be able to find one in your area near you. You really can't do this alone, I know you belong here to MFP but extra help emotionally would be benificial for you especially now. I have a lot of emotional issues as well and that is why I overeat and always have. It's no fun to feel that way.

    It really sucks that it takes so long and so much effort to lose a few pounds, but it's all too easy to have a few bad days and gain some or all of it back!

    My parents are paying me $125 for every 40 pounds I lose to get to 155-160 and I have almost earned the first $40. I have hit a few plateaus and it's been a *****! Finally I am almost there! My mom said to me, "I hope you don't quit now that you have lost these 40 pounds", she was worried that I would give up and stop trying to continue losing. I told her, No, that I will continue on my journey to becoming healthy and fit, that quitting wasn't an option! Even if I have a few bad days! It's a learning process and yes, you will fall down at times.

    Just get yourself refocused and keep moving forward! You can do this and you will. Quitting shouldn't be an option for you either! Just remember that it is an on going process and learning from your mistakes is important and nessacary!

    Good luck and keep at it!

  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    There is no way all that add up to the calories needed to put on 23 pounds of fat. However, they are all salty and you can easily hold 10 or more pounds of water because of sodium. I know because when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure they put me on a diuretic and in a few days with no diet change I lost 10 pounds. All that was water retained because of sodium. I am guessing you probably gained 5-6 pounds and the rest is water retained from sodium and other stuff. Get back on the healthy eating pattern, really watch your sodium intake and try to keep it under 1500mg a day, at least for now, and drink lots of water. You will find the weight will come off fairly quickly I am thinking.

    I agree.

    Also stop being embarrassed. You step of the curb in traffic and didn't take the caution to look both ways. We've all done it. What I like about you is that you came in here and said no more and this is what I've learned. BRAVO!! Now just get back to business. You know what you need to do to be successful. You've been doing it. Just now you know you still have to conquer your inner issues. Sometimes we are in denial thinking we have it all under control and one thing just triggers a land slide.

    You just continue to be focus. You are going to do alright. That weight is going to fall right back off because its mostly water retention from the sodium.

    Much success to you.
  • wwh140
    wwh140 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm so sorry for your ordeal, but don't beat yourself up over it. You've gotten back on track so that's great. From now on if you crave something go ahead and have some of it and figure it into your calories. If I know we're going out to eat or have something special I log my food the day before so I can make sure to work my other meals and snacks around the special event. That way I don't go over on my calories for the day and if I do go over a little I just do better the next day. My doctor said it's okay to go over one day here and there because it's the overall picture that you're dealing with. Sooo, if you're doing good calorie-wise every day and then have a bad day it's okay. I guess what I'm saying is don't deprive yourself, have what you want and figure it into your caloric intake for the day. We're only human, we are all gonna mess up from time to time. It's okay. Good luck!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    There is no way all that add up to the calories needed to put on 23 pounds of fat. However, they are all salty and you can easily hold 10 or more pounds of water because of sodium. I know because when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure they put me on a diuretic and in a few days with no diet change I lost 10 pounds. All that was water retained because of sodium. I am guessing you probably gained 5-6 pounds and the rest is water retained from sodium and other stuff. Get back on the healthy eating pattern, really watch your sodium intake and try to keep it under 1500mg a day, at least for now, and drink lots of water. You will find the weight will come off fairly quickly I am thinking.

    I agree.

    Also stop being embarrassed. You step of the curb in traffic and didn't take the caution to look both ways. We've all done it. What I like about you is that you came in here and said no more and this is what I've learned. BRAVO!! Now just get back to business. You know what you need to do to be successful. You've been doing it. Just now you know you still have to conquer your inner issues. Sometimes we are in denial thinking we have it all under control and one thing just triggers a land slide.

    You just continue to be focus. You are going to do alright. That weight is going to fall right back off because its mostly water retention from the sodium.

    Much success to you.

    I like the Curb/Traffic metaphor and I agree!
  • jimrogers
    jimrogers Posts: 23 Member
    I would say that you are retaining a massive amount of water, probably from eating a lot of sodium in junk food. Its highly unlikely..infact metabolically impossible to convert enough calories to fat in 4 days to put on 23lbs..the body does not work that way!!! You can have around 7lbs of sugar stored in your body and up to 7lbs of water...if you add to that another 3-4lbs of food in the system..as it were LOL.........that probably leaves you with only about 2 - 4 lbs of actual fat being laid away....so stop panicking..learn the lesson..get back on your healthy diet & exercise regime..and DON'T weigh yourself until after at least a week of healthy intake...then you will know the TRUE result of your binge!!

    yeah! what she said!

    I think the bigger issue is whatever triggered you to fall off the wagon. Maybe set your daily calorie goal higher and have a more modest weight loss goal? There's no easy answer... : ( Don't be discouraged, this isn't easy but it will be worth it. Promise!
  • bridesmaid123
    bridesmaid123 Posts: 1 Member
    The most likely explanation for your weight gain is water retention. Since you ate so much sodium, your body is like a sponge holding all to the water you drink to stay in equilibrium and not become dehydrated.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I hate to be a downer, but 23 pounds in 4 days isn't even realistically water weight...is it?

    I gained 15 pounds in a week and I had a tumor (not cancer).

    This would be a huge red flag to me to get checked out.
  • rautaty
    rautaty Posts: 44 Member
    It's not normal! do you have health issues? i'd suggest you buy a new scale first, if the result is the same then seek medical health. Do your legs look swollen?
  • jigglemom
    jigglemom Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have been at this for YEARS and can't seem to conquer whatever it is that keeps me coming back to food. This site is definitely a great place to find the friends and support we need to keep trying!
  • rautaty
    rautaty Posts: 44 Member
    I don't want to scare you, but it might be more serious then u think: bad blood circulation, fast growing tumour, cushing...Anyway i am not a doctor, but strongly suggest you to get a check up.
  • "Bad" days happen to everyone. Whether it is going over on planned calories or being so exhausted that you blow off the gym. Not letting these days derail all the good work you have done so far is a process, just like developing a healthier lifestyle. The more you pick yourself up and get back to a healthy routine, the easier it is to do after a rough patch. It can be hard to forgive yourself, but most of us would forgive a friend or loved one for a slip up, we need to be just as kind to ourselves.

    As far as losing the weight you put on, please do not go under your calorie goal. Stick to your healthy eating plan and hit the gym. Generally, if you dive back in too severely the result could be another set back. Everyone is different, but I think getting back to a manageable healthy routine is better than punishing yourself or setting a potentially unreasonable pace.

    I have to second the other voices saying that you might want to do some thinking about what triggers your over-eating. I had developed an up and down habit of doing great, slipping up, spiraling, getting disgusted with myself, getting back to the plan...and go back to step one, repeat until you want to give up altogether. I had to really tear down the habits, emotions and situations that caused that pattern before it stopped.

    As to other causes for sudden weight gain, there can be reasons for concern. If you return to healthy eating habits and a workout routine and do not see a normal dent in the weight or experience other out of the ordinary symptoms, you might want to see your physician. In my own case I had a massive (20 plus pounds) fibroid tumor that had rapid growth due to my body producing too much estrogen. It was freaky, but our bodies can be that way sometimes.

    Please be good to yourself. I have every bit of faith in the fact you can succeed!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I am in agreement with those that say it's not 23 pounds. First check your scale, put weights on there and get an accurate reading. Also, do you weigh at the same time everyday?
  • mrsmojo82
    mrsmojo82 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, I have been trying to figure why I fell off the wagon so bad in the first place as well. I am doing to weigh in tomorrow morning and see the change. I am sure there is by now. My stomach is flattening out a bit.
    I am still not fully in the swing of things, but I am getting better.
    You know what I've realized?? I binge A LOT more than I ever thought. I was reading hand written journals and thinking back. I will look into those support groups you suggested.
    I was embarrassed by what happened, but I'm so glad I shared with you guys. Even though I wanted to keep this a secret. You are really helping me through it.

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