What do you want to do before you die?



  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    It will sound weird but to close the door on this life that has been and start a new one somewhere else in the country.

    :ohwell: me too...
  • AmeMahoney
    It will sound weird but to close the door on this life that has been and start a new one somewhere else in the country.

    :ohwell: me too...

    I did that. Best thing I ever did. EVER.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    meet my target weight

    maintain my target weight

    get married

    have 2 babies

    meet my target weight again (hee hee)


    meet my grandchildren
  • evertongirl
    evertongirl Posts: 120 Member
    ooohh..bucket list..ive just written 100 things to do before I die..they range from highly unlikley to getting achieved to definately achievable..from the down right sensible and the very very sexy:) some are:
    run a marathon (broken down to run a 5km event, 10km event, half marathon), skydive, travel all over south america, learn spanish, write a novel and most important - reach an australian size 10 and stay it forever!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    OMG...my list is kind of long and specific but here goes....
    1) Have a healthy baby boy to complete my family
    2) Lose at least 100 pounds and NEVER be over 200lbs again!
    3) Have and keep a healthy life balance (motherhood/social/spiritual/career)
    4) Have a career I love that doesn't feel like work
    5) Have my art in a gallery
    6) Publish my novel
    7) Ride a subway in NYC, play the slots in Vegas, and get leid in Hawaii......LOL
    8) Be fluent in Spanish
    9) Have all of our student loans paid off by the time my daughter is in the 2nd grade
    10) Be comfortable enough that we never have to struggle with money again.
    11) Master the art of positive thinking and use it to get what I want.
  • quishajuice
    quishajuice Posts: 106 Member
    Totally want to go scuba diving in the great barrier reef. If I get to do nothing else before I die I must do that!!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    First, let me say that I am afraid of heights, and flying. I will be 50 in just under 2 years.

    On my 50th birthday I am going to jump out of a plane. Preferably with a parachute attached to me somewhere. After that, I want to earn my pilots license.

    I also want to take my wife to Scotland to spend the night in her families ancestral Galbraith Castle, and add her name to the family tree mural there, which dates back hundreds of years.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Oh... and meet sexygenius & Kristina0202..... :bigsmile: