New, Training for My First 5k!

Hello all!

I joined myfitnesspal several months ago, but I figured it might help if I became more involved. I am training for my first 5k (the Warrior Dash, no less), and I was wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me? Looking forward to hearing back from fellow 5k-ers!


  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    I am also training for my first 5K (in a while)....I am training with the running group at my YMCA and we have been doing interval training which has made the process a lot less painful. I started out doing one minute running one walking and am now up to 3 minutes running and one walking. Each session is about 30 minutes or 8-10 intervals depending. I wish you the very best and would love to have someone to talk to and motivate with that was also running! :)
  • jankxe
    jankxe Posts: 5 Member
    Interval training sounds like a great idea! Just to make myself clear, I am NOT a runner.. I'm just doing this because it sounds like a blast and it's a good reason to get in shape (but mostly for the awesome viking helmet..). I just started training on the elliptical to start off (easier on the knees), and I plan on timing my 5k today. Last night I could only do 2.5k (the gym closed early) and I did it in 12 min, so I'm expecting a 25 min 5k. Unfortunately, I will be training in the gym until probably late March, as the sidewalks around here are too icy and slushy to run safely on. My goals are 1)to reduce my time and 2)to go from elliptical to treadmill to actual ground =)

    I would love to share ideas and motivation!
  • nanina16
    I've heard that interval training is the best way to get yourself ready for any type of race. Be sure you switch up your routine every so often. (Friday i ran up and down a few hills, Saturday I ran a pretty flat stretch with one major hill, and today i walked). Elliptical is great for the knees, as is biking. Also, running outside and hopping over patches of ice helps with the training for the tire portion of the Dash ;)

  • jankxe
    jankxe Posts: 5 Member
    Ha, I could probably skate down my sidewalk it's so icy.