Does Zumba actually work?

I was trying zumba the other day (the DVDs not the Classes) and i know its a good cardio work out but does it actually target the areas it promises it targets?
Any noticed any changes?


  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I was wondering this also, but I am a male and weigh 248. I'd like to get down to 160 or so. In the infomercial I see mostly testimonials from women. So would this work as a great CARDIO workout for men too?

    thanks for your input

  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I go and there are several men in the class as well... It is AWESOME! It is also in the top 6 of the best exercises you can do...WAHOO!!!!
  • Izzy62
    Izzy62 Posts: 62 Member
    I started Zumba 4 weeks ago and have lost 4 inches off my waist in that time - I just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I teach Zumba, and while I have NOT yet tried the games, I have done the dvds. I think that if you really move for the entire session and do the moves as big and as exaggerated as you can, then yes, it burns TONS of calories, AND targets some trouble areas.

    I highly suggest trying a class in your area if you can. I use a heart rate monitor and I find that I burn a LOT more calories in class than I do with the dvds, plus I LOVE the fellowship that it provides me! But I truly do feel that you can get the same burn from the dvds, providing you GO ALL OUT!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    I've been to the zumba classes at my Y and the only thing I can figure is we have a horrible instructor! When we are doing the actual dances, it's fun and I sweat and I'll get my heartrate up some but then she stops at the end of the song, for like 3 minutes or more and my heartrate plummets back down. I burn more calories walking my dog for 30 minutes than I do in a 55 minute zumba class! Is her routine normal or do other instructors keep the tempo going so that your heartrate stays up? It's not like I'm gonna join another gym but it might make me understand how other folks love it so much and burn so many calories.
  • tracybewick
    ive been doing zumba 3 times a week for past month (gym class though) and have noticed a huge diff in my abdo area!! my jeans are loose and my bum is firming up, ita a great workout...yes i think it appeals to women more but we have a handful of men who come and love it.
    Give it a try, i love it
    tracy x
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    oh no! Instructors should be armed and ready with a playlist that will go for the entire hour! I only stop the player once or twice per class to take a quick breather and get some water, other than that, we just use the time between songs to break and keep those heart rates going!

    I suggest that you 'jump rope' between songs to keep that heart rate up while you wait on the instructor, and then maybe they will get the hint that they are taking too long!

    Guys are more than welcome in our classes, though few come. It is great for all ages and genders!

    If any of you haven't already, come join the Zumba Crew if you LOVE zumba!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    oh no! Instructors should be armed and ready with a playlist that will go for the entire hour! I only stop the player once or twice per class to take a quick breather and get some water, other than that, we just use the time between songs to break and keep those heart rates going!

    I suggest that you 'jump rope' between songs to keep that heart rate up while you wait on the instructor, and then maybe they will get the hint that they are taking too long!

    How many calories do you usually burn in an hour? I'm a spinner and usually burn between 425 and 475 during a 45 minute ride depending on the profile. I'd love to do zumba as a change of pace and to use different muscles (because even with her stopping, I can tell I'm using different muscles) but if I'm not gonna burn very many, I'll hit a cardio machine instead.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    When teaching I typically burn around 700 calories in an hour or so, which sounds equivalent to spinning, and would definitely be a nice change of pace. The key is to do all the moves REALLY BIG. When I TAKE a Zumba class, I burn around 500-700, but when I teach and do everything over the top, I often burn 800-1000.
  • cheechersmom
    We barely have enough time to run for a quick chug out of our water bottles, they go right to the next song. I love it! I can feel it in my abs and the area above my hips...the dreaded muffin tops are slowly widdling away.
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    Wow sounds like a great sweat inducing cardio workout! Here's the thing though...I can't dance...never have and I have no skills.

    Would this still work for me???
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    I agree - the instructor should have a playlist ready to go - I have mine all sorted out before I take my classes. At the moment here in New Zealand its summer, so I've been stopping between songs for about 20seconds so the class can have a drink and I can run through steps for newbies. 3 minutes sounds like a long time.

    But getting back to the original question - yes, it does work. When I started attending classes, I wasn't watching what I ate at all, and I didn't lose any weight, but I dropped a pant size. Now, after instructing and watching what I eat I've dropped from a NZ size 12/14 to a size 8/10, and I'm in better shape now than before I met hubby and had two kids!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I do not like the zumba dvds, however the class & the zumba game are awesome. In the class I burn up to 750 calores for the hour. The game up to 600 for about 45 minutes.

    You can't target areas for weight loss but your body will definitely shed inches doing this workout. I'm actually doing only Zumba for the month of Feb to see how much I can shed.

    My instructor is awesome. She is hyper and the class is on point. We never stop except when the mix transitions to the next song signaling a new series of moves.
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    Wow sounds like a great sweat inducing cardio workout! Here's the thing though...I can't dance...never have and I have no skills.

    Would this still work for me???

    I wouldn't worry about not being able to dance, or feeling unco-ordinated - NO ONE will be watching (although your instructor should be keeping an eye on you). The main thing is to keep moving, and enjoy the music! Every instructor is different, but you'll probably find that the moves repeat themselves throughout the routine, which will make it easier for you to keep up! Big ups to you for thinking about Zumba - I would LOVE to have some guys in my classes, but we live in a rural area and I don't think all the farmers would be keen!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Wow sounds like a great sweat inducing cardio workout! Here's the thing though...I can't dance...never have and I have no skills.

    Would this still work for me???

    There are a lot of uncoordinated people in my class and even on certain steps I fall short from perfect. We don't even focus on each other like that. Its more about enjoying a workout and burning calories. If you don't get the moves perfect no one cares. Just move and do your best.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    I am so jealous of you all having a good instructor! I'm gonna say something to the person who is in charge of the group fitness classes-maybe she can nudge the instructor along a little bit.
  • nancy2333
    nancy2333 Posts: 4
    Hi, I've been doing Zumba at home for about 3 months. I have trimmed down my body from a size 14 to a 12. Since I'm almost 69 years old that's pretty good. (older women usually don't lose that fast) On My Fitness Pal, I only burn about 50 calories walking my dog for 30 minutes. When I do a 30 minute class on Zumba, I burn 310. Also, I'm sweating, breathing hard and it reminds me of high impact aerobics. Perhaps you need to make a personalized playlist for the amount of time you want to work out.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    i love to do zumba.. i noticed that my waist is thinner.. and i find that the more you concentrate on moving different parts.. the more it feels you get out of it.. i also feel more confident.. she complements us alot and always keeps us moving. you have to find the right instructor for you.. that really is the key.. a bad instructor.. you might not enjoy it..

    i have very bad knees.. (getting worse by the day.. ) so i have to modify my dancing a bit. i can't jump or bounce alot on my legs..

    that is the ad for our class ....
  • JoanneKJ33
    JoanneKJ33 Posts: 4
    HELL YES!!!! ZUMBA WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) I love the DVD, I just received in the mail today the new Zumba Exhilarate dvd and I did it today along with my other workouts! I love love love it! I burn at least 500 calories when I do it! Its amazing and you can have a higher intensity if you want....jump etc....its great!
  • JoanneKJ33
    JoanneKJ33 Posts: 4
    Yeah the instructor does make a difference! Some are good some are okay!