Dealing with change...

get_it_gone2012 Posts: 214
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
This may seem a little odd, but I just need some help.
So I'm a college kid, and I go home for things like christmas break, reading break, and summer.
I can get myself into a good routine while I'm away at school, I know what I can eat, I have when I eat pretty much down, and I know where to exercise and I have a regimen when I'm away.
And then I go home. Right now I'm at home for reading break, and my whole weight loss routine has been completely thrown off. I don't know what food we have here to eat (other than what I used to eat at home before I decided to go through with this lifestyle change) and considering I never really exercised before at home I'm struggling to keep up with my regimen.
I know that I just have to figure something new out for home when I come back, but is there anyway to avoid that transition period where there is a definite lapse in healthy eating and exercising?


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    my suggestion is to either go grocery shopping with your mom/dad or shop for yourself. Buy healthy stuff for yourself if your family won't change just make your own meals. You can still eat together if that is part of the routine you will just be eating what you want to eat.
  • Maybe you could share with the people at home what you need or bring the foods you want to eat with you. I am sure they will understand - maybe you can even inspire them by doing so. Another idea maybe to cook a healthy special dish that the people at home could enjoy while you are eating what you want.

    Also, you could turn the disruption of the different environment into a positive opportunity. For example. Maybe you have a routine that goes to a different gym or is active with others in some way - swimming, mall walking, frisbee golf, bowling, etc - something different but rewarding and fun for you to look forward to when you go home. I used to go mountain biking on my favorite places if I could and walk around our local park by the lake.

    Good Luck
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I agree, try to take a small shopping trip for the week or two of your break. Buy fresh things and stuff you'd like. If your parents don't enjoy the same foods, just buy enough for yourself. :)

    Exercising can be simple, go for a run around the block! Jog in place! Do pushups in the living room, situps, jumping jacks.

    And even if you have too much trouble with this, remember you can get back to a 'normal' routine back at school. Try your best while on break, and relax!! It's break!
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