New Me 2011

JeriBlair Posts: 10 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everybody. I'm new to MFP and to posting in general. It's great that there is a community here to support.

I was successful with my last two years' NY resolutions, so I decided 2011 would be the year I would GET HEALTHY! That includes losing weight but the priority is to do what's necessary to feel good so we're talking a lifestyle change -- or several!

I have gained about 160 pounds over the last 30 years. Babies, hip replacements, long-term illness, quitting smoking. I gained weight with each of these (and other stuff) and never lost any of it. So now I am carrying (the equivalent of) a teenage boy around with me all the time! I have named him Percy and I want him out of here!

My biggest weight loss problem is attitude. I am VERY well-educated in what it takes to lose weight and I know how good you feel when you start drinking the water, eating healthy and moving your body. But for some reason, I just can't or won't do it. I wish I knew why and how to get my head straight. I REALLY need to do it this time.

I started this journey on 1-11-11. So I am 30 days into it and I've netted a whopping 2 pound loss. But, I've been to the gym now three days in a row and I'm going to a line-dancing cardio class tomorrow. Next week: water aerobics and weight training. Today I made food and exercise entries for today and yesterday.

I CAN do this if I can keep on track! I love MFP! I think it will help a lot. So. . .here we go!


  • K3LLYSU3
    K3LLYSU3 Posts: 56 Member
    yes you can do this. Welcome & good luck!
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Welcome!!! I love MFP too. The support is fantastic and it's so easy to keep track of your daily food intake.
    That's great that you're starting to exercise. The dance class sounds fun.
    I made the eating healthy/lifestyle change right after Christmas and then started with exercising 2 or 3 weeks ago. I haven't been consistent with my exercising (2 or 3 times a week) but I have definitly noticed a difference with how good I feel.
    The more you do it the better you'll feel!
  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    Percy?!?! That made me laugh out loud!!! I applaud you for efforts. I just started this...I'm on day 2, and I love it here!! Lots of support and fun people to meet! I need lots of it!! I'm great at starting over and over, I'm determined to make this one stick as well!! Slow and steady is the name of the game, right?? Good luck...thanks for the laugh :) Feel free to add me as a motivating friend if you need one !!
  • This is my 2nd day of mfp and i am loving it. It keeps me honest with myself. I watched this video 3 days ago and it really made sense to me. it is not just about exercise and food. It is about the WHY we NUMB ourselves to feelings. good luck with you journey.
  • JeriBlair
    JeriBlair Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks! And good luck to you too.
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Hahaha I loved that (Percy ) :laugh:

    You can and will do it this time. you will have the support of others and you wont be doing it alone. Thats always been my problem , i always diet on my own and it never works. xx Goodluck xx
  • HappyWith_3
    HappyWith_3 Posts: 22 Member
    This is the place, you can do this! Welcome to MFP.
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