
are static stretches the best for flexibilty or do stretches that involve movement (dynamic stretches i think they are called) work the same?


  • Birdnicaj
    Hi! I think that dynamic stretching should be done rpior to your workout, when you muscles are cold. With it you go through ranges of motion with less of a pull, ie. less chance of getting hurt. Static stretching should be done only after a workout, when you muscles are warmed up - you can and should hold these for a minimum of 8 seconds and can push your comfort zone: that's how you become increasingly flexible.
    Hope this helps
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    well i'm using a workout dvd and they do dynamic stretches at the start and at the end but not many static ones. so i was just wondering if my flexibilty would improve at all.
  • tinagraystone
    hi hunni x you should never stretch any muscles until you are warmed up .. 5 mins of anything walking slow jog treamill bike will be fine and then do smaller stretches before main exercise and then after make sure you do longer stretches to avoid injuries xx Tina if you dont stretch out you will hurt the next day x
  • tinagraystone
    to be honest if you do alittle each day your flexibility will come x i do kickboxing and we are stretched to our pain barrier we hold a stretch at the point that it begans to hurt and hold it for a little longer, then we repeat again, the third time we try a few cms more but we never force it. Then repeat. it does depend on what your trying to achieve. let me know and i may be able to help x
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    i know that i shouldn't do static stretches unless my body is warmed up, i really just wanted to know if dynamic stretches improved flexibilty or if i would have to do static stretches at the end to improve my flexibility.
  • minrudd
    minrudd Posts: 5 Member
    they both work flexibility. Dynamic or ballistic stretches can be less useful than static since static help your muslce memory develope. Dynamic stretches can do this but the may take a bit more. As a dance teacher and a massage therapist I would say only stretch when you feel warm and def add some static stretches into your routine. What are are you most/ least felixible now?
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    i really want to be heaps flexible, i would LOVE to be able to do the splits. i pretty much want to be as flexible as a ballerina and dancer. at the moment i'm not very flexibly. i've been told i have shorter muscles or tighter muscle or something (i get it from my dad) so it's going to take me longer to become flexible.