just so darn confused....

I am 18, 5'5" weighing a 162 pounds now, i posted something in general discussion that sparked up some confusion:grumble: ..... I am on 1200 calories a day, and i burn 500-800 calories a day at the gym, I was told That I was eating too few calories, but MFP is what set those to that goal level, I changed my goal to losing 1 lbs a week to see what that did, but it raised it to 1500 some odd calories a day, and well... that just seems like alot because it kicks my butt just to eat the 1200 a day, so What should I do? any suggestions? Should I keep it at 1200 and just eat the deficit, or what?


  • McKnightAM
    McKnightAM Posts: 125 Member
    I am 18, 5'5" weighing a 162 pounds now, i posted something in general discussion that sparked up some confusion:grumble: ..... I am on 1200 calories a day, and i burn 500-800 calories a day at the gym, I was told That I was eating too few calories, but MFP is what set those to that goal level, I changed my goal to losing 1 lbs a week to see what that did, but it raised it to 1500 some odd calories a day, and well... that just seems like alot because it kicks my butt just to eat the 1200 a day, so What should I do? any suggestions? Should I keep it at 1200 and just eat the deficit, or what?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    So you are still eating 1200 even when you burn 500 or more calories?? Or you are eating your exercise calories as well?? Now I am confused...:laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • McKnightAM
    McKnightAM Posts: 125 Member
    No, I usually come under 600 Cal, because I work off everything I eat, && I dont eat the deficit because i go to the gym at night (have to wait on husband to get home to watch lil one), so i get home at like 8:45 and I dont eat after 8:00,,, So I dont know how to make up for those cals I am losing during excersize,, and is it healthy for me to be eating 1200?
  • amberrobinson1
    I was wondering about the same thing myself. On a normal day I eat anywhere from 1000 to 1200 calories a day, not counting the exercise calories. Today I fell 1382 short. There is no way that I could eat that much more food a day. When I went to the gym today I asked my personal trainer about the calorie intake and she said that if I eat less than 1500 a day then my metabolism will eventually slowdown and I will be tired all of the time. Right now I am not really hungry during the day and I have energy. That is unusual for me. I started at 264 and have lost 6 pounds since last Tuesday, but I didn't loose nothing the week before that. I'd say that if you feel ok then your ok. If you start to get tired increase the calories. If you know that you are going to the gym at night go ahead and eat the extra earlier in the day. I fell that a diet is a diet and it is my fear to overeat.
    Good Luck!
  • krystalmoore1986
    krystalmoore1986 Posts: 216 Member
    No, I usually come under 600 Cal, because I work off everything I eat, && I dont eat the deficit because i go to the gym at night (have to wait on husband to get home to watch lil one), so i get home at like 8:45 and I dont eat after 8:00,,, So I dont know how to make up for those cals I am losing during excersize,, and is it healthy for me to be eating 1200?
    That is very dangerous! You need to net 1200 cals a day. That means no matter how much you exercise or eat in a day, you need to still have 1200 cals in your system. You need to eat all 600 of those cals or as many as you can if you are only eating 1200 a day. So to make that clear, your body needs 1200 a day to run its organs. If you burn 600 and dont replace them, you are denying your body the amount of fuel it needs, because its getting 600 less than it needs. if you go to the gym and burn three hundred, you need to eat 1500 cals a day. 300 cals isnt that hard to eat. Have some celery with peanut butter, nuts are high in cals and good fats too. Find some foods that are calorie dense but also contain nutrients. Dont go eat two cookies to replace the 300 cals you burned:laugh: okay well maybe once in a while, you worked for it.
    To help you clarify (Cals eaten in day) - (Cals burned exersising) needs to =<1200

    And you dont have to eat the cals after you work out. If you know you are going to the gym that evening, plan a little bit extra into each meal throughout the day. a spoon of pb with your celery, add some shredded cheese onto a sandwich or veggies. It will be easier than you think. You dont want to slow your metabolism or you will not see any weight loss.
  • McKnightAM
    McKnightAM Posts: 125 Member
    No, I usually come under 600 Cal, because I work off everything I eat, && I dont eat the deficit because i go to the gym at night (have to wait on husband to get home to watch lil one), so i get home at like 8:45 and I dont eat after 8:00,,, So I dont know how to make up for those cals I am losing during excersize,, and is it healthy for me to be eating 1200?
    That is very dangerous! You need to net 1200 cals a day. That means no matter how much you exercise or eat in a day, you need to still have 1200 cals in your system. You need to eat all 600 of those cals or as many as you can if you are only eating 1200 a day. So to make that clear, your body needs 1200 a day to run its organs. If you burn 600 and dont replace them, you are denying your body the amount of fuel it needs, because its getting 600 less than it needs. if you go to the gym and burn three hundred, you need to eat 1500 cals a day. 300 cals isnt that hard to eat. Have some celery with peanut butter, nuts are high in cals and good fats too. Find some foods that are calorie dense but also contain nutrients. Dont go eat two cookies to replace the 300 cals you burned:laugh: okay well maybe once in a while, you worked for it.
    To help you clarify (Cals eaten in day) - (Cals burned exersising) needs to =<1200

    And you dont have to eat the cals after you work out. If you know you are going to the gym that evening, plan a little bit extra into each meal throughout the day. a spoon of pb with your celery, add some shredded cheese onto a sandwich or veggies. It will be easier than you think. You dont want to slow your metabolism or you will not see any weight loss.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have started adding my exercise estimate in the morning. This way I can spread the calories out through the day.

    I start with a good breakfast on days I know I am going to work out at night. Eggs, toast, juice or peanut butter for bf/lunch.

    24 roasted sea salt almonds will set you back 170 calories.

    I know it is hard but you must eat your exercise calories or your body is getting 1200-600=600 to run your body all day.

    It is like putting 10 cents worth of gas in your tank and thinking it will get you where you need to go.

    I STOPPED losing weight when I stopped eating my ex cals.

    I am going to kick up a good thread about 700 cals a day and not losing.
  • menjivas
    menjivas Posts: 124 Member
    I would necessarily say it's okay to eat only 1200 calories a day. I usually eat about 1800 calories a day when I work out. I was doing the 1200 calories and I lost a couple of pounds, but then I added more calories to 1340 a day,without exercise calories, and I have lost even more weight. . You need to be careful because if you eat too little calories your body will think it's in starvation mode and start storing the calories you eat instead of burning them off. Personally, for your weight and height(and to have constant results) I would up the total calories.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I also just upped my calorie base, remember 1200 is a default option.... there are posts all about this.
    I started at 1200, didn't tweak anything, worked out (ate those cals) lost a few lbs.
    After talking to some of the success stories here, I have slowly added more calories, in hopes of dropping more weight, cause I am natorious for under eating. I say play with your calories a bit....just a little to start with.