Starting January 2011



  • rachel1975f

    I am glad you lost that pesky pound! Way to go. I am also glad you managed to do well on your night out. That can be so hard. It's nice to have a buddy to keep you going. I am curious, what did you have for a "low calorie drink"? Is there such a thing? :)
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Good job Rachel and Carthago!!! Great start to February.
    I weigh in on Monday so hopefully lose some lbs!!
    Good luck for everyone else weighing in this week.


    Thanks so much for the encouragement! Good luck for weigh in today!

    autumn76, well done on losing that 1lb!

    Rachel - low calorie drinks are diet drinks, for example, diet coke has (I think) 1 calorie per 100ml, etc.check the database for diet drinks :D
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Well never lost anything this week which is a bit disappointing but I am not getting myself down. It was my TOM this week and this is probably why so I will just accept it and move on to this week!!

    Hope everyone is well and had a good weekend :heart:
  • rachel1975f

    Thanks so much for the encouragement! Good luck for weigh in today!

    autumn76, well done on losing that 1lb!

    Rachel - low calorie drinks are diet drinks, for example, diet coke has (I think) 1 calorie per 100ml, etc.check the database for diet drinks :D

    I thought Autumn was referring to "alcoholic" low cal drinks, so that's why I was asking :)

    Eclairuk - way to keep a good attitude. Good luck to everyone this week!!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi, I hope everyone is having a great week and for those of you in America, enjoyed the Superbowel and for those of you in UK, enjoyed Rugby :o)

    I am glad you lost that pesky pound! Way to go. I am also glad you managed to do well on your night out. That can be so hard. It's nice to have a buddy to keep you going. I am curious, what did you have for a "low calorie drink"? Is there such a thing? :)
    Sorry, yes, I was referring to alcohol. Usually me and my friend would have wine, or dark spirits. But I had cranberry juice and vodka, or diet coke/ Pepsi and vodka, which works out to 50-60 calories per glass, a lot less calories than wine. She had vodka and low calorie tonic.
    Well never lost anything this week which is a bit disappointing but I am not getting myself down. It was my TOM this week and this is probably why so I will just accept it and move on to this week!!
    Sorry to hear that, because I know how hard you're working! That's what happened to me :o( It will come off next weight in. It's annoying that once a month ish, we might have that pause. But persevere we will! Well done :o)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Yeah it does get annoying being a girl sometimes!!! :laugh: Although I never lost any weight I definately feel I have lost some inches with all my exercising I've been doing so I think that might by why I don't feel so bad.

    I am a bit of a scale junkie though so I better lose next week or I will be sooooo annoyed :laugh:

    Hope everyone is having a good week :heart:
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi everyone.

    How's everyone's week going?

    I think I am going to be stuck at the same weight again this week :mad:
    I have been so good with my calories and have exercised everyday so far (just for 20 mins on some days because I'm doing the 30 Day Shred) and I am not losing. I keep saying to myself it's ok because I know I am losing inches and toning up but I still feel a little disappointed if the scale doesn't move!! My official weigh in isn't until Monday so I'm kind of hoping my metabolism kicks in and burns off a couple of pounds before then :bigsmile:

    Just keeping my head up and carrying on doing what I'm doing.

    Hope all is well with everyone else
  • rachel1975f
    Hi all,

    I had a to weigh in a day early this week (on Thursday, instead of Friday) because I took a vacation day on Friday, and I weigh in on the scale at my office. The day off was nice, very relaxing no kids at home, so it was quiet. :wink:

    I threw my back out on Monday (bending over to put something in the recycle bin, of all things!!), so I missed working out 3 days. I was able to start back up again on Thursday, and I did my first Zumba class. It was fun, but I didn't go crazy because of the back.

    Anyway, I was down 2 pounds Thursday, which was great. However, I lost my first place position in my "Biggest Loser" contest at work :angry: I will have to work that much harder this week (good motivation!!)

    Eclairuk-good luck on your weigh-in on Monday. Your never know, that scale might move for you! I hope so! I haven't gotten stuck on a plateau yet, but I can see how that can be frustrating. Keep up your good attitude. If you stick with it, the pounds just have to come off.

    I hope others are having success as well. Give us an update!!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well, I had a sneaky pre-weigh Friday and weighed 217 (4lbs loss) and today 223 on official weigh in today! Blow out Friday, but surly that couldn't cost me 6lbs!! Sticking to it, despite 3 steps forward 2 steps back. TOM today, but I don't think that was the only factor, I was under my calories 2 days in a row, when I wasn't well and before my blow, so a combination of all 3 I think has done it and making me retain water and fat since Friday! I will definintly measure, as I think it's mostly water retention, is physically impossible to gain 6lbs in 2 days, so I'm going to be in love with my tape measure this week, as I am looking slimmer. Maybe a 6lbs loss next Sunday!!

    Clair I know exactly how you feel! I'm also stuck!! And keeping my fingers crossed for you. Despite the scales, we have to persevere :o)

    Rachel, well done on doing so well!! I hope your back gets better and that you have a really nice holiday. Please put me in your suitcase when you go :o) But seriously, enjoy!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm stuck too! I was doing really well until February hit and then, after my husband's birthday last weekend, I've stalled big time. Most would suggest going off diet helps, but that's not been true for me. I've been so good and even began exercising, but it's not working.

    I'm keeping at it - determined to break through this....
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Weigh in was this morning and I barely scraped through with a 0.5lb loss but I'm still feeling upbeat because that is still 18lbs in total since beginning of January...which feels fabulous.

    I might try a suggestion I read of upping calories for one day a week to confuse my metabolism and hopefully kick starting it back into weight loss mode. I might up my gym attendance too.

    One thing is for sure, I'm not going to give up! :)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Grrr - 3lbs on!!!! :explode:

    I had a feeling and the only explanation is muscle being built up through my exercising because I have been so good with my calories. I possibly might have been eating too late last week because of extra hours in work and doing exercise first so I'm doing it the other way round this week to see if it makes a difference.

    I'm just going to keep at it there's nothing else for it!!!!

    Good luck for this week everyone :heart:
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    HI, I know how you're all feeling, but please stick with it, we'll all get there together. We're all big losers and dedicated and doing well!

    Well, the last few days have been strange. I don't usually hop on and off the scales and the last few days have been a reminder why. Friday I saw I'd drpped from 221 to 217, I wanted a pre blow out weight in, I didn't record it. Then official weight in day, I was 223, which wouldn't had seemed so bad if I hadn't pre weighed. I suspected it was water weight and today I weighed to feel better and was 219.

    Anyway, I will weight Sunday as normal and has tought me to beleive in the tape measure and not to pre weigh. LOL Anyway, I feel better and being mindful. I have a fridge full of Valentine goodies, normally, I would had scoff them all after one bad weight in. But you guys are keeping me motivated and inspired. So thank you!

    Good luck everyone, keep at it!
  • rachel1975f
    I hope everyone can break through those plateaus, it must be typical after working at this for about 6 weeks. It really stinks, because it's so hard keeping that motivation up!! Valentine's Day today didn't help either.

    But you all have such great attitudes, that I am sure you will get moving soon. And remember, it's not just the scale, but the measurements, and how those clothes fit! I only weigh-in once a week, because those little fluctuations drive me crazy.

    I hope everyone has a great week. We can do this!!
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I keep promising myself I'm not going to jump on and off the scales but I keep doing it! This morning it looks like I've put a pound on....I hope it doesn't still say that by Monday
  • rachel1975f
    So here is my update-down 2.5 this week as of the Friday weigh-in today. Yay, I'm down 15 pounds total since signing up for MFP! I also squeezed back into first place in my office "Biggest Loser" (I have lost 21 pounds since 1/1/11), but I am only ahead by 1%, so it's keeping my motivation up!!!

    @snockers3112 - those in between weigh-ins are always a curse for me. That is why I got rid of my scale at home, and only weigh-in on the office scale once a week (3 floors down from my desk). But I hope that pound goes away for you on Monday, and a few more get added to it!!

    Good luck to everyone who has weigh-ins coming up!! I hope you see results. And a nice weekend to you all as well.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Friday saw me over eating and chomping away on my Valentine goodies. But that's because I knew I'd be going out dancing Saturday, which saw me under eating by about 800 calories after the night on the floor. I discovered a brand of champaign that had les than 200 calories for the whole bottle! And now I know why my friend loves champagne so much, I assumed she just had expensive taste. I also discovered that my tummy is shrinking and only hold 4 small drinks and a cup of water, luckily, my friend was too tipsy to notice. Otherwise, she would made me have more, which was physically impossible. When she wasnt looking, I'd pour off some of my drink in empty glasses, because I was that full!!

    1lbs this week and very happy to be out of that funk!
    I keep promising myself I'm not going to jump on and off the scales but I keep doing it! This morning it looks like I've put a pound on....I hope it doesn't still say that by Monday
    That pound will come of! Stick to it like the pound wasn't there. I vow never to mid weigh after the scales told me I gained almost half a stone in a week :o( But then it came of the next day and was all water weight. Sometimes the salt in the food and TOM can do that. Drink extra water if you've been eating package food, or had a meal out, or ordering food in. Good luck x
    So here is my update-down 2.5 this week as of the Friday weigh-in today. Yay, I'm down 15 pounds total since signing up for MFP! I also squeezed back into first place in my office "Biggest Loser" (I have lost 21 pounds since 1/1/11), but I am only ahead by 1%, so it's keeping my motivation up!!!
    Congratulations on your loss and keeping in first place!!! :o)
  • rachel1975f
    Well it looks like some are breaking through those plateaus. That is awesome, so glad to hear it.

    Autumn, good planning for your evening out. It sounds like you are really keeping in control. You should be very proud of yourself. I love the part about pouring off your drinks!! LOL, that is a good strategy!!

    What is that brand of Champagne you were talking about? It sounds good, and I wonder if you can get it in the States?

    Well, I hope everyone else is doing well, and has another great week!!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Oh, I hope we can get that Champagne in Canada! It sounds awesome!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Hey guys,

    Don't think I've checked in for a long time.

    I completed Day 15 of the 30 Day Shred, Day 5 of Level 2 and it's still difficult... but I'm loving it!

    I perform so much better after eating something, I burn less calories, but at least I don't feel like I'm going to faint.

    I've maintained my weight for two weeks now...I don't think it's a plateau, I think I was deluding myself thinking I could get away with eating processed junk. So even though I was under my calories (not by much, mind) I was filling up on empty calories and loads of sodium.

    So I've resorted to cooking a little more and eating more fruit and vegetables. Baby steps at the minute, but I hope to get there!

    Aiming for 2lbs lost this Friday to make up for the last two weeks!