Anyone else wanting to lose around 20lbs :)

xbabeykayx Posts: 78
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Planning to lose it with plenty of excercise and a calorie controlled diet containing 1200 calories.. :) has anyone else got similuar goals ? x


  • I am in the same boat. I have already lost 10 and I'm going for another 10-15.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I do!
  • ME!! I cant wait to lose 20 lbs I am really trying to keep the food journal so i can track the calories, but I do the Shake in the mornings, because I can't see my self eating less if I go out to eat or grab something on my way. I don't exercise but should. I look forward to our success
  • I have also just started and am looking at 15 pounds but would love 20! Trying to get myself motivated and back on track with healthy eating and getting up to exercise.
  • Well ive lost 4lbs so far.. not much but its a start! :) x
  • I have also just started and am looking at 15 pounds but would love 20! Trying to get myself motivated and back on track with healthy eating and getting up to exercise.

    Yeahh once you start and get past the first few weeks i personally think it becomes easier, ive lost 4lbs so far in the last 2 weeks and planning on losing moree ! :) x
  • I want to lose about 20-25 lb for summer. I have lost a few pounds in 2 weeks.
  • 4 pounds here, too!!! Hooray for us!
  • Me too! I want to shed about 20-25lbs!!!
  • ME!! 20 lbs to go would be great! I'ven been on since January and lost 7. I'd like to lose 20 more in addition to that!
  • Good keep up the good work guys!! What diets are you eating, calorie controlled, if so what foods ? x
  • Exact same goal!
  • I have found Campbell's Select Harvest soups... So good, but so low in calories!
  • That's about my goal! I'm hoping for this to be more of a "lifestyle change" than a diet though, so whatever I lose, I'm happy with! I eat tooo much junk food! :(
  • SamanthaT01
    SamanthaT01 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm looking to lose 20-23 pounds too!
  • chatnoire
    chatnoire Posts: 13 Member
    Me too. I've been holding steady at 140 and can't figure out how to move past it...I want to be down to 120 to be in my "ideal" weight. I'd love some buddies to keep me accountable!
  • mzayed
    mzayed Posts: 27
    i would like to loose 15 lbs by summer. im stuck at 143, and cant seem to get past it! I am counting calories and just this past week and a half started exercising. I hope the exercising helps. ITs feels so much harder when you dont have that much to loose! any ideas on how to get past a plateau would be great! I have stayed within the calorie range but someone told me to eat more. can this be true?!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I would like to lose around 28.
  • Me too. I just joined last week and I'd ultimately like to lose about 14lbs. Right now I'm focusing on losing 5 before my vacation next month. I figure a small goal will help it seem more manageable. The one thing I find hard is that I hate having to count calories. I love to exercise and I love seeing those exercise calories add up, but I hate having to log everything I eat. I know it will help though.
  • tnkbest
    tnkbest Posts: 58 Member
    Me too! I have been tracking for about 2 weeks now but am nervous to do a weigh in. Don't want to get too dissappointed if I havne't lost any yet. I am trying to exercise more also but have a hard time fitting it into my schedule. Good luck to everyone!
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