muscle vs fat

I have been biking on a spin bike for two weeks straight and today I got on the scale and it said I've gained weight. I am fed up with this.


  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I'm sorry you're discouraged but before getting too upset you might want to do a little analysis.

    First thing to consider. When you first begin a new exercise program it is very common for your muscles to hold onto water for a long period of time until you adjust to your new routine. So, more than likely, you've retained extra water......nothing to panic about.

    If it is not that then check your journals to see if you are eating too much, too little, counting ALL of your calories. Measure, don't just estimate and also, take ANY estimate of calories burned with a little grain of salt. If you're overestimating how many calories you burn when exercising you might be eating just enough to keep yourself at maintanence.

    Generally it takes a minimum of two weeks for your body to adjust to a change. Just hang in there. You'll do alright as long as you stick with the program.
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    I, too, have been spinning most days of the week since the last week of September. Have not been able to lose weight, but sure as hell gained several pounds. And if it's 'muscle', sadly, nothing in my closet fits.......

    I'm fed up as well........