First Day- Need friends to help :)

Hello, I am new to myfitnesspal. It looks like a good comprehensive site and I am looking forward to having something in place to help motivate me to lose and keep losing weight! I need to lose quite a bit, and am approaching it in increments. I have also started walking to work on sunny days- the whole trip ends up being 5-6 miles a day. It is raining all week this week, but I am really trying to keep my motivation up! Anyone that is interested in 'buddying up' let me know! :wink:


  • carrieanne
    I've tried this website a million times but i totally lack the motivation! i hope this time around I can stick to it! Summers coming up soon....hope we can reach out goals together!
  • miss_thang1619
    Hi I am looking forward to reaching my goals by my 31st bday in August..I want to wear a bikini for the first time lol Add me :)
  • mdward79
    mdward79 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I've been one for a couple weeks. Love the ease of the food diary. Also looking for support and motivation. My first goal is to lose 30 pounds by summer...I am half way there but the weight is coming off slow.
  • RocketsGirl75
    I guess I look at my life and see the things that I haven't done and honestly cant do because of my weight. I don't want this to hold me back anymore. I am doing this for a better me!! I know there is a skinny girl in here just begging to come out! :happy:
  • emilyds
    I wish I could walk to work too, but I commute. Keep it up though, I walked almost every day last spring and summer and lost about 20 lbs.