Just ate 10 mini muffins - Hate myself

I don't know why I bought them, I guess I thought I could have one each day or something. Stupid me.

I feel like crap and just want to cry.


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    dont buy any stuff like that!...dont cry:sad: ...be stricter tomorrow:wink:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I ate 1.5 sugar cookies with yummy frosting AND 2 huge truffles today... if that helps you feel better at all...

    i agree that it is tough for me to have that kind of thing around.

    Tomorrow's a new day! :) You can do this!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I've fallen into that trap so many times. Back when I was eating carbs - I would buy those 100 calorie packs of crap. The first weak moment I had - BOOM 12 empty 100 calorie wrappers on the table. (then, what the hell, I already blew it, why not go get a huge family size bag of chips or whatever.... UGH!)
  • RocketsGirl75
    you can't beat yourself up for things that you can't change. just know that you can change what you do from here. we all have our weak times and you dust yourself off and go on. you can do it!! :happy:
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Will this ever get easier? Will I ever just stop doing binging? The rest of humanity seem to be able to eat only when they are hungry. I am defective :(
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Just consider it a lesson learned. I don't buy that stuff....because I can't control myself.
    Don't beat yourself up over it. I know when I buy junk....I really plan to eat it....so I don't buy it!
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I think it does get easier, but these days of weakness never leave. You have to be on your guard, know when to treat yourself, and learn to do it so that you are proud of yourself for being in control rather than letting the weakness control you. That said, it takes practice. So take this as a practice run and learn about yourself. Tomorrow is a new day and it's yours to control.
  • jessimacar
    haha, "only eat when they're hungry".

    we're all here for the same reason.. be proud that you know you made a mistake, and can try to learn from it.. I know that before I joined this site and really started to take account for the things that I eat, I wouldn't have thought twice about eating 10 mini muffins. I wouldn't have cared. Now I know how bad that is, and while I try not to beat myself up for making mistakes, I know the consequences, and am better prepared to make up for it! :)

    I'm sure it'll get easier. Just keep trying. Maybe next time you'll be able to stop at 6, then 3, then 1! One day eating healthy won't be a decision and a struggle, it'll be natural and simple. Until then, keep working at it!

    You can do this.
  • rainonurparade3
    I was tempted into eating two subway cookies today - you're not alone!
  • knewbill72
    knewbill72 Posts: 133 Member
    3 BIG chocalate chip cookies today!! I haven't even started yet. We are all imperfect and will have our moments of weekness. The goal is to have more good days then bad. Forget about today...it's over. Tomorrow is another opportunity to do better!!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I ate a half of bag of Twizzler bites today! Not the small bag the BIG bag!! So I know how you're feeling. I agree with others, to not buy things that are unhealthy or going to make you eat all of them in a day. I caved and bought the licorice yesterday and am so regreting it. But now I realize I can't do it and it'll be the last time it happens. I also am just about to start working out too and that helps me feel better. When you get cravings just try to buy healthy snacks and drink lots of water. One of my favorite things is frozen yoplait light yogurt. I've tricked myself into thinking its icecream!! Tomorrow is a new day and you can start over and try to do better. I think we all have days where we slip, but usually those are the days we learn from and make us motivated to do better.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    We all have those types of moments. For me I have a HUGE problem with baked goods being in the house. I know that I am not hungry but I am unable to stop myself.

    I have learned to not bake unless it is for something or someone. I have also learned that if I do buy myself something, I only buy one serving. You can't eat what you don't have. Also if you do start to eat something sugary and want to stop, eat a pickle I don't know why but it helps me.
  • mdward79
    mdward79 Posts: 14 Member
    I've fallen into that trap so many times. Back when I was eating carbs - I would buy those 100 calorie packs of crap. The first weak moment I had - BOOM 12 empty 100 calorie wrappers on the table. (then, what the hell, I already blew it, why not go get a huge family size bag of chips or whatever.... UGH!)

    I had to go cold turkey when I started. I have no self control so I didn't and still haven't allowed myself to have any of my weaknesses. The biggest one being chocolate. Also cookies, cupcakes, etc. It is best to stay away until you are strong enough to have self control.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Everybody has these moments. But now you know. You can't buy that stuff. Not until you are fully in control. And maybe even then. Throw the rest away. Pour soap on them so you won't eat them. Drink a glass of water, brush your teeth and decide that tomorrow it WILL be different.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I planned to eat a few pieces from a delite pizza from Papa Murphys, had more than I wanted to but still managed to stay under my calories. I feel like crap for eating it though like I did a really bad thing! We all have our moments. Trial and error and we will keep falling down, the main thing is, that we continue to get back up!
  • MelliCheer
    The secret to not eating crap is to not buy it. Banish it from your house.

    I found the best way for me to choose good "snacks" was to have them ready to go at all times in the fridge, in my purse etc.

    If it's EASIER to grab the good stuff then you won't have the "it's too hard" excuse. This works a treat for crunchy tasty vegetables and hummus dip. Just make sure to pre portion the hummus.

    Lastly, don't beat yourself up. We're all human and make mistakes :D
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Thanks everyone. I don't feel so bad knowing that you all have similar experiences.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    ive done things like that too! just count it as a stuff up today and do better tomorrow. we cant change the past but we can do something about the future!
  • LauraMcGanity
    You are definitely not alone.

    I just can't buy anything in packs at the moment. Weightwatchers multi-packs of crisps?
    Cheap, yes, but not when I'll eat all 6 packets in one go.

    And some people are able to keep a big bar of chocolate in the fridge and snap off one square a day...I would NEVER be able to do that, I'd eat the lot.

    So for now (and probably forever more) I will only buy fruit and veg in bulk, and anything sweet/fatty/crispy/crunchy etc I shall continue to buy one at a time, it's the only way.