Will I be able to lose my fat back I have pictures

EmelyJ Posts: 208
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everyone-

So I am attempting to post pictures, lets hope this works.

I'm getting a little discourage on how I feel I might never be able to lose my fat back, my stomachor have smaller upper arms. I hate doing push up because my stomach is always hanging and it looks disgusting. Has anyone ever had a fat back and lost it? or has anyone had their stomach look like mine and now has a flat stomach. Do I have a chances or having thinner upper arms? I need motivation to know that if I do keep working out and eating right I will be able to lose my fat back and have a flat stomach.

I have two kids so I'm guessing it will be alittle harder to get a flat stomach.

Ok how do I post pictures on here?


  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    Good, you got it to work.

    You can do it!
  • I went and looked anyway... you CAN lose it. Just focus on toning your muscles and do your cardio so you burn the flabby bits. I still have those bits too, but they ARE shrinking. We can do this!
  • The only time I really showed reduction in belly fat, I was eating more lean protein (white meat chicken and white meat turkey, mainly breast meat, and tuna) and much, much less bread - barely a slice a day, if that. By combining my protein intake with a fruit or a veggie instead of a starch, the belly fat was definitely coming off.

    As for the back fat, the only thing I've ever found that works is to build the muscles underneath while doing overall body-fat reduction - try lat pull-downs. If you have a machine, pull the bar down BEHIND your head, instead of to the front, as the picture on the machine shows. If you don't have a machine, use dumbbells - hold them over your head, then when you lower them to your shoulders, bring your elbows down behind you, like you're trying to touch your elbows together behind your back. You don't have to use heavy weights - you only have to remember that the muscle group you're working is in your back - not your shoulders, and not your arms. You WILL use those muscles, but if you put your focus on your back muscles, it will help you focus more there - to squeeze them instead of just moving.

    Good luck!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I don't have pictures, but I used to have back fat. Now, I have a lean, muscular back. You have to work hard for it, and it took me losing 100 pounds to finally see the end of it, but it's worth all the work when you look over your shoulder and catch a glimpse of your muscles in the mirror.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    You are still in your 20's, so the flab will reabsorb for you no problem. I am 45 and it is slow, but it is going away. Keep up with the cardio and lift weights to tone and define the muscles, and you will regain the sexy mid-section and svelt back you want.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    The only time I really showed reduction in belly fat, I was eating more lean protein (white meat chicken and white meat turkey, mainly breast meat, and tuna) and much, much less bread - barely a slice a day, if that. By combining my protein intake with a fruit or a veggie instead of a starch, the belly fat was definitely coming off.

    As for the back fat, the only thing I've ever found that works is to build the muscles underneath while doing overall body-fat reduction - try lat pull-downs. If you have a machine, pull the bar down BEHIND your head, instead of to the front, as the picture on the machine shows. If you don't have a machine, use dumbbells - hold them over your head, then when you lower them to your shoulders, bring your elbows down behind you, like you're trying to touch your elbows together behind your back. You don't have to use heavy weights - you only have to remember that the muscle group you're working is in your back - not your shoulders, and not your arms. You WILL use those muscles, but if you put your focus on your back muscles, it will help you focus more there - to squeeze them instead of just moving.

    Good luck!

  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    yes you can,I have
  • missmmaynes
    missmmaynes Posts: 79 Member
    Oh you sure can! It takes a whole lot of work but you will absolutely get your back and abs toned! Keep up the hard work!
  • You can totally do this! I know because I'm doing it myself and I'm almost twice your age. I don't have pix to show, but I can tell you my backside looked a lot like yours does now but I transformed what I ate and how active I am and I am about halfway to slim. I just started Beach body's P90X and I have total faith that I will see huge transformations. I've committed to sticking with it 100% for the 90 days. Like you I carried 2 babies for 9 months each. If I can get through that and childbirth twice, I can commit to the P90X program for 90 days. Taking the photos really helps. It doesn't come off all at once, but it WILL come off.

    I like to think of the fat I burn off like a package of butter. Each day I burn off enough butter to spread on a slice of toast (not that I'm eating buttered toast these days! so don't even think about that!). I may not notice that I've taken a pat of butter from the stick of butter in the butterdish. It still looks the same. But if I take off a pat a day, every day, pretty soon I'll notice it disappearing! The butter visualization model also helps me when I have a buttered toast craving. "Do I really want to stick that pat of butter that I burned off yesterday right back on my butt??" Hell no!

    Good luck! You can do this! Don't lose faith. And when you waiver, post something here and we're right here for you!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    You can totally do this! I know because I'm doing it myself and I'm almost twice your age. I don't have pix to show, but I can tell you my backside looked a lot like yours does now but I transformed what I ate and how active I am and I am about halfway to slim. I just started Beach body's P90X and I have total faith that I will see huge transformations. I've committed to sticking with it 100% for the 90 days. Like you I carried 2 babies for 9 months each. If I can get through that and childbirth twice, I can commit to the P90X program for 90 days. Taking the photos really helps. It doesn't come off all at once, but it WILL come off.

    I like to think of the fat I burn off like a package of butter. Each day I burn off enough butter to spread on a slice of toast (not that I'm eating buttered toast these days! so don't even think about that!). I may not notice that I've taken a pat of butter from the stick of butter in the butterdish. It still looks the same. But if I take off a pat a day, every day, pretty soon I'll notice it disappearing! The butter visualization model also helps me when I have a buttered toast craving. "Do I really want to stick that pat of butter that I burned off yesterday right back on my butt??" Hell no!

    Good luck! You can do this! Don't lose faith. And when you waiver, post something here and we're right here for you!

    I love your "Butter" anology!
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    Thanks guys, I sure will try harder. I nothing that the Abs and the fat back are the hardest to lose. :(
  • I was just looking at the posts and WoW I found this subject to be very helpful to me! I feel like the person who said to eat more protein and fruits instead of breads is a genious! Why could I not have figured this one out long ago?

    Thank You to everyone on this site who truely care, Tammy
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Go into my profile and look at my before and after pic hon. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It takes time but its doable. Remember you didnt get like that over night!

    EDIT: by the way I dont have a FLAT stomach yet its a bit flabby but Im still working on it again within time
  • You can totally lose back fat. Let me try to search for some of my pics where I lost it. I think I might have even had more than you.....
  • Ok hopefully this works.....if the pic comes out huge please forgive me.....i don't know how to resize them....

  • I am still a work in progress with my weight loss I have lost 13lbs doing p90x, and I used to feel like you do. I wondered if I was ever going to loose my big belly that I had, I thought I would look pregnant for the rest of my life LOL!!!!!. Doing P90x has helped me with that progress I have lost some of my belly not all of it but at least I know is possible.

    So do not get discouraged because it is possible

    You can go into my profile and check out my pictures
  • Yes you can and I know this to be true because I have done it before! I had 2 c-sections so I had this 'bump' that I battled with but when I lose the weight before my stomach was flat enough to fry pancakes on : ) and I no longer had any bulges on my back, my success was mostly from how I ate I believe. I ate low calories, low/no sugar or carbs...lots of lean meats and low-calorie snacks.....You're doing great, keep it up, you can do it!!!!!
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    Yes you can and I know this to be true because I have done it before! I had 2 c-sections so I had this 'bump' that I battled with but when I lose the weight before my stomach was flat enough to fry pancakes on : ) and I no longer had any bulges on my back, my success was mostly from how I ate I believe. I ate low calories, low/no sugar or carbs...lots of lean meats and low-calorie snacks.....You're doing great, keep it up, you can do it!!!!!

    Thank you. I sure hope so, I think that those bulges on my back are what makes me look even bigger then what I really am.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Keep working, they will go down. My back rolls were one of the first things to start shrinking, and my stomach was the last. I also have two kids, so I do know that with work, you can get a flat stomach, or at least flatter than it is. I do a lot of pilates, and that works well for me. I am still working on my abs right now, even though I am pregnant. I will have to stop many of the ab exercises once my abdominal muscles separate. But I have seen great improvement in my midsection, so don't lose heart. That's generally the last place people lose their fat, but its worth the work!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Diana what workouts are you doing?
    Ok hopefully this works.....if the pic comes out huge please forgive me.....i don't know how to resize them....

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