I am drinking over 64 oz. of water daily why...



  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    It is more likely that you aren't drinking enough, rather than drinking too much. Especially if you just had a doctor's visit and everything was OK, All of the air around us is really dry at this time of year. And if you are execising you probably need to drink more than just 8 cups a day anyway. You would be surprised just how much water we lose and don't even realize it.

    Watch your sodium intake too. The higher it is the more you need to drink. And as someone already pointed out, the best indicator is the color of your pee. Anything from pale yellow to clear, is fine. If it is really yellow, you definitely need to drink more.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    not sure how long you've been drinking that amount of water..
    but i do recall reading that when you increase your water consumed it does take awhile for your body to become used to that fact that it no longer needs worry about being dehydrated anymore.. but once it does it settles down and things like waking up at night to pee, or feeling thirsty all the time, subsides.
    i have no idea how long 'awhile' is though *LOL*

    That's given that of course you've been tested for possible diabetes and that possibility is eliminated.

    Ok guys, I just started with this water volume 2 weeks ago. I live in the NE and it is cold, have oil/steam heat and it can be drying (never thought about that), not a mouth breather, not on any meds at all. Just had a complete work up on my labs in December. I just started exercising reguarly for the first time in over a year. I do not add sodium to any of my foods, because there is enough hidden elsewhere. I rarely eat processed foods, I make everything fresh and buy organic whenever I can. Have not had alcohol since New Years. I really can not thing of anything else, yet. Thank you so much everyone for your input! :flowerforyou:
  • AmeMahoney
    Have you been tested for diabetes? If you're drinking that much water, you should not be thirsty.

    Not true for everyone. 64 oz is the bare minimum you should get. If you haven't been getting enough water for a long time, your body may just be relishing in the fact that you are now hydrating, and it may not do this after a while.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    It sounds like it is not a health issue...since you just had all the tests done. Looks like either too much water or not enough. If you just started exercising and are sweating a ot of water out, well then maybe the 64oz isn't quite enough.
  • sissybarmama
    I'm betting a humidifier in your bedroom would be a godsend. The air in your house is probably too arid with the heat. BTW, what part of the Northeast are you from? I am originally from Baltimore County, Maryland. The Northeast has seen some real nasty weather the past 2 winters. Good post about the things burglars won't tell you. I enjoyed that.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I'm betting a humidifier in your bedroom would be a godsend. The air in your house is probably too arid with the heat. BTW, what part of the Northeast are you from? I am originally from Baltimore County, Maryland. The Northeast has seen some real nasty weather the past 2 winters. Good post about the things burglars won't tell you. I enjoyed that.

    Pennsylvania. Yes it has been ver cold, starting to warm up a bit today.