Weight Watchers VS Calorie Counting?

mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so I have been at this for weeks and havent lost any weight at all in the last 4 weeks. I have no idea what is going on with my body at all and it is very frustrating. So im thinking maybe I should try weight watchers, it seems people are alot more successful with that than calorie counting or is that just what it seems like? I need to figure something out, this is driving me crazy


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You arent eating enough- if your calorie goal is at 1200, you need to MEET that goal every single day. My advice is to manually set your cal goal to 1300 or 1400, so you have some room to be under without triggering your starvation response. Read this:http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/3047-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing
    or PM me if you have questions
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Are you exercising as well and if so you may not be eating enough calories. Your body won't burn calories if you don't give it enough, it will hold onto them.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    weight waters IS calorie counting! :) They just change it to different numbers and it probably has a little more to do with the make up of the food. So to stay within your points you must eat healthier items. I say two things: 1. a calorie is a calorie but the healthier you eat the more bang for your buck (the more food you can eat) because the healthier food is typically lower calorie. 2. do what makes sense-go try weight watchers if you need to!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I would recommend actually seeing your Dr--if you haven't visited with the Dr prior to starting, they can run some simple blood tests, etc. to let you know where you are "starting". And have faith that even though you might not see the numbers budging on the scale, your efforts are AT LEAST helping you lead a healthier life :)

    If all else fails though, WW is certainly an option--whatever works best and helps you lead the lifestyle you are looking for! Good luck :wink:
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    for sure you need to eat more stay at 1200.
  • I have been doing Weight Watchers for 5 weeks and have lost 7lbs. I will tell you that I did weight watchers online last year in January and had no success. I do believe that actually going to meetings and weighing in is what makes the difference. I use this website mostly just for the food database.
    That being said...my next door neighbor is the person who gave me this website and she is using only it and has lost 8lbs.
  • I lost 5lbs on weight watchers. It is a very good program. My subscription actually expired and I haven't had the funds to keep it going so this is my alternative until I can get back on weight watchers, but the program for weight watchers is great because it educates you about the food that you eat and they tell you not to deprive yourself. However, on weight watchers I didn't lose any weight for the first 4 weeks I started, but my mom lost 3 lbs her first two weeks. I guess it just depends on a persons body. Are you eating in portion sizes? What are you eating exactly? At one of the meetings a lady said that she had stopped losing weight and she didn't understand because she was eating mostly fruits and the leader told her fruits are good in moderation because they consist of a lot of sugar, natural sugar, but still sugar nonetheless. I would give weight watchers a try if you feel that might work better for you. I know I will be joining the online weight watchers program as soon as my budget allows me to, Hope this helped a little.
  • Agreed, you're not eating nearly enough. Not only that, you're not eating healthy either. If your diary is correct, on Sunday you ate four pieces of white bread for breakfast, skipped lunch & snack, and had a burger for dinner. You're starving yourself!
  • Need more vegies and get your calories up to the 1200, lean meats. I try to stay away from breads and sweets unless I make them or whole grain breads. Also water water water..
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I looked through your diary, and it looks like you definitely aren't eating enough. On your home page there's a math equation at the top that gives you your net calories (total eaten minus cals burned through exercise). That number shouldn't dip far below 1200, and out of the 8 days I looked at in your diary, you were below 1200 every day except one, and often you were far below. Your body isn't going to release weight because it thinks there's a food shortage and it wants to hold onto those energy stores. When your calorie goal increases due to exercise, eat them back. If I were you, I'd probably have a day where you net a little higher than 1200, just to let your body know that hey, I'm gonna feed you now, you can burn the fat. Then make sure you don't let your net fall below 1150ish from then on.

    I also want to add that some days you're only logging like 300 cals -- I'm not sure if that's really all you ate on those days, or if you just didn't log. Log EVERYTHING you put into your mouth, even if it seems inconsequential like a Tic Tac. You need to log everything so you can have an accurate picture of what's going on with your body. You'll have to keep a log if you do WW too, so if you're not in the habit now, you need to get into the habit.

    Don't give up!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Isnt calorie counting and point counting pretty much the same thing?
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    EAT MORE!!! That's your problem. Your body is going to react by HOLDING ONTO fat, not losing it.

    I am 130 pounds and eat 1,400-1,800 calories a day (mostly healthy foods) and keep losing weight!!! You have to have the right intake and do this for awhile until your body becomes accustomed and starts shedding pounds slowly but surely.
  • I was thinking of doing the WWs online program, but my mom keeps telling me she thinks that it would be better for me to actually go to the meetings. Isn't the online version cheaper?. However, I'm a computer nut so I was thinking that the online program might work. So you really had no success?
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I was on weight watchers about 5 years ago, and it's basically calorie counting. They just simplify it and attending the meetings/weigh in holds you accountable and the program also helps show you what portion control is, what type of fat is good for you, etc....

    I'm not sure if you're logging in all the food your eating in your diary because you are way under 1200 calories for some days. If that is all you ate, your body is going into starvation mode and you're not going to lose weight. In some instances you may gain weight or if you do lose weight you'll lose muscle. WW can help explain all that good stuff as well.

    One thing that helps me is I check the food diaries of some of my buddies or other users who are more successful in their weight loss journey so i can see what they are eating (and I am not).

    Good luck!
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I just went through a 6 week plateau as well and finally decided I really did need to try eating all 1200 calories PLUS at least 1/2 of my exercise calories back. That pushed me out of the plateau and I have successfully lost weight each week for the last 3 weeks. I know it is hard to wrap your head around, but you HAVE to eat your calories and you NEED to make sure they are healthy calories!

    On another note, I did weight watchers and it was good for the first few pounds, but I became unsuccessful in losing the last ten pounds. If you know how to eat healthy and you hold yourself accountable and don't cheat you really don't need weight watchers. It is just a different way of counting calories. If you need someone looking at the scales each week to keep you accountable and you aren't sure how to really eat healthy then it would be a great program for you.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Looking at your diary, you are not being very consistent (way under some days, over other days). While it can average out over a week doing it that way, you are probably still under the cal amount you should be at and are getting high-carb loads all at once, which the body immediately stores as fat. (read the thread posted by meggon - I expect you are quite similar to the example.)

    Also, the quality of a lot of your cals is quite poor. You're eating a lot of fast food. You're rarely getting enough fiber (because you're getting processed carbs, not good carbs). Sodium is quite high. And many days you're either not drinking water or not logging it - not good either way. The high processed carbs-high sodium-low water combination means you retain a lot of water. You need more lean protein, more good fats (fish, natural oils, nuts, avocado) and good carbs.

    Consistency and commitment are what will make you successful. You need to commit to your plan and follow it every day, and be honest about your diary. Whether you use MFP or WW, neither will work if you don't improve your eating habits. Losing weight and being healthy is at least 80% diet. You CAN do it, but you need to stay focused and be strong and change your habits - not just be on a "diet." Good luck to you!
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    I would say up your cal intake a little and see if that jump starts your metabolism again and then take it from there. Best of luck x
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I am going to second what everyone is saying - your diary shows that you are trying to stay under, but you are doing it in a very unhealthy way - you need to eat healthy - stay away from Wendys, Arbys, Subways, etc. Make your own food (I like to cook with weight watchers receipes) this way you are accountable for all of the ingredients - eat more veggies, fruits, etc. Stay away from unhealthy snacks (even 100 calorie snacks that are cookies is not as good for you as baby carrots or strawberries or something healthy like that). If you are serious about losing, you need to make a serious change - trying to maintain the same unhealthy eating habits will not yield results.

    I would friend a few people who seem to be serious about getting healthy and then try to mimic what they eat (I always try foods that I see on my friends' diaries).

    Good luck :)
  • I eat at 1200 cals and (when I stick to it) lose weight just fine. However, like folks said all calories are not made equal. Eat a healthy, nutrient rich 1200 cals and you'll lose weight. Eat 1200 cals of crap and your body will start starving for nutrients as it doesnt think its being fed at all. Big difference.

    As for weight watchers, what I didnt like is that you arent actually getting educated about the calories in food. Is it a 5 point food because the cals are high? the fat is high? or it doesnt have enough fiber. This site is where I really got educated on food in general.

    For instance, at 6 feet tall, my goal weight is somewhere between 160 and 170. That means that to maintain my weight, I'll eventually be eating somewhere around 1700-1800 cals. Right now I eat 1200. If I look at the food I eat now and look at how much more I can eat (500-600 cals) at my goal weight I realized that if I just add back my morning latte (140 cals), a slightly larger meat portion (300 cals), and maybe the amount of cheese I would actually like on my sandwich (100 cals) I am almost at the max goals. And all I did was drink a latte, eat a piece of cheese, and have a full chicken breast. That tells me that when I get to goal weight, it wont be a free for all with food. How I am eating now is pretty close to how I will eat at goal weight with a few perks and I need to get used to it. I never would have figured that out with WW (and didnt). So I am a big fan of counting calories. You are actually getting educated with facts, not points that dont really translate to anything in science. JMHO.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Ok so after reading what everyone has written, you are all right. My biggest problem is that I find it hard to stick with it. I need to find out exactly what to cook and go buy those ingredients. And no more eating out. I need to start planning my meals everyday and sticking with it, eating all my calories too. This is such a huge learning curve for me, its tough, but with knowledgeable people on here like you guys i think i can do it
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