Eating out at Tapas Restaurant

Hi All,
So I thought I'd ask you guys and ladies here as you might be able to help. I've been doing well on my diet and exercise regime since new years (lost about 11lbs so far) but tomorrow i'm at a tapas rastaurant and can't get out of it..

The link to the menu is above and for the life of me, apart from the Salad, I can't see anything remotely healthy. Now, I understand its fine to go over your calories count as otherwise it would be bornig, but the things at tapas restaurants are normally way over (deep friend calamari, chorizo, potato skins etc).
Any ideas what could help from the list on there? Sorry it a boring question, but thought I'd ask at least.

Cheers all in advance



  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    planning ahead is your first success. I'd go with some of the below options:

    Picante- £4.95
    Shrimps cooked in a spicy tomato sauce, Served with bread.

    Arroz con Pollo - £5.55
    A spicy rice with chicken and peas.

    (V') Quesadilla- £5.45 - SKIP THE CHEESE - OR LIGHT CHEESE
    A flour tortilla filled with cheese, jalapeno, tomatoes and onions. A choice of:

    (V') Tricolore - £4.95 - OIL on the side
    Tomato, avocado and Mozzarella salad drizzled with basil infused olive oil.

    (V') Insalata Mista - £2.95 - no OIL
    Mixed leaves, shaved Sardinian Pecorino cheese, sprinkled with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I think you could have a pretty substantial meal and not terribly bad calorie-wise if you had the albondigas and the ensalada mixta. You could even add some patatas bravas in there if you work out before and have some extra calories. I agree with the previous post - it's all about planning ahead!

  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    most places will let you make healthy cooking options also. The only problem is you most likely will not be able to get a calie count that way. Just ask and see what they will do for you. Also ask if they have any healthy eating options. Don't forget to order a togo box right from the start and place half your meal in the togo box and olny eat the other half. It is amazing how well this works. Portion sizes are usually way to big anyway and this will give you at least two meals out of one. Good luck and have fun. I alway think that one day a week of going way over is good to trick the matabolism and keep it faster. gives it a little bost once in a while.
  • vinster345
    vinster345 Posts: 30 Member
    Wow, ladies thank you sooo much. Really appreciate the replies. Will take on board a little from each. Had completely missed the shrimps and the chicken and rice; will make sure I definitely not skip my daily workout tomorrow morning; and hadn't even thought of the to-go box.
    Brilliant, thank you!!