Tips to help with my Children

Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member

Looking for any advise that would help me too be able to workout without being interrupted every five minutes. I am having a very hard time: 1) finding time to workout 2) having my children allow me to work out 3) guilt that I don't have time to spend with the children....

I have a 2 and 5 year old. I work 10 hour days and by the time I pick them up, I havent seen them in 11 hours. I need to find a way to have them be a part of my workouts or keep at bay but close enough that we can interact while I work out. I have, as of late, given up on working out all together as I just cant seem to juggle everything all at once...

I know that in the mornings would be the best time to workout however, I lack enough sleep as it is and getting up a hour early isnt appealing.

I usually just use my treadmill or do a 20-30 minute workout DVD....I feel like, "it's a half time?" but a two and five year old think its a lifetime.

I love my children so much that is why if anyone has tips on how I might be able to have them assist at bay..LOL would be greatly appreciated.


  • by any chance do you have a wii, my son who is 8 plays the wii fitness plus with me.
  • In the summer we go for family walks after supper. We also go for family bike rides. It's harder in the winter but I've found that playing Kinect with them or just putting on some music and dancing is fun. My 10 year old likes doing Yoga with me.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    that is really hard. I have a 6 year old and have this problem some of the time--but not the added bonus of a 2 year old too! I have an elliptical and sometimes I will put a blanket out on the floor in my bedroom (so I can keep my eye on him) and he may sit and color or play with toys and listen to music on the blanket while I'm on the elliptical. He talks most of the time--something I don't particularly like to do during a workout, because you can't focus as much....but at least you are doing it, right? There's also putting on a video or PBS kids---20 minutes isn't that long and your health is worth it!

    This would be tough with the 2 year old but your 5 year old might get a kick out of jump roping. I just bought myself and my son a jump rope and we do this together in the living room. I can burn close to 100 calories in 10 minutes. We both stumble around, but it's fun and good for both of us.

    Good luck finding your routine---I'm sure it can be done!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    go to your YMCA and go swimming, or play in the gym during open gym time, learn to play squash or raquetball together, local YMCA's can be a great asset. (no I don't work at one)
  • That is hard! I have an 18 month daughter and her and I have been trying the same thing. I have hooked my computer up to the tv and i think it is youtube or google they have 1/2 hr workouts like yoga etc., the other thing is to just entertain their brain's, if you wan't to run on the tradmill see if they will jog in place a few feet from you. If you have boy's it should be easier, just have them fight off evil monster's or something ;p,
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I understand I have small children. As soon as I walk in the door I change clothes and get to it. My oldest daughter does her homework, my five year old does handwriting drills and my one year old plays in her play-yard with her toys. The entire time they are saying "ma". I answer them if I can if not I tell them not now....As soon as I am finish I try to address their "needs"!

    My advice: They are going to call your name no matter what you are doing. Answer them if you can if not, tell them not now. For two and five year olds it would not kill them to playing with blocks or toys for 30 minutes. Worse case scenario let them watch Dora or something. After that, they can have all the attention they need.
  • Some possibilities…

    Put them in a bike trailer and start bike riding.

    Or have them ride bikes and you run along side them.

    Go to a park and play. Do pull-ups on the monkey bars. Jog laps around the play structure while they play.

    Ask for a longer lunch break and move your workout into your work day.

    Put on music and have a family dance hour.

    Play duck-duck-goose.

    Get a trampoline and jump around with your kids.

    Jump rope. Teach them all the songs you used to sing.

    Take turn giving your kids piggy back rides while walking up and down stairs, or back and forth in a hall way.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    If you're doing your workout on the treadmill, put it in front of the TV and put on a kids-oriented show that they enjoy while you workout. Then you can discus it with them while you have "me time." Also, the Wii fitness or dance games are fun to do with the kids. If neither of these work for you, then begin a new routine. Explain to the kiddos that as soon as Mommy is done working out, we will play a game of <insert their favorite board game or pretend game here>. That way, there is a payoff for them waiting for you to finish.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I can totally relate. I have a 2 yr old and a 7 month old, and I work full-time. I don't want to take anymore time away from my kids then I have too. My workout is the 30-day shed in the morning before they get up; it is "my" time without the kids. Yes, I have to get up an extra 45 mins earlier, but it works for me. If I can't do it in the morning, then I do it after they go to bed. It isn't easy juggling a diet/workout routine along with children. Keep your head up!! You will figure out something that works for you. I have found that if I do my workout before my kids get up I have more energy throughout the day. Don't give up!!!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    try getting them in bed by 8-30 or 9pm that would at least get you half and hour to 45 mins... some parents let their kids stay up a lot later than that but you have one 5 and school will be around the corner... they need those habits early so it doesnt shock their system.. my boys are now 12 and 8. My 8 year old is in bed every night by 8:30 or he can't function and if we arent at a ball game or some other function my 12 year old it done by 9:30. That's my time even when they were smaller it was a no child zone in my house after 8pm and no one was aloud to call or anything..
  • I know it is hard to find time. I work fulltime and have a 5, 4 and 2 year old. As with you I have a hard time getting up in the morning because I am so sleepy! I also can not workout right after work because I want to see my kids before bed. I workout right after I put them to bed. I try to change into my workout clothes before I put them to bed so I am set to go and I have no excuse to not do it. Give it a try for 2 weeks and before you know it, it will just be a part of your day.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    This one is difficult. I just want to say though that the guilt should not be there. You are helping them more than you know by taking care of yourself for even a half an hour. That being said, I usually encourage my 3 year old to lay in my bed and watch while I workout for about 35 minutes with ChaLEAN Extreme. There are times where he gets in my way, but I can either redirect him to his room to go play with his trains for a bit or back to my bed. I know you said that you don't get much sleep, but my recommendation would be that if you watch TV at all at night after your kiddos go to bed is that you take that time to hop on your treadmill while you watch. That way it will be "your time" and you will be knocking out 2 things at one time. I don't like working out at night, but if I have to do it to get it done, then I do it.
  • I am having the same issue. I have been working out around 8:30 after they go to bed. It sucks, but that is what I have to do to get it in, as I don't like the idea of getting up earlier either. I am looking forward to summer so that we can get outside and do more family activites like riding bike, swimming...ect.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    I hear you i have 3 oldest not 2 bad but the 4 and 5 yr olds.. i simply dont get to do it while they are up so i do all i have to do than when 8 comes they go to bed i than do the threadmill for 20/30 mins ...IN PEACE.. but i be looking to see if i get ideas.. Im from ireland and since Oct till Prob April it is dark from 5pm im not home till 6Pm so getting out is a no go.. And its alwaaaaaaaays raining.:grumble:
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you everyone! I am so looking forward to Spring...Wisconsin is not to friendly durning the winter months for exercising out doors. Maybe with the nicer weather I will get more motivation. :-) I really appreciate all of the pointers!!
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