Vent Page



  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Okay, my vent. I am venting about an age thing. What is age? A number. Does a 26 year old love life more or more informed than a 51 year old. Does a 51 year old love life more or more informed than a 26 year old. NO!

    Don't call me old and I won't call you wet behind the ears.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    my so bored lol
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I just got a text from my MIL asking if they could come up and bring us dinner tonight. Nice thought, but did it ever occur to them that I might have had dinner plans for V-day. Oh well, Pizza it is. I guess I can make my special dinner any other day.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    :grumble: my vent I know money is tight but not only is it valentines day its our aniversery,flowers would have been nice.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    :grumble: my vent I know money is tight but not only is it valentines day its our aniversery,flowers would have been nice.

    :explode: I think maybe or husbands are related. Happy Anniversary and Valentine's Day:flowerforyou:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My rant is my wife loves to "share" food with me, such as she will purchase a candy bar and then give the second half to me, which I told her pointedly before she bought it that I didn't want it in the first place. She also knows that I hate to waste food, so she'll threaten to throw it away if I don't eat it. Along these lines is we make a list every week of what to get at the store, I pointedly ask, "what do you want to eat during the week?". I then hear the rest of the week that we don't have anything to eat in the house.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    My rant is my wife loves to "share" food with me, such as she will purchase a candy bar and then give the second half to me, which I told her pointedly before she bought it that I didn't want it in the first place. She also knows that I hate to waste food, so she'll threaten to throw it away if I don't eat it. Along these lines is we make a list every week of what to get at the store, I pointedly ask, "what do you want to eat during the week?". I then hear the rest of the week that we don't have anything to eat in the house.

    eeek, I hate to admit it but I might be related to your wife. My husband would probably have the same vent. Sorry from both of us (me and your wife)!
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    I am sooooooooooo sick of sitting at my desk for 6-7 hours a day with nothing to do. I was getting comments all the time of oh thats so cool and oh you could get so much homework done. lol yea your right it was kinda neat at first and i have been able to get some homework done. Untill the ladies I work with complained and tried to get me fired for it. The best part is they could have given me things to do or the things I do do are what they give me... THANK GOODNESS I GOT A NEW JOB.. I feel like I have lost my mind. I am soooo bored all the time and find the silliest thing so intertaining.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I can wear pajama pants all day if I want to, can't I? People need to stop complaining about what I wear. I wear what's comfortable.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I can't believe that my fiance waited until the very last month to apply for school and now he doesn't know if he can get in or not...what the hell!!! You've known for a very long time that you had one more go 'round in school! why the frick did you wait until the very last second to apply? or save money for that matter?? because your employment insurance sure as hell won't cover our bills for two months...and I'm working as much as I can! I'm glad to see that this family's well being hinges on whether or not you get your @ss into school, and you just pooched it. I hate how my life revolves around your decisions. How I have to worry if you come home every night or if you're shipped off to butt *kitten* nowhere because you're only 4th year...MAN UP! it's taking you 9 years to get something that was suppose to take 4!!! we have bills to pay! and a house to buy, and a wedding to pay for all by ourselves, and you're picking your @ss up north asking me to see if any seats are left in starts in a month, I doubt there are seats left...and I have no damn idea what I'm looking for, I went to UNIVERSITY, not trades school, it's a hell of a lot different. Regardless it's time you came home! Your son is so pissed off he's making all our lives miserable, he's even trying to figure out how we can move closer to you so you can come home every night...get your *kitten* together because this family isn't going to hold out much longer!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    My husband who took, what I thought was a very sweet idea and threw it in my face. Cute Valentine's cards (box set for kids) and wrote adorable sayings on them with some of them having very clear double meanings and hid them in spots he would find throughout the house (drawer with boxers, his Madden game case, etc). Then bought a romantic card and poured my heart it in it and left it on his pillow so when he turned down the bed he would see it. I went up to get all sexified and he comes upstairs in a huff to get changed, he's not having sex tonight and he's pissed. So I change into comfy jammies, wash the make up off my face, pull my hair into ponytail and go down stairs. My mom showed up for about 45 minutes after the boys went to bed so he was beyond pissed that I didn't tell her to leave. And that I put no effort into Valentine's Day for him. I got a wonderful homecooked meal and flowers from him and he got stupid valentine's that don't mean anything and a card that pissed him off so bad that he never opened it (got it after the initial fight of course) because he hates cards.

    THAT is how my valentine's day ended.

    Continue today where we are still fighting (I asked for his man card since he gave up sex to have a fight instead), my sister is pissed that I couldn't drop everything and run her somewhere AND my boss reprimanded me this morning ..... Seriously.... can I catch a break anywhere?!?!
  • SortaBadass
    SortaBadass Posts: 46 Member
    Ooh, I like this thread!

    I have a Valentine's Day related vent. So my mom and I typically exchange V-Day presents but since I knew she was on a diet, I didn't get her any chocolates, just something practical and then some new reading material. She knows that I'm not happy with my appearance and I'm on a lifestyle change, so what does she bring?

    Two boxes of chocolates for me and one for my boyfriend (who doesn't like chocolate, so guess who would end up eating it?). Then she actually thanked me for not getting her chocolate since she's trying to lose weight. Um, you're welcome?

    I have to say that the chocolates were in the trash a few minutes after mom walked out the door.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My wife knows that I am trying to lose weight, so her brilliant idea to get me for valentine's day? A gigantic fortune cookie dipped in chocolate and drizzled with peanut butter (after telling her repeatedly that I didn't want anything). Then she gets mad at me that I didn't try it when I opened the box or have some this morning before we left. I have told her repeatedly that "we" (by this I actually mean she, but she doesn't know this yet) are sharing the cookie. I will try to remember to take a picture of this thing and post it on here.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    I've the seen the word DH in a lot of topics lately, and I have no clue what it stands for, but my only guess is Darling Husband. Am I right??

    Thank you SO much for asking.. i was JUST reading this and asking hubby the same question.. and he suggested 'damn husband'? *L*
    My first guess had been 'Designated Husband' *LOL*
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I prefer Damn Husband...or doughead husband...or dumb husband...because I wouldn't be on this page if I wasn't venting lol
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    let's have such a pretty face....if you could just lose your weight.....

    and what I'd like to say is.... you'd be much nicer...if you could just lose your tongue.

    Oh, that is HILARIOUS! Just imagining their FACES if you actually said that! It's an enormous temptation that I would probably give in to. People are so rude!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    let's have such a pretty face....if you could just lose your weight.....

    and what I'd like to say is.... you'd be much nicer...if you could just lose your tongue.

    Oh, that is HILARIOUS! Just imagining their FACES if you actually said that! It's an enormous temptation that I would probably give in to. People are so rude!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Ok... LOVE it.... I just might have to steal that line!
  • I have a list of vents a mile long, so I apologize in advance.

    1. I am running on NO sleep. My son has not napped for the last 2 days and slept like crap last night. GO TO BED ALREADY!

    2. I hate that my hubby has the flu and feels like absolute crap, and I can't do anything to make him feel better because he is overseas (military deployment).

    3. Dear trainer guy at the gym working out off the clock: I get that you work really hard, and are proud of your magnificent physique, but really, not all of us want to sit on the exercise bikes working out watching you walk back & forth in front of the mirrors in the free weight section strutting your stuff and having to stare at the sweat you've worked up pour from your hairline all the way down past your *kitten* and onto your legs. ::GAG:: Wear darker shorts please?

    4. Venting is awesome, don't get me wrong... I'm just sick of seeing literally every Facebook update from some of my FB friends who do nothing but whine and complain about how awful their life is & how bad it sucks. Oh yeah, your day was just horrible? Well, why don't you try getting off your *kitten* and doing something about it! There are some ppl I'm FB friends with that literally ONLY gripe. Like 10 posts a day, every day kind of complaining. Waaaay beyond the realm of normal venting.
  • My vent:

    My younger brother. I understand that he dosent want to think about weight lose but it's challenging to have him sit on the couch eating chocolate chip cookies while I work my butt off to videos!!! Grrrrrr.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    People who ask questions in the forums that have been asked over and over and over again:mad: ...specifically the questions about the stupid HCG diet. :explode: For God's sake people! There is a search function in the forums so that you can look up topics that have been discussed, instead of asking stupid questions that have been asked over and over and over again. :angry: Also, READ THE RECOMMENDED READINGS FROM EACH FORUM BEFORE POSTING QUESTIONS!!! :grumble: Many of your questions can be answered if you just look! Drives me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And don't get me started on Loose/Lose, To/Too, Their/There/They're, etc. Drives me BONKERS! :noway:

    All caps people...:sad:

    There are more, but I've been grouchy enough!:devil:
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