New to this

:yawn::wink: Hi everyone. I am new to this site and have been looking around. It looks like everyone is very supportive, which is exactly what I need. I


  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Good Luck
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    welcome and good luck
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    just stay strong...stay committed!
  • caribbean1019
    Welcome to MFP, I just started here also, a week ago. I love it truly. I have a friend that told me about it and we support eachother on the phone and in person too.

    I really like the accountability this site gives me. I wont lie when I am seeing what I am doing and eating in black and while lol, this has helped me to get refocused and best of all to finally take some action for myself since I have been doing nothing for about 5 months now.

    WIshing you the best of luck, one day at a time we can do this
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Hello there!! Welcome aboard and good luck on your new journey. We are all here for support!