Eating Your Exercise Calories

Yesterday, after a filling lunch, dinner, and a dessert of 3 oreos with milk, I was more than 800 calories below my calorie goal.
I exercised , burning 653 calories according to my heart rate monitor.

Today, I didn't exercise because it was a crazy day...
I hate an omellete on a bagel, an apple, and a bowl of chili. Ok and a soda, btu I had that yesterday too.
Today I'm more than 200 calories over my goal.

I met with a nutritionist, who said taht instead of saying "Nice,I can eat 600 more calories on Mon than on Tues!"
I can and SHOULD see it as 300 calories for each day.

What do you think? Is it necessary to eat back your calories? When you are burning over 500 calories, is that POSSIBLE...?


  • bwleung89
    bwleung89 Posts: 55 Member
    i really just count those calories as a bonus and still try to stay under. There have been days where i have had a calculated 1000 extra calories available and usually dont go over my usual limit.
  • caribbean1019
    I have only been on here a week, and asked the same question do a search there are lots of folks with documents regarding this topic.

    After everything I read and the research I did what I have decided is that I have to ensure I am eating enough to keep my metabolism burning. If I eat any of my excercise calories back I will only do 40 - 45% tops. But I make sure that I hit my calorie goal of 1200 everyday.
  • esthertsivia
    esthertsivia Posts: 32 Member
    what do you mean, you make sure you eat at least hte goal of 1200? does that mean you make sure to exercise every day?
  • bhalter80
    When I do a significant amount of exercise I eat back about 1/2 or less but I do eat back some. I went through a dry spell when I was just eating my limit and burning 1000+ a day running and actually went up so I attributed that to starvation. Since then I've been eating some portion of my workout cals and been consistently losing.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    In general, you should eat at least some of those exercise cals. The reason being, MFP is set up to give you a built in deficit, regardless of exercise. So, if you meet your cal goals, you will be set up to lose at your chosen loss per week goal, whether you log exercise or not. If you do NOT eat at least some of those cals, you have created a larger deficit than you (presumably) intended, and will likely not be able to maintain the loss, and will lose much more muscle, and little fat.

    Obviously, you should not be "filling up" those extra cals with donuts and soda. It should still be good quality, nutrient dense food. You can do a search on "protein" and "good fats" on the boards and you'll find lots of ideas for how to add cals with good stuff.

    Here are some great threads on metabolism and why it's important to fuel the body properly. Good luck to you!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    If you are exercising every other day, the nutritionist makes really good sense. And, yes, it is good to eat back at least some of your exercise calories.
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    i never usually eat back my calories. i eat when im hungry and that's it. if my body isn't telling me..."Hey, eat." then i dont!
    i just consider them "free calories".