Mini Goal Progress

neelia Posts: 750 Member
Are you feeling discouraged? Do you feel like no matter what you do, the weight won't come off? Are you thinking you have been doing this a while and seeing no results?

That's exactly how I felt. The scale was going nowhere. Each time I would step on, I would gain, then lose, then gain, then lose. It was frustrating.

I've been at this for 85 days (as of today) and I've lost a little over 12 lbs. I thought it would be coming off much faster, but it hasn't. I was soooo close to giving up, but I pushed through. & guess what happened- I finally met my second mini goal.

I started MFP 11/22/10 at a starting weight of 182.2. I got under 180 relatively quickly, the the 170's were pure hell. I would get so close to being under 170 and it would creep back up, and I stayed there for almost 2 months. Discouraging? Definitely.

I thought to myself that I could not let this beat me any longer. I am tired of being overweight and always complaining about it- and it was time to stop whining and just flippin' do it. So this past week I really cracked down hard on myself. I made an effort to eat right and work out every day. I was so proud of myself.

Sunday came and I stepped on the scale. It was time for the moment of truth. What did the scale say?


YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH! FINALLY, after 3 long months, I broke that dreaded 170. What I thought would never happen FINALLY happened. I did a happy dance, screamed, and cried. It was utter bliss.

I know it isn't a ton of success, but my point in posting is to let you know that if you are struggling or feeling like you should give up- DON'T. You will get there. It takes time. It takes hard work. It takes guts. It WILL pay off in the end.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!


  • kristiek7
    Thanks for that!!!!!!! I am at the not budging point..........and trying not to lose sight of things!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    I too am in the same boat...cant' get out of the 170's for nothing it seems...but I did hit 170.6 today after starting on Jan 1 at 180.8...according to my profile 1.4 lbs/wk...I am right on target for 6 Hopefully come next Sunday I can report a 168 weigh in...and I too will be doing my happy dance...I think the key might be to zigzag my calories...go above 1200 every other day while continuing to work out 3-4 times/wk!!! At least thats what I have been reading for those who get stuck!!!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Congrats neelia!! Keep up the good work!
  • Rowell29s
    Thank u so much for this post. I have been at 163 for like 2 weeks now and the scale won't move no matter what I do. I am starting a different workout today so maybe that will help me reach the 150's. It is so discouraging when u hit a plateau but your post helped me to remember to keep on pushing and I will get there.

    Hope u have a great Valentine's day!!!!
  • Roxanne_Riley
    Thank you so much for the post! I'm a slower loser as well and really needed to hear this today!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
  • trishb1
    trishb1 Posts: 8 Member
    thank you....I needed this today....I weigh in on Mondays...Friday I cheated and got on the scale.....AGAIN I was 159.8, which made me happy....160's are tough.....but this morning.....161.2.......what? I almost cried......I think I will start weighing in on Fridays!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I totally understand the frustration becaues I am in the 70's myself. I am hoping within the next 2 weeks I will see a drop to the 60's, but only time will tell. Congrats for the drop. I understand the importance. Don't give up!! Keep going.

  • courtrptr13
    Congrats! I hate the scale. I know I've been eating healthier and working out more, and I look smaller, but the numbers don't seem to change much. I'm not giving up though. I know I need to keep up what I'm doing and the weight will come off. It can just be discouraging though when you expect to see a bigger loss than what the scale shows :(
  • triannataylor
    Thanks for this!!! My scale has been going from 183-185 for about two weeks now, I'm going CRAZY!!! This makes me feel soooo much better that I'm not the only one!!
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