ankle troubles. supinating?

i've been working out regularly for a month and a half now, and jog/running for a month. i have always noticed after doing extended walking/standing that my left ankle is tender. (i used to blame this on the 12 hour restaurant days i was working) but now, after becoming more active it has become much worse; the tender, bruised feeling is not gone by morning.
i know i walk on the outsides of my feet and the almighty internet calls in supinating. has anyone else experienced this? am i misdiagnosing? are there any exercises or pre/post stretching i can do to help with this??
i can't afford the really fancy shoes ((yet)) but it is on my to-do list. i'm R.I.C.E.-ing my ankles for the next few days, but i really don't want this to keep me off my feet for too long!


  • oldscratch
    yep, yep, yep. i know too well. it SUCKS!!! i do the the exact same thing, and my feet are as flat as boards (are yours?) . so, really you need dr. prescribed orthitics (foot inserts). SHOES MATTER. try to get to get a shoe with good arch support. asics and new balance work well for me. if you cant see a foot specialist or afford good shoes yet. try some dr scholls inserts.

    after workout, soak your ankle in HOT water with epsom salt. then before bed, ice.

    of course i am not a dr, just my 2 cents :)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    See your doctor or podiatrist. The fix may be as simple as orthopedic inserts in your shoes. Good luck!
  • fushion243
    I'm not sure what you consider expensive. But, in my town in MD, we have a place that is called "The Shoe Fits". At no charge, they monitor your stride on a treadmill with a camera and then monitor it in slow motion. They then recommend normally available shoes that provide the needed support. That way, if you can find that shoe elsewhere for less, that is an option. I'd recommend looking into this and see if shoes in your price range that match the needed support for your ankle are available. I know other stores exist that do this. I'd try the internet or maybe someone else will comment with other vendor names. Good luck!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Supination is kind of the opposite to pronation.

    How do your feet look? Do you have quite high and fixed arches?

    I think it is likely that in a gait assessment you would come out as being recommended for a neutral shoe with a lot of cushioning as supinators don't absorb shock at all well.

    It is possible that a podiatrist would consider orthotics for you but that would depend on a range of factors such as whether your arches collapse on impact etc etc

    Orthotics and good shoes are not cheap, but cheaper than paying a physiotherapist after you get injured!
  • bmorebatman
    bmorebatman Posts: 50 Member
    Where in md? I live in the baltimore area. That sounds fantastic!
    I have high arches and I'm not sure if they collapse, I don't know how to check that on my own . My budget is around 100 dollars, but I need to wait until next pay period to look into that investment.
    Should I avoid exercise until then? Or is jogging with a brace safe?
  • bmorebatman
    bmorebatman Posts: 50 Member
    This i s awesome guys. Thank you
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Where in md? I live in the baltimore area. That sounds fantastic!
    I have high arches and I'm not sure if they collapse, I don't know how to check that on my own . My budget is around 100 dollars, but I need to wait until next pay period to look into that investment.
    Should I avoid exercise until then? Or is jogging with a brace safe?

    Personally I wouldn't run until I knew what's what and had the right shoes etc.

    Yes, I guessed you would have quite high arches as you get very few flat footed supinators.

    If you can get to see someone who uses "Footscan" you'd have it made!! Fantastic technology which tells you exactly what your foot does during the gait cycle.

    Perhaps you can email them and see where it might be available in your area.