30 Day Shred- Day 1- Happy Valentine's Day!

bp1140 Posts: 24
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I know many of you are starting or have just begun the 30 Day Shred. Please join me so we can work through this together!!! I am so motivated by my MFP friends! Just say Happy Valentine's Day and give this as a gift to yourself!!! Let's Do This!!!!!


  • vioblee
    vioblee Posts: 17 Member
    Starting it tonight!
  • Im going to be starting it Tuesday night!
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    Im going to do it next month. I am going to do the Shred it with Weights first :D I just got my kettle ball and am starting tuesday/wednesday
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Day 2 tonight!! Let's see if I hurt less tomorrow :-)
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Starting tomorrow morning!!!
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    What is 30 day shred?
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Day 2 tonight!! Let's see if I hurt less tomorrow :-)

    I did day 2 today, found it more challenging today. Not sure if I was just tired from yesterday or if I was more intese because I knew better what to expect. Either way enjoyed it.
  • I will be honest...I am alit terrified about doing this workout program, because I understand that its very hard and you are very sore afterwards....how was your first/second day?
  • Its Jullian Michaels 20-30min a day work out. Its pretty intense from what I understand. Ive been reading up on the people's post regarding the program. It's effective but brutal. ANd it goes on for 30days. 1 level is done in 10, then level 2 then level 3. I have seen people lose alot of inches on this. I like the idea of only dedicating 30 min a day to this type of thing. you use 1-3lb weights, if you want, and it involves alot of cardio is my understanding. I want to start this tues. You can get the dvd for less than 10bucks at walmart and such places.
  • Day 2 tonight!! Let's see if I hurt less tomorrow :-)

    I did day 2 today, found it more challenging today. Not sure if I was just tired from yesterday or if I was more intese because I knew better what to expect. Either way enjoyed it.
  • I'm in, I will do my first day tomorrow! i'm excited and scared!!!!
  • I'm in! If anyone has Brighthouse cable, they have exercise tv with plenty of free workouts! They have Jillian Michaels, Kim Kardashian, football, basketball workouts, 10, 30, 45 and 1 hour workouts and Leslie Sansone walking workouts. Good tool to utilize especially if you have Brighthouse!! Good luck:bigsmile:
  • the 30-Day shred works you out in "circuits" - 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute abs. 20 minutes of constant non-stop moving from one to the next. it is a GREAT workout, but tough. I had to modify a bit of the exercising - girlie pushups, and on some of the strength I find I can't quite use the easy weights yet, but I will get there! I don't do it everyday though because I want to take zumba 2x per week and I just don't have time to do them both. :D

    Day 2 was Sunday - Day 3 will be tonight or tomorrow.

    Try it - it's tough but good.
  • bp1140
    bp1140 Posts: 24
    I did not get out of bed early this morning, so I decided I did not have time to do 30ds before work when I planned to begin. I spent a good portion of today thinking of reasons I would NOT be able to do it tonight... then I remembered my commitment to all of you and decided- oh what the heck I will do it!

    Right now I am feeling very proud and motivated after L1d1... ask me again when I wake up and have to get out of bed in the morning!

    I may regret the fact that I pushed through and did almost all the reps of all the exercises... I am taking her message to heart that I may as well work hard for that 20 minutes!

    I am thinking I will do this in the afternoons when I get home from teaching and have just picked my kids up from school. That is when I usually sneak away for a little nap. This will be time much better spent!

    Thanks for doing this together!!! Now on to Day 2!
  • way to go bp1140...i did the same thing, tried to talk myself out of it this afternoon but I stuck through it and feel great! Very proud that I was able to do it all. (We will see how happy I am in the morning!)

    On to day 2!
  • yay! Go 30 Day Shredders! I will be hitting D3L1 tonight (i alternate with my zumba class)
  • I love The Shred! I will be starting tonight and alternating my training for the 5K! Yay!
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