Knee Problems, Need Leg Workout

I have chondromalacia (runner's knee) in both knees. My Dr. told me all the no's (no running, squats, lunges, or stairs) but didnt give anything to do to work out my legs. Anyone else have knee problems but still do leg training?

I do a stationary bike, and an eliptical, which is great cardio, but I need to work out my thighs and calfs more. I don't feel like its really strengthening my legs. I want strength in my legs and toning too, but I dont want the knee pain associated from lunges, squats, and stairs. Basically if I anger my knees by doing this, it will be days of achy knees (think growing pains), and then I wont work out.


  • chantalicious
    I have had 3 ACL repairs and currently have a torn ACL. While I do run through the paid I love spin class, you could also try water aerobics!
  • wendehaynie
    have you tried yoga?
  • musiccuresall
    I just finished a yoga class on Monday. It was 6 Mondays, teaching basic poses. It didnt really feel like a lot because it was a week between classes, and basic basic poses. What types have you tried, and did it feel like it helped strengthen your legs?
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've had LOTS of knee issues as well. For your ailment you do need to rest your knee until the internal swelling goes down, this does mean weight bearing exercise is out for a bit so keep using your bike and eliptical for sure. I swim at least once per week, twice if I can manage as well. LOVE that workout as it is vigorous but good on my knees. I also just LOVE my old 80's DVD, Buns of Steel as it is mostly floor exercises so again good on my knee.
    After your swelling subsides you do need to start weight bearing exercise but SLOWLY. You should ask your Dr about physio when this time comes ans a therapist can gradually get your knee back to shape best.
    Good luck!
  • c031588
    I have the same problem. I've dislocated my knee a total of 5 times. Squats, lunges, stairs, running, jumping jacks, they all hurt. I went from a competitive basketball player to, well, over weight and not able to do much of anything.

    Biking does help build leg strength, but that also makes my knee sore quickly. It is extremely frustrating for your knee to give up before you do.

    You can also walk, it might not feel like a work out for your legs but it definitely is. But if you are like me, if I'm not huffing and puffing and sweating I'm not getting a work out. I get bored so easily with walking.

    Have you tried yoga? I did a few years ago but didn't really like it. Many of the moves still hurt my knee so I had to modify a lot but it's all about working up to it. (easier said than done, I know, when you have knee issues)

    Do you have a brace for your knees? I used to have one and it is now shot and unusable but I really need to get another. It helps my fear of my knee dislocating again.

    oops, see someone already mentioned yoga - i was too slow. haha
  • musiccuresall
    Well currently Im not having knee issues, because I havent been working out for the past several months! So no swelling or achyness right now. I just needed some things I could do at the gym.

    I saw a physical therapist for weeks after seeing the Dr. and I just never felt like they really wanted to help me. I did not feel like I was any better (minus no pain bc I avoided the no activities) than when I started.
  • dalbers
    Isometric contractions can build strength for almost anyone at any level, you can do those right at a desk.

    Also things like band work, you can get some pretty strong bands and there are a tonne of exercises you can do.

    Can you climb stairs? The stair climber machine (like an escalator) at many gyms will keep your legs very worked.

    Be sure if you do any knee bending exercises you do not extend your knee past your toe. This is where most people squat and lunge wrong, You should sit back when squatting, not down, so that your knees do not come past your toes.

    The good thing about the legs for strength is, if needed, you can work the muscle groups in isolation. Quad extension, hamstring curls, calf raises.
  • c031588
    Dalbers...Stair climber machine is the devil for bad knees. Hurts so bad for me! And it isn't a push through the pain hurt, it's my knee caps are getting stuck and cracking pain. Not good! But maybe someone who hasn't dislocated their knee as much as me could use it.

    I just remembered, when I was in physical therapy I used a small trampoline with a handle. My feet never left the ground but I still used my legs to bounce.

    Start with things that at least one foot is on the ground at all times, or if you need to both feet on the ground at all times.
  • musiccuresall
    c031588 - I feel you on the yoga stuff. I cant put my knee directly on the ground and bear all my weight on it, and the cat poses, and moving from certain poses to others made me do this. VERY uncomfortable. My knees also hurt when I go up on the levels when biking, so it is frustrating. I have a brace for both the knees but it is so big and bulky, I can hardly move comfortably. Thinner braces feel like they arent helping.

    dalbers - Didnt think of bands! I'll try it. No, I cannot climb stairs. Dr said no. I didnt listen for a bit and its not a good idea. Also, I had a trainer for a while, so I know I was doing my squats and lunges right. The problem is putting weight on my knee in the bent position kills my knees. My other issue is that I dont know what is safe for my knees before actually doing it. It could take a day to 3 to feel the pain in my knees (its immediate if I run) and it can take days to weeks for the pain to clear up, so I dont want to try anything unless it is possibly pain free. I want to do calf raises and hamstring curls, I just didnt know the effect that would have on my knees.
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    I also suffer from bad knee issues. i have been instructed not to do any impact type workouts (running, jogging, jumping ect). I went and bought myself a mini trampoline and i can do jumping jacks and i run in place on it and it doesn't hurt at all. it is more like resistance training.

    I also love aerobic work out videos and modify them so i can do them with no pain!!
  • musiccuresall
    tifanieb - Awesome name.....Im Tiffany too. I cant do the impact stuff either. Mini trampoline huh? Since you are the 2nd to mention it, I might have to try it. I avoid work out videos most of the time bc a lot were packed full of squats, lunges, and running in place. I do like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds though! Its simple.