
kshaw09 Posts: 48
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Everyone,

I;m thinking of buying the Zumba total body transforamtion system, wondering from people tat have done it, waht your thoughts are on it.
Thanks for the help,



  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    i have it for my wii and i absolutely love it..i literally do my 12 hour work day begging for it to end so i can go home and do zumba.
  • I hear it's fun, but you get bored easily since there are a limited number of songs/dances.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I have never done the videos at home, but I attend the classes 4 days a week. I can tell you that I would not purchase the DVDs only because 20 minutes into the class I am ready to quit- and I would quit if I was at home doing it. The only reason I don't leave the class is because I see the other people doing it and I pull through. I told my husband it would be a waste of money for him to buy the DVDs for me because I would never have that much determination by myself.

    If you're much more strong willed than I am, then I would recommend it. I <3 Zumba and it has helped me tremendously!
  • jackiemomx2
    jackiemomx2 Posts: 47 Member
    I bought the DVD's and love them. The dance moves are really fun and a great work out. I'm usually sweating after 10 minutes. I have a bad knee and bad back so I can't do it as intensely as I'd like, but my HRM shows 450 calories used when I do the 45 minute one. I've also loaned it out to coworkers and they love it as well. Good luck!
  • I just ordered the videos today. I am pretty excited to get them. It seems really fun, I have tried it and really liked the class, could be a little different at home but I am excited to see if it is as fun as everyone seems to think it is! Good luck to you!
  • I take a Zumba class 3 to 4 times a week at my local gym. It is by far my favorite work out. It is just soooo much fun! I picked up a pair of 3lb weighted gloves that I wear during my classes. I have definitely noticed a difference in my arms.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I take zumba in a class and love it. It's fun and I burn plenty of cals. Not sure about the videos though. Good luck!
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    i went to some classes at my local gym and decided buying the home system was cheaper than always paying to go to the gym. I ordered it last saturday and am waiting on it's arrival. You get 6 dvd's and the fun shaker weights. if you get it we can compare our results!! I like it because i love to dance and it gets me sweatin like no other video or class i have ever done!!
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    Before you invest the money, why don't you go try out a few classes in person. That way you can get addicted, I mean acclamated to Zumba =) If you have a Wii, the Zumba game is a great investment! Have fun!

    Peace, Love and Zumba!
  • I have the videos and I love them
  • I love it! Its fun! Im actually sticking to something for once. I dont have time to go to the classes. So I do the videos at home!
    Good Luck! :)
  • Have you ever taken a class? The reason I say that is because just the DVDs alone can be a little overwhelming. They are professional on the DVDS and it is easy to think you cannot do it like them. You don't have to and if you go to a class, you will see how the steps can be modified or done a little differently. The main thing is to move and keep moving!

    I started with the classes and have been attending since some times in November and I have lost a pants size (and that is over the holidays)! I bought the book, which is really helpful to see the breakdown of the steps. I finally got the body transformation kit so that I can Zumba more than two days a week!

    I personally love the classes because have different song/dances all the time! I like being able to get a couple of extra workouts in with the DVDs. Berto can be hard to understand, but he has a lady instructor that does not have the thick accent. The main problem with me is when they switch off showing the feet and only showing upper body! I need to see their feet to know if I am doing it correctly!

    Also, make sure you have a good place to dance. I have to use the kitchen because of the carpet in the rest of the house. Don't use running shoes or you will soon have achy knees! Cross-trainers or some kind of dance shoe without a lot of tread is the best. I was trying it in the rockers and I could not move the way I wanted. Nike makes several styles of shoes that are made for these types of classes. I was really able to improve my movement when I started using them!

    Hope this helps!
  • Miy Videos should be on my doorstep today so hope to give them a try tonight! I'll let you know what I think. I have two left feet and no rythme but everyone on here says that doesnt matter. Hope they are right!!
  • have you attended a class before? I would suggest doing that first then ordering the dvd's. I have them and absolutely LOVE them but I don't know if I would had I not already become addicted.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I have the system and like it so far. The "toning sticks" are kind of goofy but they are actually challenging to use. I have done the "cardio party" DVD tons of times and still enjoy it -- because I enjoy dancing to begin with.

    Zumba classes are not all created equal! I just finished up a session where the teacher didn't really even teach the moves, just stood in front and we followed along like monkey-see, monkey-do. I have a dance background so it wasn't discouraging for me, but the pace is very fast and doesn't seem accommodating for beginners. I've been in much better classes where the teachers actually TEACH. If you're thinking about attending a class, see if you can just watch it first to get an idea of how the teacher is.

    I would recommend the DVDs because you can take them at your own pace (you can't "pause" a class), and you get a training DVD which breaks down the moves for you.
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    I just got the zumba game for the Wii and I love it you can do 20 mins or 45 mins. and set up your own workouts. LOVE it. I go to the gym and then come home and do zumba.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I don't own the Wii or XBox game, but I definately want it. Are you able to download additional songs or workouts? I know some other games allow you to do that. You have to pay, of course.

  • millyliza
    millyliza Posts: 45 Member
    I have Zumba for the Wii and LOVE it!!! I used to HATE sweating but since I've started this life style change I LOVE the feeling I get when I'm working out and sweating!!
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