Oatmeal toppings?

gecho Posts: 426 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I was wanting a warm breakfast (that isn't eggs) so i got oatmeal and it's the 'you make it kind' not the instant packaged one. My question is what toppings can i use? I need it to stay low cal but i can't eat it plain. blech.

Any ideas?


  • magpie8402
    magpie8402 Posts: 121 Member
    Check the calories, but I love craisins in my oatmeal.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    How funny, we are on the same brain wave legnths because I was just about to post the same thing! i'm eating oatmeal right now as I type and in mine i put one tablespoon brown sugar and a banana, and I must say its pretty scrumptious...282 calories
  • krisloock
    krisloock Posts: 29 Member
    I will add either cinammon and a dash of splenda (or other sweetener) or if I'm having a chocolate craving, I'll mix in a chocolate protein powder which makes it a complete meal (protein and carbs).
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Fresh fruit!!! I have oatmeal with blueberries three or so times a week. I have also used apples and bananas, Cinnamon is a must with me. Agave and greek yogurt are other good ways to sweeten it up. Walnuts for crunch if you don't mind the calories!

    My husband loves it with just a bit of butter and fresh pepper but that's not my favorite.
  • I like a tsp of brown sugar and a tsp of butter! :)
  • the more toppings the more calories - i usually like to keep it simple with dried cranberries or fresh...or blueberries. Fruit already has natural sugar so i skip the honey and sugar. It takes a while getting used to it...if it's hard try honey and then reduce the amount slowly.

    love oatmeal! great iron content and i'm with you on the real deal, i can't do the instant stuff.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member


    melt 16 ghiradelli 60%cocoa chips for 80 extra calories!!!!
  • How about sprinkling some splenda brown sugar on the top
  • My favorite combinations are dried cranberries with walnuts, apple with cinnamon or bananna with peanut butter (a little goes a long way and adds a lot of flavor plus protein).
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    It's pretty much the one time of day that i use actual sugar. I do 1 tsp sugar and 1 tbsp peanut butter to 1/2 cup oatmeal (pre-cooked measurement). And I drink a 1 scoop chocolate whey with it. Been doing that every single day for a while now as a late morning meal and I don't get tired of it. In fact it's one of my most enjoyable meals of the day.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    McDonald's has recently started serving oatmeal and now I like it they way they do it! (coarsely chopped apples / golden raisins / craisins on top--not too much because of the calories in the dried fruit). It is really tasty.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I put frozen mango in it before I heat it up. Half a cup adds about 50 cals and a ton of taste
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i usually add a couple tbsp of vanilla greek yogurt, a tbsp of roasted flax seed and maybe some fruit if i feel like it.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    nuts, fruit, cinammon
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm a little bit obsessed with oatmeal. I like to add: coconut Greek yoghurt and granola, grated apple and cinnamon, protein powder, peanut butter and bananas, cocoa powder and peanuts, honey, frozen fruit, dried fruit, frozen carrots, cooked and mashed with banana and topped with yoghurt (got the idea from katheats.com and it is really good but possibly too sweet) and I almost always mix in an egg white. Just stir it a lot and heat until cooked. The possibilities are endless. As long as you control the portions of toppings you use, it should still come out relatively low-calorie.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Sometimes I'll mix in some sugar-free jelly... gives it a bit of flavor without goin nuts with the calories... otherwise bananas and a bit of cinnamon and honey are my fav =)
  • My favorite topping on good old fashion oatmeal is 1cup of Blueberries.....only adds about 80calories and is really fillings and tasty! The Blueberries add the right amount of sweetness, so no added sugar is needed. Plus adding all the good things that Blueberries have in. Sometimes I will add a bit of cinnamon for extra flavor, and cinnamon is good for the heart too.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    Fruits, nuts, coconut, raisins....whatever you like!
  • 1 TBS of peanut butter and splenda. I EAT THIS EVERDAY, sometimes 2x a day. I used to put choc. protein powder in there too and grew tired of it.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Wheat germ
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