Machine vs MFP

While working out at the gym today (decided to go at 9 am in the morning. I am very proud of myself!) I noticed that the elliptical thing I was using had a counter for how many calories you burned. I found this to be interesting, frustrating, and confusing, as while on MFP it says 30 minutes on the elliptical is 325 cals burned, the machine told me I only burned 180 cals!!

Which one is right? I know that the machine calculates how many cals you burn based off your weight.....the machine was off for me by about 10 lbs. But still, it worries me that I did not burn as many calories as MFP says I did.


  • lorirogs
    lorirogs Posts: 65 Member
    It went off of your heart rate, which would be a better calorie burn.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    unless you were going like super slow with no resistance, i'd say 180 is kind of low. You probably burned closer to 250 cals in 30 minutes. I wear a heart rate monitor and when I'm running at resistance 13 on the elliptical for 30 minutes, I only burn about 250 calories.
  • Yzfdude1
    Yzfdude1 Posts: 23 Member
    It would seem like the Machine would be more accurate, since it is probably taking into account your intensity level. MFP is probably guessing on your intensity.

    bsymom2x is right, get a heart rate monitor and it will be the most accurate measurement of what your burning while exercising.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Always go with the machine. MFP's calorie counts for exercise really aren't all that accurate. You may want to invest in a heart rate monitor that gives calories burned. That gives the most accurate estimate out there.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    MFP is very generous when it comes to calories burned. In this situation I would go more towards the machine. I have a bodymedia fit arm band, and both the machines and MFP are off. But the gym machines are a lot closer than MFP.
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    I would bet the machine is right. Calories burned depend on your weight and intensity. Heart rate is a very good indicator of intensity.
  • VialOfDreams
    MFP data is not always accurate, and neither are the machines at the gym. The best way to determine how many calories you burn is by using a heart rate monitor. Most of them will calculate calorie burn based on your weight and heart rate.

    As for which one to use between gym or MFP, I'd go with the machines at the gym. If you don't add your weight when working out at the gym, to my understanding the data provided is for a 150 lb person, so you have to re-calculate the value given by the equipment based on your weight.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Always go with the machine. MFP's calorie counts for exercise really aren't all that accurate. You may want to invest in a heart rate monitor that gives calories burned. That gives the most accurate estimate out there.

    I completely agree. I was getting nowhere fast using MFP's #'s. I found them to be much higher than the machine readouts or my iPhone running app. I changed to inputtng my own info last week, and I still usually don't count all of that since machines are notoriously inaccurate as well.