women and belly fat



  • AmeMahoney
    I do JackKnifes on my bench at home to help tone my abs. Of course, everyone is right about cardio, no alcohol, cut out sugar, and such, but I thought I'd give you a good exercise to help. I notice when I do these my lower pooch can go down by as much as an inch, and is usally more in line with my upper pooch, haha.

    Anyway, lay flat on a flat bench with the knees at the end and your legs bent so your toes are touching the floor. Using your abs (as much as possible) lift your legs all the way until your knees touch your chin. Your butt and your lower back should come up off the bench! Or as close to that as you can get. I usually raise my arms over my head and hold onto the top of the bench (from underneath) with my hands). Lower your legs, tap your toes to the floor, and immediately lift up again. Every toe tap is one. Start with 10. Work up to 3 sets of 35-45 reps, and do this two or three times in a day. Work up SLOWLY or you may not be able to walk the next day. You'll be amazed at the results. It doesn't always feel like you're doing a lot, but only start with 10. On the other hand, some days it feels like someone is trying to gut you with a steel blade.

    I do them 3 days a week, with at least one day off in-between. Do NOT do them every day. Some people say they can do these off a table or couch at home. I've never been able to. I went out and bought a flat bench specifically to do this one exercise. It is THAT important to me. These target my entire ab area, but I see immediate results in my lower pooch.

    I was looking around for a picture, and I found this:
    Number 6 the Hip Raise/Leg Raise. Many people recommend this one. I don't find it as effective as the JackKnife.To do my version, do what the guy in the picture is doing, but bend your knees, touch your toes to the floor, and keep your knees bent as you raise them to your chin. I will admit that some days once I get my feet up I sometimes raise my heels to the ceiling for a little extra "oomph," but mostly that just doesn't seem to do much for me.

    The cool thing about his version, though, is that you can do them on the floor at home if you don't have a flat bench. But mine are much more Awesome! I'm just sayin' :bigsmile:
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    I think if I gave up my nightly wine, I would see a bigger difference, but I want to enjoy life and the things that I enjoy.

    That's part of life, we have to sacrifice some things for another. I dont go hungry but I enter my wine for dinner before my breakfast! :o)
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    How very funny. I was thinking the very same question about the mommy pouch earlier during my spin class! There I was spinning away wondering what I need to do to make it go away. I am really small everywhere else, but I have this stupid little pooch that is just being stubborn! I love my 3 little monsters, but I could have done without what they left behind!

    Exactly how I feel! Wouldn't change how I got the pouch for anything in this world but I sure hate it.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Yep. That is what I am finding out. Cardio is the way to get rid of belly fat.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I find a lot of my weight goes right on my belly, too! I can kinda get away with my arms and legs, but the podge (belly) is what I'm mainly aware of! If only I could take weight from my belly and move it elsewhere lol
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    I hate that belly fat!! I will slim down everywhere else except...in the belly!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    also, i have heard that the first place that your fat goes to, will be the last place your fat leaves. so if when you put on weight, and it goes to your stomach first, then your arms, then legs, then face, you will lose weight in the reverse order, from your face, legs, arms, then stomach.
  • chickybabe05
    How very funny. I was thinking the very same question about the mommy pouch earlier during my spin class! There I was spinning away wondering what I need to do to make it go away. I am really small everywhere else, but I have this stupid little pooch that is just being stubborn! I love my 3 little monsters, but I could have done without what they left behind!

    lol so agree with that!!! They sure do leave a path of destruction!!!
    Well it seems i'm just going to have crank up my treadmill and do more cardio....and then try eat even more....argh i just can't win
  • SushiPunk
    SushiPunk Posts: 30 Member
    Lots of cardio and make sure your reaching your target heart rate. A personal trainer gave me this exercise to do for losing love handles.

    5 minutes on the treadmill- start the first minute at a fast walk then raise your speed 1mph each minute for the next three. Then do the 5th minute back at the fast walk. (this can vary depending on what your comfortable with EX: 1st minute- 3mph, 2nd-4mph, 3rd-5mph, 4th-6mph, 5th-3mph)

    100 Jumping Jacks- Jump off the treadmill and do them.

    1 minutes of side jumps- Keep you feet together and jump from side to side in place.

    Do this a total of 3 times. You will be sweating buckets, but will feel so great afterward.
  • dalbers
    Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

    Exercise, but examine your diet. If the pounds are NOT coming off, you are NOT dieting properly to take them off.

    Likely you are not actually measuring portion sizes accurately, or over estimating your calorie burn on exercise.

    As stated above, you cannot spot reduce fat. Fat is burned systemically, and we usually lose fat in the reverse order we gained it. If your belly put it on first, it will be the last place you lose it.

    I suggest a hard look at your diet and measuring of portions, and if you are not losing weight, less calories a day, a bit by bit, until you do.

    Weight loss is really simple, it just requires consistency. Eat less, move fast, and lift heavy objects. Everything beyond that is optimization..
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    YOu've all ready gotten a lot of good advice.

    There are a lot of nutrition experts who recommend eating plenty of MUFA to help burn belly fat - Mono Unsaturated Fats such as avocado, walnuts, olive oil. You cannot try to eat low fat, you have to eat the right kind of fat. Also green tea and the capascin in peppers is said to help boost metabolism. There are a lot of things to not eat to avoid "bloat" which just makes a fat belly look and feel worse including all artifical sweeteners including manitol and xylitol in "sugar free" gym (hard for me!) but I never eat any other artificial sweetener esp diet pop. Also eating plenty of fiber helps aid your digestive system and has tons of health benefits.

    I have read in a few places that your food intake should be 40% carbs (right kind), 30% fat (right kind) and 30% protein from lean sources to target belly fat.

    Most of my fat is in my belly too but I am losing it. On clothing charts I am like a 16 in the waist and a 10 in the hips but my size 14 pants can now be removed without unbuttoning. I have 2 12's that fit and am hoping to buy some 10's soon.

    I have been working out consistently since november doing yoga, cardio and weights. I have cleaned up my diet a lot esp since Jan 1 (although not so much today) I eat a lot of fresh greens and other vegetables, tons of oatmeal, frequently eat eggs esp the whites and strive for 100 grams of protein a day. I eat very little sugar and have cut back from at least 1 drink about 4 nights a week to maybe 2 drinks 1 - 2 nights a week. I also try to eat fish and/or shrimp twice a week instead of meat.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    also, i have heard that the first place that your fat goes to, will be the last place your fat leaves. so if when you put on weight, and it goes to your stomach first, then your arms, then legs, then face, you will lose weight in the reverse order, from your face, legs, arms, then stomach.

    I've noticed but its my chest area that is rapidly depleting even tho there isnt much there to begin with :sad:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I don't know but I do know what you're talking about with men losing faster! My husband quit eating cookies and lost 20 pounds! If I weren't so happy he's taking an interest in his health I'd be really upset! :P