Victory dance? Anyone?

I weigh in Saturday Mornings.

I set my self up to for my victory dance

I wake up
> ..head for the bathroom----> then to the scale ----> A loss ! Yay
> Victory dance ..with a huge Smile on my face
> Hit the Stereo and Dance to " I'm fine " by Mary J Blige as i i was on stage ! Haha!

Yay!! for being crazy for all the right reasons :D


  • MissChyna
    MissChyna Posts: 358 Member
    Lol.....I do a dance too every time!

    Congrats :)
  • CosmicDebris83
    I've been weighing in every Sunday morning and if there is a loss, I definitely do a happy dance!!! The I run and start pouncing on the bed while my husband sleeps telling him how much weight I've dropped. LOL!!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Awesome ladies!!! Keep up the good work and those feet jumping jumping ;)
  • CoastieGMWife
    Hooray for victory dances! After a good weigh in I usually hop into the shower and dance the entire time! Sometimes I'm still shaking my booty as I dry off. Sure I must look totally crazy, but I'm burning calories! :laugh:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    hahaha..awesome!!!! good for you!!