logging exercise is confusing me!

sooo i've only logged exercise once... tonight i worked out with my roommate and he does this crazy men's fitness training set.

Because I don't use weights yet, he considers it cardio that raises my heartrate and warms me up.

I did 4 sets of 20 squats
2 sets of 20 lunges
2 sets of 20 girlie pushups...

but when I attempt to log... it isn't accepted. :( I'm not sure what to do. it was a hell of a workout and i'm very proud i survived it but i can't log it.
now what???

ohhh and at this current time i can't afford an HRM but I am looking into it.


  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I use this website : http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php

    and then I add an exercise that hasn't been listed. I did that with shopping haha
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    go into cardio and log it as strength training hun x
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Do the amount of time it took you and log it under Circuit Training. Just my opinion. If the whole process took 20 minutes, 30...whatever; log that.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    go into cardio and log it as strength training hun x

    ok this is goin to sound sooo bad but how exactly do i do that? I clicked on exercise at the top of the page then there are two catagories... cardio and strength training. are you telling me to click on cardio and then search strength training???
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    go into cardio and log it as strength training hun x

    ok this is goin to sound sooo bad but how exactly do i do that? I clicked on exercise at the top of the page then there are two catagories... cardio and strength training. are you telling me to click on cardio and then search strength training???

    Yep :) see, MFP calculates cardio workouts based on your info (height, weight, age) and gives an estimated number of calories burned. Strength training as a category is a bit more tricky to calculate since there are so many variables affecting calories burned. It can most easilu be done with a HRM. For the purposes of logging though, go ahead and search strength training under the cardiovascular category :)