I think about it DAY&NIGHT, is it normal/healthy?



  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I think about it all the time too. I figure it's better than looking forward to unhealthy sweets and big unhealthy meals like I did before. I think MFP is really helpful because it keeps me mindful of what I'm eating and how much exercise makes a difference. Look at it as being focused on your healthy lifestyle and doing something great for yourself. There is definitely nothing wrong with that!! :smile:
  • I also think about it day and night, but this is a good thing. We are paying attention to what we eat, the caloric intake, carbs/sugar/fat/sodium, we are finally holding ourselves accountable! I am 40+ days into this weight loss journey and I have lost 16 pounds so far. Hoping to lose 66 - 70 more pounds this year. We can do this!:wink:
  • I am new to MFP and I feel the same.. I used to obsess about how I looked (being overweight, feeling blah all the time) So I feel better now that I am focused on healthy living... It is new so it is exciting! I look at it like this: I am learning how to make better choices. I am being educated on how to eat better and how to stay on track. Once I get it, I will have it, and it will be a way of life.
    Good luck to us all!
  • firzdottie
    firzdottie Posts: 2 Member
    HI, I'm thinking that once eating healthier portions of healthier foods becomes second nature, our pre-occupation with dieting will fade. I hope, however, that we don't stop thinking about it altogether because, I lost weight several years ago but succumbed to peer pressure and gained it all back again. Now that I'm aware of that pitfall, I believe I'll do better this time. People who have no weight problems and others who do not have the will power to succeed at dieting themselves, can be very discouraging so beeee careful out there and good luck!
  • i'm the same way, if i don't get any workouts i get upset and very frustrated. all i do think about working out and starting to plan my food a day ahead.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do it too! It got to a point where it was overly obessive in my opinion though and I had to back up. It was pretty much running my life. I have found a hapy medium though I think. But yes I think it's perfectly normal to think about it all the time. It is a top priority in your life.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I think the biggest battle in weight loss/exercise is the mental one.
    If you can change your thinking, you can change everything else.
    When you stop thinking about what you are eating and when you will exercise, you run the risk of falling back into old habits and gaining the weight back.
    I've heard that it takes 21 days to break an old habit and make a new one.
    So don't stop thinking until healthy choices become a habit and lifestyle!
  • I have been doing weight watchers and MFP for 2 1/2 weeks and I know exactly what you are talking about. Not only do I think about dieting and exercise for myself but I seem to talk about it to anyone and everyone in hopes that they will join me in this journey whether they need to or not.I go to sleep thinking about what I am going to do at the gym at 5am and plan out my meals in my head for the day...My best friend is also in weght watchers and MFP and all we ever talk about it working out and dieting. I guess there are a lot worse things that I could obsess over but for now I am addicted to a healthy lifestyle.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    it isn't normal like some people have said, it is disordered. I was thinking about this the other day when I was reading the p90x nutrition guide and realized that i can be eating much more and just working out more.

    I decided I am not going to log any calories anymore, it has become an obsession.

    I have always been obsessed with my weight, but not with morsels of food. It is an addiction and I would say it is probably gonna be placed in the DSM (the mental health diagnoses manual) in the near future with the other eating disorders.

    I don't want to think about food all day anymore, or exercise, definitely need to stop!
  • christawill
    christawill Posts: 9 Member
    I do it too...and up until now I was pretty happy with it.......but I think I have hit a spot where I dont feel like i am getting the results as quickly as I want to & its a little discouraging. I've gotten off track a few times the last week & half & I know its b/c I am obsessing about why the weight is not coming off. I think I just need to try to put it out of my mind (or atleast try to , lol) & get back on track without worrying about the results for a while. I am hoping this "positive thinking" thing will surprise me w/ some weight loss.......*i hope...i hope*
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