Eat before or after a workout???

Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I always wondered what to do with this one. There are so many schools of thought. I eat when I am hungry. I have heard you should not exercise right before or after a workout, wait an hour in either direction. I also have heard that if you exercise after you eat you will not burn body fat cals. Confused.


  • I'm not completely sure, but my guess would be to eat after you workout, as i've heard that exercise boosts your metabolism for hours afterwards..

    i hope this helps
  • turnerl79
    turnerl79 Posts: 19 Member
    I work with a Navy Seal team and we have a nutritionist help us out. She says your body needs SOMETHING or it will not work. You know those people that run marathons and end up collapsing? It's because their brain needs fuel and is not getting any. I eat a little oatmeal about an hour to a half hour before my workout. Also, it is very important to feed your muscles after a workout. They call it a "recovery" meal or drink. For me it's organic fat-free chocolate milk. Since using this I have not had debilitating pain after a workout.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I have to eat after i workout especially if i am going to do cardio because with my stomach full i have problems controlling my breathing and just feel heavy, if i eat after i workout i find that i dont eat as much either, i usually dont wait an hour though... i have dinner after my evening workout and lunch right after my midday walk.. so not sure about that part... i have also heard that when you work out your metabolism gets a boost to you will burn up what you eat after quicker not sure if thats true or not...
  • KWSR16
    KWSR16 Posts: 91
    The last meal I have before I go to the gym is lunch around noon. Then I usually have a snack around 3 or so. I go to the gym and start working out around 5. So I try not to eat too much before going to the gym. I have heard that if you eat before hand then your body will use up the calories you just ate, not the ones already in your body therefore slowing down weight loss. I'm not a professional though so I'm not sure that I'm entirely correct. But after I work out I go home and immediately eat something (mostly because its been 7 hours since my last real meal) and I have lost over 15lbs in about a month and a half...(it only shows 13 on here, but I dont know how to fix the starting weight since I entered it wrong.) But thats just my personal thoughts. =)
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    The answer is -- YES
  • It totally just depends on YOU and what works for YOU. I, personally, cannot eat before a workout because I will get sick, but that's not the case with everyone. I have to give at least an hour and a half to 2 hours before i work out after I eat.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    it really doesn't matter either way so long as you take that hour gap so you don't get sick. I prefer after because my appetite is decreased by exercise. I do however believe in eating when hungry so if I'm just feeling the need I will have light snack that might keep me focused on my routine instead of my tummy.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    I read in the Body Sculpting Bible that its best not to workout two to three hours before working out and after your workout..have a recovery snack or drink
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    I just have something really small like a bowl of oatmeal or cereal bar as I exercise as soon as I get up.
  • KWSR16
    KWSR16 Posts: 91
    it only shows 13 on here, but I dont know how to fix the starting weight since I entered it wrong.)

    YAY! I fixed it lol
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    Yes, I agree totally with Jenn -- it is how YOU feel. It depends on my workout but if I am running/walking for an hour if I don't eat my blood sugar plummets and I feel shaky and weak before I am done. Otherwise if it is just a couple of miles, I am fine if I don't eat. So try it both ways and do what feels better for you to get you through your workout with lots of energy!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    it depends. for me i usually workout at night so i've eaten all through the day but i try especially if its a high impact workout not to eat for an hour or so before working out but i think that you need some fuel before a workout even if its just a piece of fruit
  • enmaku
    enmaku Posts: 24
    Absolutely eat before a workout, just don't have a three course meal with steak and potatoes. What you need pre-workout is a light, carbohydrate-heavy meal to provide the short-term energy boost you need to get through your workout - think pasta, trail mix, oatmeal, high-energy fruits like bananas or apples. What you have post-workout depends heavily on what you just did at the gym: cardio doesn't really require anything special to re-fuel, but if you've done any kind of weight training at all, you need protein - lots of it and as fast as possible. That's why so many people guzzle protein shakes after their workout, water-soluble whey proteins are extremely fast acting and can be ready for use in as little as 30 minutes. After muscle-building workouts your body needs two things desperately - it needs to rebuild the muscle tissue you've damaged and it needs to replenish your depleted glycogen stores. Good protein supplements do both of these things very quickly and effectively.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    well, your body needs some sort of fuel to run on....or you will poop out before you are done....and also, it is my thought, yes, exercise does speed up your metabolism, so either way....if you eat before hand or after, the metabolism will still be up burning off what you ate, or have stored.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I try not to eat before a workout to burn more fat. I workout in the mornings and there are those days where I wake up starving so I may have wheat toast with peanut butter. I dont nknow if this is the correct thing to do though.
  • I do both. There are some days I know I'm not going to get through a two-mile swim or a six mile run without eating something first. Never immediately before, but I don't wait an hour (maybe 20 minutes), and it's always small so I don't feel sick - like a graham cracker with almond butter or something. That's a really calorie-dense snack though, so it may not be for everyone.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    For me this depends on how soon after lunch I work out. If its more than 2 hours, I have a snack about 45 minutes before I hit the gym. This is usually a 200 calorie-ish carb and protein mix, like greek yogurt or some tuna on a wasa. Afterwards, I always make sure to have some sort of recovery drink- your muscles need the protein and some carbs. This is usually a protein shake and an apple.

    For me its very hard to only use my appetite as a hunger gauge, so I stick to a schedule.
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